Personnal lives or reckless?

Nurses General Nursing


i have a question as nurses when should it be a "you should know better because your a medical professional" or if it is just living out lives?

see i often wonder if my hobby is one of recklessness or not. i ride horses, but not only ride its kind of a passion. i compete (or did last summer) and i do quite a bit of training. so here is the reckless part, i take 1500 pound animals to 4ft fences at quite an alarming pace (its faster than it looks). and if the horses get scared or just doesn't agree with my plans i can end up kissing the dirt or worse the fence or the horse's feet. i also start from scratch on several horses each summer, being the first one on a horse is an incredible feeling, and being with them as they start to understand that riding can be a fun and exiting.

i feel on top of the world when i'm riding and at the barn, i would never give up that feeling for anything. i know it is a dangerous hobby, and i have my riding injury list (a few to many broken bones, and 3 concussions) but to me it is worth it.

what hobbies do other nurses have that maybe could also be considered reckless or fall into the category or "you should know better"? i'm just trying to learn more about the people whose profession i will soon be joining.

thanx sr


i reread and edited and some of the spelling and grammer, but i'm sure it's still not perfect:p

As far as hobbies go, I say "to each his own."

BUT, as far as you joining the profession, I suggest you take a refresher course in grammar and spelling before you apply to nursing school. Didn't you just graduate from high school? How can your grammar be that bad when you just got out of school? Just how many concussions have you had?

I'm sorry to be so mean, but I am applying to nursing school late in life and I am very nervous about getting into school. It makes me sick to know that people who can't even speak or write their OWN language could be accepted. :uhoh3:

and one of the very first things you'll learn in nursing school is not to be judgemental. and for your own peace of mind??? don't sweat the small stuff.

just worry about yourself before you feel the need to criticize others.

I'm sorry to be so mean, but I am applying to nursing school late in life and I am very nervous about getting into school. It makes me sick to know that people who can't even speak or write their OWN language could be accepted. :uhoh3:

Take my word for it. You're going to encounter ALOT more stuff in nursing school that will make you more sick than what just a few mispelled words do. MUHAAHH HAAHHH!!!!! :rotfl: (Joking) (Sorry if I mispelled MUHAAHH HAAHHH; I wasn't sure how to spell it.)

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

To the original poster - you are right that with spell-check and grammar-check it's easy to turn in a great paper. And...congrats on going to nursing school right out of high school - to me that shows you are mature and motivated. Good as to hobbies - gee whiz - I'm a volunteer fireman/EMT (pre-hospital RN) and I do get into some dangerous situations - sliding down an embankment to get to a trapped motorist, fighting fires, etc. However, as an ER RN I really like the adrenaline rush too.

As far as hobbies go, I say "to each his own."

BUT, as far as you joining the profession, I suggest you take a refresher course in grammar and spelling before you apply to nursing school. Didn't you just graduate from high school? How can your grammar be that bad when you just got out of school? Just how many concussions have you had?

I'm sorry to be so mean, but I am applying to nursing school late in life and I am very nervous about getting into school. It makes me sick to know that people who can't even speak or write their OWN language could be accepted. :uhoh3:

Man that was harsh!~ I guess you are a perfectionist? Ya know sometimes on these boards a person is typing or trying to type fast and sometimes a word gets messed up or something but you seem to be simply rude.

and one of the very first things you'll learn in nursing school is not to be judgemental. and for your own peace of mind??? don't sweat the small stuff.

just worry about yourself before you feel the need to criticize others.

I see alot of grammatical errors and it bugs me too! But I would never be so mean. I even make errors. And it does look bad. I will be 33 this year and will also be trying to get into nursing school next year. Developing a good writing style takes time. And unlike us many younger students have always had spell check. I don't think were a teacher I would allow it as it does not offer the student a chance to learn from their mistakes. OOPS. That should go to wannabe.

To the OP. I don't have any dangerous hobbies. And if you want to improve your writing try not using the spell check but the dictionary. Just a suggestion not being catty or anything. If you do that when you are doing an assignment, then spell check it see if there are additional errors and your writing will improve. As you get more college work under your belt you will also see an improvement. I am sure at 19 my writing was not very good. But I don't think you should be flamed for it on this board. And we shouldn't have to wonder if someone is going to say something on this board. It is an informal chat for goodness sakes.

I live very dangerously I have a wife and two teenage daughters. The dangerous part is disagreeing with them about anything!

ZJust a little something fo the lighter side

The pweor of the hmuan mnid

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutced at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit oedrer. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

flyeeng and wurking Trahma prety much rooned all of my dangrus hobees. I still luv to rok clime, tho. I never rid motercykles and sertianly wont ever.

Spelling purposely changed out of spite. :devil:

There are some who put others down simply to make themselves feel good. These people are the ones to watch out for. This is because they lack any form of confidence. They are also most prone to make big mistakes and blame others for their failures. This person should think twice before entering this profession. We eat our young.

i acicendatlly vgae lck+ nitsaed fo sn nda ti lliked hte apteint....poos! i saw ssupneded orf dab pselilgn.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

good point, i never thought of it that way. when i was in school i was always turning to a dictionary to get a word spelled corektly (just kidding! don't e-bash me). spell check has probably become a crutch for kids today the way that calculators became a crutch for a lot of us in comparison to our parents. anyway, sorry about the lack of caps, i get lazy that way on-line sometimes, but trust me i do know how to properly capitalize so please keep your comments on that subject to yourself! lol :rotfl:

I see alot of grammatical errors and it bugs me too! But I would never be so mean. I even make errors. And it does look bad. I will be 33 this year and will also be trying to get into nursing school next year. Developing a good writing style takes time. And unlike us many younger students have always had spell check.
Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

As for the hobbies ... I skydive. I hope to do my first solo jump this summer. What an amazing rush! :)

Specializes in NICU, PICU, educator.

Oh for Pete's sake...lighten up! If not spelling a word is the worst thing on you have ever done, well, you need to find a hobby besides looking for others mistakes!


My DH and I ride on his Harley, he skydives, we both scuba dive, we white water raft and we are introducing our 9 year old to that, and I show dogs...and that can be pretty risk taking in itself with all the big doggies showing who is the alpha LOL Nothing like a good snarling, snapping, hair ripping before you go in the ring LOL And that are the handlers LOL should never start a sentence with and, by the way! LOL

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