Ridiculous Reasons to See the Nurse

Specialties School


So, we really need a place to log the ridiculous reasons some kids have to get out of class and come see the nurse. You know, those pressing medical problems like, "my lips hurt." I had that one today.

Earlier this year I had a student come see me because she had a hair on her tongue!!

Somewhere there is a teacher giving these kids a clinic pass for these visits!

What are the crazy reasons to see the nurse at your clinic??

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

We live in GEORGIA and started school August 5th!

So every single day for the first few weeks of school, the 4th grade teachers would send in a mass of students after recess who "didn't feel good." They'd just show up together all sweaty and smelly, storming the clinic, all shouting their symptoms together, "I don't feel good! I'm dizzy! I'm seeing spots!" As I'm dealing with actual sick students...ya know, diabetics, seizures, etc.

Okay, my treatment is for you to sit calmly in a cool environment...walk quietly OUT of my clinic and get your butts in your seats in your classrooms. Tell your teachers to be expecting a message from the Nurse, please.

Specializes in Peds, Oncology.
I had a student come to my office with a note from the science teacher that said, "sleep there, not in science."


I would write back, "no sleep at all, sorry. Coming back to you."

Specializes in Peds, Oncology.
We live in GEORGIA and started school August 5th!

So every single day for the first few weeks of school, the 4th grade teachers would send in a mass of students after recess who "didn't feel good." They'd just show up together all sweaty and smelly, storming the clinic, all shouting their symptoms together, "I don't feel good! I'm dizzy! I'm seeing spots!" As I'm dealing with actual sick students...ya know, diabetics, seizures, etc.

Okay, my treatment is for you to sit calmly in a cool environment...walk quietly OUT of my clinic and get your butts in your seats in your classrooms. Tell your teachers to be expecting a message from the Nurse, please.

I am having the same exact issues.

Specializes in School Nurse.
We live in GEORGIA and started school August 5th!

So every single day for the first few weeks of school, the 4th grade teachers would send in a mass of students after recess who "didn't feel good." They'd just show up together all sweaty and smelly, storming the clinic, all shouting their symptoms together, "I don't feel good! I'm dizzy! I'm seeing spots!" As I'm dealing with actual sick students...ya know, diabetics, seizures, etc.

Okay, my treatment is for you to sit calmly in a cool environment...walk quietly OUT of my clinic and get your butts in your seats in your classrooms. Tell your teachers to be expecting a message from the Nurse, please.

While I do not live in the South, the Midwest is in the middle of a September heat wave. This year I advocated for allowing all students to have water bottles in class which was granted. Now there is really no excuse for my middle school kids to be coming to me with dehydration related issues.

I thought you all might appreciate this. I found it on teachers pay teachers and it's a free download. I'm thinking of printing one for each classroom. :yes:


I'm making this bulletin board for several of my health rooms that I go to. I need some awesome phrases or saying to put on them! Need suggestions for elementary, middle and high school kids! Thanks in advance!!!


Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

My fingers hurt because my mom clipped my fingernails too short last night.

Oh, yeah and...

My left ear feels funny when I blink my eyes.

Specializes in School Nurse.

My response to "teacher said get an ice pack, go home, lay down...Oh? your teacher is a nurse or doctor? She isn't? Then I will assess and decide for myself"

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

The all-encompassing statement "I'm sick". And it's cousin: "I don't feel good."

Really? My standard response, after giving the student a questioning look for an uncomfortable 5-10 seconds (for the student anyways) is "I need more information than that." Sometimes I have to ask the student to clarify further when they replace the "I'm sick" statement with the "I don't feel good" statement (or vice versa).

Or this one:

Student: I sprained my thumb again in gym class.

Me: OK- when did you injure it the first time?

Student: I didn't.

Me: But you just said you sprained it AGAIN.

Student: (looking at me like I'm the clueless one) I've never hurt this thumb before.

Me: But...wha....?!? Never mind. Tell me what happened.

The all-encompassing statement "I'm sick". And it's cousin: "I don't feel good."

Really? My standard response, after giving the student a questioning look for an uncomfortable 5-10 seconds (for the student anyways) is "I need more information than that." Sometimes I have to ask the student to clarify further when they replace the "I'm sick" statement with the "I don't feel good" statement (or vice versa).

Oh, yes. So fun. When I hear "I don't feel good" I respond "Would you be more specific please? There are many ways in which you could 'not feel good' " And if it's stomach ache then I ask if it feels like they want to throw up or more like they need to use the bathroom really bad (since they will NEVER tell me if it's diarrhea).

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

Ugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh....the "I don't feel good" has me rolling my eyes eternally into the recesses of my brain this afternoon!

I always follow that with the "well, WHAT exactly doesn't feel good??" My favorite is when they follow with, "I just don't feel good." Ermygerd, kid, you're killing me!!

I think I'm going to switch over to the long, silent stare a la Ohiobobcat.

Ugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh....the "I don't feel good" has me rolling my eyes eternally into the recesses of my brain this afternoon!

I always follow that with the "well, WHAT exactly doesn't feel good??" My favorite is when they follow with, "I just don't feel good." Ermygerd, kid, you're killing me!!

I think I'm going to switch over to the long, silent stare a la Ohiobobcat.

The "I don't feel good" followed by the huge fake tears and whining so bad I can't understand what part doesn't feel good. I want to hide under my desk when I see this one coming toward my door, seriously I want to hide!

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