Published Oct 3, 2014
762 Posts
So, we really need a place to log the ridiculous reasons some kids have to get out of class and come see the nurse. You know, those pressing medical problems like, "my lips hurt." I had that one today.
Earlier this year I had a student come see me because she had a hair on her tongue!!
Somewhere there is a teacher giving these kids a clinic pass for these visits!
What are the crazy reasons to see the nurse at your clinic??
14 Posts
I had a 1st grader come to see me at the end of last year crying because she "almost sneezed in class" but didn't actually sneeze.
408 Posts
I had a 4th grader the other day who didn't know why he was sent to the health office. He just said, I don't know, my teacher told me to come see you. Ummm ok lol.
A hair on her tongue...good one! At least we have the ability to see the humor, even though it's extra work for us to "treat" these maladies.
HappyWife77, BSN, RN
739 Posts
What about the famous eraser burns on the skin.....done on purpose of course!
36 Posts
I had a couple of good ones this week. One middle school student had her sweater stuck in her braces. Another one, I was called down for an emergency with no name or description of the incident (of course). I run into the class room and I find a girl with her hand pinched in her chair. Needless to say we had to call the maintenance worker for that one . I love this job you just never know what will walk in next.
12,646 Posts
"I'm hungry!"
"When do you have lunch?"
"Next period!"
Wave Watcher
751 Posts
I work in a magnet school (enough said). I had a 6th grader come to me from art. Her hand was literally glued shut holding her pencil. Glued shut folks. I could not pry her hand open. I could not stop laughing. Finally, went to the science lab and grabbed a large beaker, filled it with warm water and soaked her hand for 20 minutes till the glue dissolved.
Also had a 3rd grader playing on a walking bridge with metal railings outside. She got her leg stuck between the railings. More she pulled, the worse it got. They called me on the walkie and told me what was going on. I know half the school heard me yell,"I ain't no engineer!" So, as Doc Mcstuffins would do....I grabbed a jar of Vaseline and lubbed her leg up like a Thanksgiving turkey and that little sucker slid right outta there!
Score! Nailed it!
56 Posts
"My skin is too dark." o.O
mc3, ASN, RN
931 Posts
"Everyone is my class is sick, so I'm sick too..." no symptoms of anything
"Dog poop on my sneaker" (yup, I have a magic dog poop cleaner; goes along with my magic wand...)
"my nose hurts" has a cold.....this, from a fifth grader
and on and on...
What amazes me is the teachers actually send them up! C'mon you guys!!!!!
"I'm hungry!""When do you have lunch?""Next period!"ooooookay...
This happens all the time!!!
student: " I have a headache"
me: "hmm, no fever. Did you eat breakfast?"
student: "um, no"
me: "when is lunch?"
student: "in 10 minutes"
me: "do you think you could be hungry?"
student: "umm, yeah"
okey dokey...........
student: "I have a stomach ache" everything checks out fine, used bathroom etc...
me: "How long have you had it?"
student: "since school started (In August)
me: "Has it gotten better, worse, or stayed the same?"
student: "I dunno"
me: "Did you tell Mom/Dad/"step-Mom" or "step-Dad"?
me: "why not?"
Oh, yes! I get the classroom epidemics. "Evan had to go home yesterday because he threw up and his desk is beside mine so I think I'm sick now." Next thing I know, I've got 10 fourth graders trying to go home. Unfortunately they didn't discuss their symptoms ahead of time so everyone feels completely different but is convinced they've caught Evan's disease.
Do you have certain grades or groups of kids that seem to be in the clinic a lot? Mine are 6th grade boys and all of fourth grade.