22,000 Nurses Refuse *Mandatory* Vaccinations

Nurses General Nursing


Today, there is an article posted on how 22,000 nurses are taking a stand against mandatory vaccination. These nurses are willing to lose their jobs to stand up for their Pro-choice rights. I have included the link below so you can read the article for yourself. Learn more about NAMV (Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines)

NAMV was founded when mandatory vaccines were introduced in the workplace, and though it is not pro-vaccine OR anti-vaccine, it is certainly pro-CHOICE. NAMV members believe that all people should have the right to choose and refuse medical treatment, including nurses and healthcare workers.

22,000 Nurses Refuse *Mandatory* Vaccinations | Natural Society

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Specializes in Urology.
Lots of things weren't considered best practice 30 years ago and now are. That's because health care is always evolving. No, the flu vaccine is not 100% effective, nothing is. People who are immunocompromised can get the flu shot, but will mount a diminished response. Here's where you come in: by being protected yourself, you lessen the risk of carrying something to your immunocompromised pt. It works the same way with small babies and the elderly.

We'll probably never have 100% effectiveness, but the more of us who protect ourselves, the more protection we provide to the more vulnerable among us. It's not either-or; it's doing everything possible to protect as many people as possible.

Me being protected does nothing to affect tranmission. What it does is protect me from getting sick or help lessen the severity. It doesnt stop me spreading the virus around. Hand washing does that, so does wearing a mask and gloves. This is what everyone is dodging. It has nothing to do about me doing whats right for the patient. Everyone saying its best for the patient, its not. Whats best for the patient is you A. using standard precautions and B. them getting the shot.

Yes evidenced based practice, but at what evidence has this determined that it is all of a sudden best practice to issue mandatory flu vaccines? Ide like for you to pull me some data on patients admitted for flu vs shot competency in staff. I bet there is little correlation.

Another thing. We had a lymes disease vaccine but guess what, it was discontinued due to lack of interest (Lyme disease vaccine | Lyme Disease | CDC). I'm pretty sure we would have people lined up and interested in that vaccine should it be produced again. Think to yourself though... Why would they discontinue a vaccine due to lack of interest? Even a few hundred a year should warrant production right? Would you think that the company who manufactured the vaccine might make more money if they just made drugs that treated the symptoms of lymes disease? Coincidence? Maybe. maybe not. This is in the same vein as madatory flu vaccines and what they are trying to force on me. Its existed for years but magically in the past 3 years I'm mandated to get a shot that doesnt have proven efficacy and I'm subjected to this idea that its somehow better for my patient If i get it but they dont? How smart does this sound? Sure I get the shot to stay employed but the methodology behind it, the science supporting it, and its implementation are weak at best to convince me otherwise. Until I can have a definate study that proves that without a doubt there is a correlation between madatory vaccines and flu virus admissions (hey doctoral students, heres your future research!) I wont budge. I'm open to be enlightened though.

Well I guess some company er..person will have to start a lyme disease outbreak. A few attractive victims splashed across the news should do the trick. But of course no company out to make money would do that. The thought is just insane.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.
I have worked with nurses who turned in fake "proof of vax" flu shot forms because they feel strongly against it. At the end of the day people are not robots and you can try to force them but....

I don't want to work with people like that for the simple fact that they have no integrity if they lie to deceive an employer. Those people should be fired and people who know about it and don't report it should also be reprimanded.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.
Well I guess some company er..person will have to start a lyme disease outbreak. A few attractive victims splashed across the news should do the trick. But of course no company out to make money would do that. The thought is just insane.

Lyme disease is not contracted like other diseases that require vaccination, so I'm not sure I understand your parallel to the flu vaccine.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.
Me being protected does nothing to affect tranmission. What it does is protect me from getting sick or help lessen the severity. It doesnt stop me spreading the virus around. Hand washing does that, so does wearing a mask and gloves. This is what everyone is dodging. It has nothing to do about me doing whats right for the patient. Everyone saying its best for the patient, its not. Whats best for the patient is you A. using standard precautions and B. them getting the shot.

Yes evidenced based practice, but at what evidence has this determined that it is all of a sudden best practice to issue mandatory flu vaccines? Ide like for you to pull me some data on patients admitted for flu vs shot competency in staff. I bet there is little correlation.

Another thing. We had a lymes disease vaccine but guess what, it was discontinued due to lack of interest (Lyme disease vaccine | Lyme Disease | CDC). I'm pretty sure we would have people lined up and interested in that vaccine should it be produced again. Think to yourself though... Why would they discontinue a vaccine due to lack of interest? Even a few hundred a year should warrant production right? Would you think that the company who manufactured the vaccine might make more money if they just made drugs that treated the symptoms of lymes disease? Coincidence? Maybe. maybe not. This is in the same vein as madatory flu vaccines and what they are trying to force on me. Its existed for years but magically in the past 3 years I'm mandated to get a shot that doesnt have proven efficacy and I'm subjected to this idea that its somehow better for my patient If i get it but they dont? How smart does this sound? Sure I get the shot to stay employed but the methodology behind it, the science supporting it, and its implementation are weak at best to convince me otherwise. Until I can have a definate study that proves that without a doubt there is a correlation between madatory vaccines and flu virus admissions (hey doctoral students, heres your future research!) I wont budge. I'm open to be enlightened though.

To your bolded section- it actually does prevent you from transmitting the virus. Hand washing alone will not stop flu transmission. Standard precautions will also not stop the transmission of flu bc it is droplet precautions and standard precautions don't encompass droplet precautions. So your theory is disproved. I have also not seen and credible research to back your own opinions on this subject.


Specializes in Urology.
To your bolded section- it actually does prevent you from transmitting the virus. Hand washing alone will not stop flu transmission. Standard precautions will also not stop the transmission of flu bc it is droplet precautions and standard precautions don't encompass droplet precautions. So your theory is disproved. I have also not seen and credible research to back your own opinions on this subject.


Please do go back and reread the entire scope of my posts. The bolded statement is in reference to the flu vaccine not transmission precautions (masks, gowns, handwashing, etc). Standard precautions are a part of droplet and I specifically typed gloves and mask in the sentence below. I'm sorry that I didnt reference "droplet" precautions in the later half, I figured you would have got the gist.

What credible research would you like? I'm not arguing that the flu shot be given. I'm arguing the process of manditorily giving the flu shot to staff for reasons that are not proven (like its better for your patient).

bold mine

The minute someone challenges their opinion with actual data and facts they often respond with angry attacks which are ego and emotion driven. I find that anti-vaxers quickly devolve into mean school girls in their level of discourse when they realize that there is no real scientific basis for their fears or beliefs.

Why they gotta be girls, bro?

Specializes in ICU + Infection Prevention.


That is less than 1% of nurses.

That is actually reassuring.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.
Please do go back and reread the entire scope of my posts. The bolded statement is in reference to the flu vaccine not transmission precautions (masks, gowns, handwashing, etc). Standard precautions are a part of droplet and I specifically typed gloves and mask in the sentence below. I'm sorry that I didnt reference "droplet" precautions in the later half, I figured you would have got the gist.

What credible research would you like? I'm not arguing that the flu shot be given. I'm arguing the process of manditorily giving the flu shot to staff for reasons that are not proven (like its better for your patient).

My point was towards you saying that you getting the flu vaccine does not prevent you transmitting the flu to a pt, when in all actuality, it does, as per research- this is part of the premise of healthcare workers getting vaccinated, to prevent transmission to the pt population.

Specializes in Urology.
My point was towards you saying that you getting the flu vaccine does not prevent you transmitting the flu to a pt, when in all actuality, it does, as per research- this is part of the premise of healthcare workers getting vaccinated, to prevent transmission to the pt population.

When you find that data that says a flu vaccinated person cannot pass it to a non vaccinated person please let me know.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
I have no problems with most vaccines however I have no desire to get the flu vaccine every year. Where I currently work the flu vaccine is not mandatory.

Not mandatory here either yet.

I have 2 cousins that have been diagnosed with GBS after their flu vaccines - that makes me nervous.

Anne, RNC

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.
When you find that data that says a flu vaccinated person cannot pass it to a non vaccinated person please let me know.


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