22,000 Nurses Refuse *Mandatory* Vaccinations

Nurses General Nursing


Today, there is an article posted on how 22,000 nurses are taking a stand against mandatory vaccination. These nurses are willing to lose their jobs to stand up for their Pro-choice rights. I have included the link below so you can read the article for yourself. Learn more about NAMV (Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines)

NAMV was founded when mandatory vaccines were introduced in the workplace, and though it is not pro-vaccine OR anti-vaccine, it is certainly pro-CHOICE. NAMV members believe that all people should have the right to choose and refuse medical treatment, including nurses and healthcare workers.

22,000 Nurses Refuse *Mandatory* Vaccinations | Natural Society

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Lyme disease is not contracted like other diseases that require vaccination, so I'm not sure I understand your parallel to the flu vaccine.

Just responding to a previous poster who stated the lyme disease vaccine went away due to lack of interest. Sorry for the mini hijack. Back to the regulary scheduled discussion.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
My point was towards you saying that you getting the flu vaccine does not prevent you transmitting the flu to a pt, when in all actuality, it does, as per research- this is part of the premise of healthcare workers getting vaccinated, to prevent transmission to the pt population.

This is what the term "herd immunity" actually refers to. The more people there are who get protected - the more protected everyone else is. Even the very young, very old and anyone else who is going to have a limited response to the vaccine themselves.

Specializes in Urology.

Thanks. What you did for me there was great twofold.

First you still didn't answer my question. Yes I'm well aware that unvaccinated persons can spread the virus. It failed to mention anything about vaccinated people transmitting the virus (by not saying it couldnt). Yes I'm well aware of how herd immunity works, you're still well below your goal with a little over 1/3rd of people receiving the shot. I'm pretty sure my point has been made here. What I want to focus on next is the real reason why you are required to get one. This is a direct quote from your article you linked.

"Beginning January 2014, CMS will impose financial penalties on facilities that have not achieved a90% vaccination rate among their healthcare workers. In addition, CMS has announced thathospital-acquired infections – including nosocomial influenza – will no longer be reimbursed"

Again it was never about your or your patients, it was always about the money. Believe it.



California Senate Bill 1318, recently vetoed by the Governor, would have required, commencingJanuary 1, 2015, each clinic and health facility to have a 90% or higher vaccination rate. It alsowould have required the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), in consultation with theCalifornia Conference of Local Health Officers (CCLHO), to develop a model mandatoryvaccination policy” by July 15, 2015. For each year the facility did not achieve a 90% or highervaccination rate, it would be required to adopt the model mandatory vaccination policy” for thefollowing influenza season. A violation of these provisions would have been punishable as amisdemeanor. This information is significant because the Governor, in his veto message, stated thatthis is an issue that should be decided by the local public health authority, which is now being donethrough this order

Specializes in Urology.
Just responding to a previous poster who stated the lyme disease vaccine went away due to lack of interest. Sorry for the mini hijack. Back to the regulary scheduled discussion.

It did go away because of lack of interest. Read the page! "A Lyme disease vaccine is no longer available. The vaccine manufacturer discontinued production in 2002, citing insufficient consumer demand."

Lyme disease vaccine | Lyme Disease | CDC

Not mandatory here either yet.

I have 2 cousins that have been diagnosed with GBS after their flu vaccines - that makes me nervous.

Anne, RNC

I can understand that your cousins' experience would make you nervous. But people get GBS regardless of whether or not they had the flu vaccine. There was a problem with the 1976 flu shot and GBS. Other than that single year, the studies that have been done have found that one has a greater risk of developing GBS after getting the flu than after getting the flu vaccine, and the rate of GBS in people who have been vaccinated is not any higher than in people who haven't been.


Whats with the exclamation point and restating your position?. I made a little joke I wasn't disagreeing with you. Calm down

It did go away because of lack of interest. Read the page! "A Lyme disease vaccine is no longer available. The vaccine manufacturer discontinued production in 2002, citing insufficient consumer demand."

Lyme disease vaccine | Lyme Disease | CDC

Had difficulty using the quote feature on my phone

Specializes in Critical Care.
bold mine

The minute someone challenges their opinion with actual data and facts they often respond with angry attacks which are ego and emotion driven. I find that anti-vaxers quickly devolve into mean school girls in their level of discourse when they realize that there is no real scientific basis for their fears or beliefs.

Flu vaccines are not effective nor are they safe. The efficacy rate has been less than 50%, last year's was only around 20%! Yet the risks are real most specifically of guillaine barre so real that you have to read a disclaimer of the risk before getting the flu shot. I think its a violation of our civil rights of our own body to be forced to take a vaccine that may paralyze us, even cause our death! Everybody that is so stupidly pro vaccine conveniently discounts the risks because they think it will never happen to them and too bad for the poor victims that it happens to! Whose going to pay their bills and compensate for potentially permanent injuries even death and this for a crappy vaccine that was only 20% effective! FYI when you are 50+ the risks of GB increase.

I think its a violation of our civil rights of our own body to be forced to take a vaccine that may paralyze us, even cause our death!

Again, no one is being "forced." Employers are free to set it as a condition of employment if they choose to, and individual nurses are free to refuse the shot if they are uncomfortable with it. Go right ahead and refuse -- more jobs for the rest of us. :)

Specializes in ICU.
Flu vaccines are not effective nor are they safe. The efficacy rate has been less than 50%, last year's was only around 20%! Yet the risks are real most specifically of guillaine barre so real that you have to read a disclaimer of the risk before getting the flu shot. I think its a violation of our civil rights of our own body to be forced to take a vaccine that may paralyze us, even cause our death! Everybody that is so stupidly pro vaccine conveniently discounts the risks because they think it will never happen to them and too bad for the poor victims that it happens to! Whose going to pay their bills and compensate for potentially permanent injuries even death and this for a crappy vaccine that was only 20% effective! FYI when you are 50+ the risks of GB increase.

From the CDC webpage:

"Many things can cause GBS; about two-thirds of people who develop GBS symptoms do so several days or weeks after they have been sick with diarrhea or a respiratory illness."

So, most of people who develop GBS do so after having an actual illness, not having a vaccine. I would wager those respiratory illnesses that can cause GBS include the flu. You are probably more likely to get GBS from the flu itself than the flu shot. Luckily, we do have a method available to protect ourselves from the flu, and thus, decreasing our risks of getting GBS.

Source: Guillain-Barre

Flu vaccines are not effective nor are they safe. The efficacy rate has been less than 50%, last year's was only around 20%! Yet the risks are real most specifically of guillaine barre so real that you have to read a disclaimer of the risk before getting the flu shot. I think its a violation of our civil rights of our own body to be forced to take a vaccine that may paralyze us, even cause our death! Everybody that is so stupidly pro vaccine conveniently discounts the risks because they think it will never happen to them and too bad for the poor victims that it happens to! Whose going to pay their bills and compensate for potentially permanent injuries even death and this for a crappy vaccine that was only 20% effective! FYI when you are 50+ the risks of GB increase.

Here we are with the straw man again. NO ONE has ever been "forced" to have a flu shot. You retain your right to refuse to put this vile substance in your body.

And yeah, the incidence of GBS (and other complications) is far higher for people who become ill than it is in people who are vaccinated. Bet you don't want people to know that, though, do you?

Any nurse who refuses vaccinations for a reason other than being immunocompromised should be fired. The have no business calling themselves a healthcare provider.

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