Published Sep 10, 2005
136 Posts
Hi everyone! I just wanted to update those of you who I talk to or those who PM me and give me encouragement all the time. Anywho, I am going to start my NCLEX preperation THIS coming Monday (9/12). I have devised my own study plan and I'm going to tackle it HEAD on. I'm giving it 110% and if it doesn't work I'm done damnit cause I will have tried everything.
For those of you who don't know me I'm preparing to take the NCLEX for the 4th (and final) time. So, like I said the studying begins THIS Monday with the forcasted date of 11/21 for taking the NCLEX.
I gave myself weekends off from studying because that is the only days for "family time" where my husband, daughter and I can spend the whole day together with just ourselves or with other family and friends.
Wish me luck!
Brandi :)
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Hope that you are using my plan, and not yours.
234 Posts
I have read some of your posts from before and i know how hard you worked and still working on it. I wish you all the best, Brandi, studying is sooo hard :) , but don't give up. Make this time - the last time!!!!!!!!!
And if you need any help ( i myself haven't passed nclex yet and i'm not too smart, but who knows, maybe, somehow i could be of any help... :) ) or support, don't hesitate....
157 Posts
Best of luck with your NCLEX study plan. Keep us posted on your progress.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Best of luck to you!
Think positive, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
Nurse Eva
10 Posts
Hi Brandi! Its Nurse Eva here.. Just to let you know that I have attempted the nclex 4 times, and failed all 4 times ( I'm very Embarrassed about this #). I'm a nurse from Canada, and I've gone though every book imagineable to pass this darn exam. But, like you , I will perservere till I pass cause I want to work in the states so badly! It was, and still is my most important goal to accomplish since attaining my RN diploma in Canada. Good-luck to you!! Sincerely Eva.
Hi everyone! I just wanted to update those of you who I talk to or those who PM me and give me encouragement all the time. Anywho, I am going to start my NCLEX preperation THIS coming Monday (9/12). I have devised my own study plan and I'm going to tackle it HEAD on. I'm giving it 110% and if it doesn't work I'm done damnit cause I will have tried everything.For those of you who don't know me I'm preparing to take the NCLEX for the 4th (and final) time. So, like I said the studying begins THIS Monday with the forcasted date of 11/2 for taking the NCLEX.Wish me luck!Brandi :)
For those of you who don't know me I'm preparing to take the NCLEX for the 4th (and final) time. So, like I said the studying begins THIS Monday with the forcasted date of 11/2 for taking the NCLEX.
43 Posts
Hope you pass, I'll keep you in my prayers.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,743 Posts
Good luck to you!
christvs, DNP, RN, NP
1,019 Posts
Good luck! You can do it! :)
I just want to thank everyone for their support. I think I have devised a pretty darn good study plan that will allow me to not only do more than 4,000 questions during my study period, but it will also give me a little nursing review (I haven't been in school for 2 years), but NOT to much that I'm not focused on understanding what the NCLEX is looking for. And don't worry Suzanne I will review every raitonale!
Thanks again and I will keep you updated on my process. The studying begins MONDAY!!!!
59 Posts
My hat is off to you, you are determined! Best of luck, if I can help in anyway let me know... Goodluck
Thank you so much! I will defiantly let you know if I need anything.
Brandi, soon-to-be