
Nurses General Nursing


I am a registered nurse and like the fact that nurses stood together, but the power of social media to crush or destroy somebody scares me. We need to try and adhere to the Golden Rule especially when using social media! So I posted the following on twitter hoping to advance the Golden Rule. The world now knows that nurses have limits on being belittled and disrespected. Now let us reinforce the public's faith that we are loving and nonjudgmental group!

#nursesunite rarely but #nursesforgive ALWAYS! @TheView @JoyVBehar

Specializes in critical care.
I thought this was a serious site where nurses could talk shop and express ourselves. This line of discussion should be om a different discussion. I don't like talking about patients current or former. I feel that is very disrespectful. Just my opinion.

Gaitor, my apologies for the derailment. I can see what you describe is legitimately frustrating for you, so allow me to respond to that, and then I'll share why I've intentionally derailed here.

First, regarding the nurses forgive hashtag you'd like to launch....

I am not sure what is described at the beginning of this thread is necessarily golden rule, but simply the capacity to forgive. In the scheme of all atrocities in existence, a few idiots on a talk show are terribly unimportant. Clearly they are the ones uneducated and they are the ones not listening.

Nurses unite has brought the spotlight to us. What should we, can we achieve with that? We are more than doctor's stethoscopes and costumes. A petition with tens of thousands of signatures has been launched with the hope of minimum staffing legislation being created. If that actually gains traction, imagine how huge that will be!

Forgiveness? Sure. I was at forgiveness pretty much as soon as it happened. It's daytime tv. I don't care enough to continue to actually be angry. I feel like, creating an actual movement of nurses forgive is a little bit pious. We were heard, they ate humble pie, and now it's time to move on, see what can be accomplished with the unity we've gained.

As for gender issues, I think it sucks that stereotypes exist toward male nurses. You won't see me be one of those women who says, "oh, yeah? Women have had it hard forever." Just because women have struggled with sexual discrimination and harassment doesn't mean it's okay for men to experience it. It does, however, make me hope just a little that when you hear women describe how they've been targeted for gender, you feel more empathy because you understand a little.

Now, derailment is not meant to be disrespectful. It was for the sake of adding humor into a topic that has been beaten to death over the last week. I do genuinely apologize if you feel I was disrespectful as this was not the intention.

Joy Behar is not the enemy. I thought nurses looked really oversensitive and stupid during this whole kerfuffle - for various reasons.

Specializes in CVICU/ICU.
Nurses unite has brought the spotlight to us. What should we, can we achieve with that? We are more than doctor's stethoscopes and costumes. A petition with tens of thousands of signatures has been launched with the hope of minimum staffing legislation being created. If that actually gains traction, imagine how huge that will be!

I think we agree. I was pointing out that there are many statements, movies etc. that Nurses Unite can and in my opinion should pursue. I don't want this to become a one item issue. I don't want the hammer to become our identity. to the point that our patients need to fear us. I think crushing specific people can backfire. Public opinion is fickle. In my opinion, at some point, the public needs to be reminded that we are forgiving. If our image is important to use we need to shape it. Again, this is just my opinion. No offence taken.

I do believe we've gotten all the serious we're going to get out of this thread. Now we're into silly.

Bonus points if you know what movie this is from:

"Lighten up, Francis."

You and I both know that I know that it's from Stripes, and Sgt. Hulka uttered the line. Which I use all the time.

A Goddess, I'm telling you, Jensmom.:barefoot:

Specializes in CVICU/ICU.


Joy Behar is not the enemy. I thought nurses looked really oversensitive and stupid during this whole kerfuffle - for various reasons.

I completely agree.

Specializes in Hospice.

Awright, Gator!! You have potential!! 👍

Specializes in PACU, ED.

I agree that there are much bigger issues #nursesunited can work on. Patient safety and staffing ratios are two, just off the top of my head. However, I don't think The View adds any value to society and would not cry if it is cancelled. It feeds a segment that likes to see gossips alternatively praise or deride and ridicule other people.

I don't care about the stethoscope. That was just ignorance talking. What chapped my hide was Michelle missing the point of the nursing story, ridiculing it, and leading the group in laughter. She may not understand the nurse/patient bond but please don't laugh at it. The backhanded apology, that nurses didn't listen or understand what was said, did not help their cause.

Specializes in ED, Cardiac-step down, tele, med surg.

I'm so sick of the "customer service" bs nurses are pushed into, placating rude disrespectful families and patients. Then the ignorance in the media about what nurses do disgusts me even more. I'm kinda fed up with the bending over backwards nurses are expected to do. I would never take anything out on a patient and I will do my job to the highest standards I am able but I don't also have to kiss *** at the same time. That's not in my job description and I think that is the sentiment many nurses expressed over this baloney. I don't think anyone was "crushed". Exposing someones ignorance is different than crushing someone.

Specializes in CVICU/ICU.
I'm so sick of the "customer service" bs nurses are pushed into, placating rude disrespectful families and patients.

I understand your point. I wasn't pushing customer service... I was pushing for humanity as I see it.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

Her and the Cosby kid.

I understand your point. I wasn't pushing customer service... I was pushing for humanity as I see it.

Howzabout not pushing at all?

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