Nurses and the 2008 election


A recent study led by professor Peter Buerhaus polled registered nurses about two timely issues -- the state of health care and the importance of the issue in the upcoming election.

With a close election expected, the country's three million registered nurses could make a difference in the election, Buerhaus says.

Most nurses interviewed support some form of universal health care coverage, although opinions vary on just how extensive coverage should be.

Very few approve of the country's health care system as it stands now, the survey shows.

...Slightly more than half, or 51 percent, believe that if all nurses could join together to address one health problem, it would be the number of uninsured Americans.

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Specializes in Trauma.

Wow! All I can say is "wooo hooo, I'm proud, ecstatic, joyful, hopeful, laughing, crying and just down right, speechless" after watching the MOST historic moment in my lifetime, last night on TV! I am taking a

trip to the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama!!!

Today is such a beautiful day:) There are really no words to define how I feel.

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
You notice that when I wrote that. I used the word personally. So to suggest that I am irresponsible because I disagree with you. Interesting. You may feel he is great, History may show he is great. Personally I do not give him that much credibility. That is my take on it.

What is it that you know about him, that makes you feel that way?

I looked at my response to your post, and realize that it sounded hostile and snotty. I really, personally didn't feel that way, and I apologize if you

felt criticized by me. I am interested in knowing what bugs you about him.

Lois :bugeyes:

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
Wow! All I can say is "wooo hooo, I'm proud, ecstatic, joyful, hopeful, laughing, crying and just down right, speechless" after watching the MOST historic moment in my lifetime, last night on TV! I am taking a

trip to the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama!!!

Today is such a beautiful day:) There are really no words to define how I feel.

I'm with you. Our President-elect is a credit to all of us. He reflects all that is wonderful about Americans. I hope to work toward attaining a credible healthy care system with whoever he appoints to that task.

Please let me know how you get to go to the inauguration..... Do you think Brian& his staff would like a delegation of "All" to go with a sign identifying us as that? (Senior Staff reading this, could you take that suggestion to him?)

Also I'd love to know how to get involved in the new "dream team" creating better health care, as I was in Canada when their system began - but too newly graduated to be included in the organization of the implementation of it elsewhere.

I've been working as a volunteer at Obama's campaign office and wrote articles about his intentions for better healthcare that were published several times in local newspapers.:typing


Specializes in Trauma.

Well, I've been contemplating this inauguration road trip for months now. But now it's certain. I would LOVE if a group from wanted to caravan to DC with me. I love road trips and I was just gonna tough it out and sleep on the streets in line instead of a hotel. I want to make sure to get in there to see the historical moment, LIVE!!

I volunteered for him, I donated money to him and I was unemployed the entire time. Recently employed, but still have zero funds until I start work. I feel so lucky to be a part of history like this. Seriously, I am truly humbled by all of this:) There just are not enough words to describe how I'm feeling. I had friends from NYC call me crying, friends from Colorado who are republican; called me in tears. I think it moved everyone in some way; it just had too.

Please let me know how you get to go to the inauguration..... Do you think Brian& his staff would like a delegation of "All" to go with a sign identifying us as that? (Senior Staff reading this, could you take that suggestion to him?)



Hi Lois - I don't think that would work as evidenced by the fact that nurses are not a monolith.

There have been recent posts here regarding ANA and CNA making advertisements that look like they represent ALL nurses.

Having an sign in support of Obama would slight those members who are not in favor of an Obama presidency. (Libertarians, conservatives, etc.).

I'm all for going as a private individual though - with other private individuals. It is an historic event. I hope you get to go!


Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.


You aren't alone, as you know. Thomas Friedman, a columnist @ the New York Times put it the way it is, saying the civil war just ended yesterday, 147 years after it began!

You can get into the NYTimes by going to "google" and searching under If that doesn't get you in, contact me privately by clicking on my name, and I';; email it to you.


Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
Hi Lois - I don't think that would work as evidenced by the fact that nurses are not a monolith.

There have been recent posts here regarding ANA and CNA making advertisements that look like they represent ALL nurses.

Having an sign in support of Obama would slight those members who are not in favor of an Obama presidency. (Libertarians, conservatives, etc.).

I'm all for going as a private individual though - with other private individuals. It is an historic event. I hope you get to go!


CityKat just responded and said she'd love to go to the inauguration with others from I think she's driving from the "Bay Area", which means SanFrancisco to me. Wouldn't it be great if she picks up more nurses along the way, renting a van like the one churches use (the cost of which could be shared by those using it) to accomodate everyone. More than one could be necessary to cover the southern and northern routes.

Usually I'd be in that western region, but for now I'm in Williamsburg, VA (so my vote would mean more), and because I have a daughter here who has MS).

If anyone feels they'd be slighted if AllNurses coordinated the trip, please let your wishes and thoughts be known with a post here. :up:


I don't have a problem with members from allnurses going . . . . just thought being sponsored by allnurses and holding up a sign . . . :coollook:

But, we've talked a lot through the years about meeting up with each other and some have actually done that.

I have lunch with a friend a few times a year . . she lives about 6 hours south of me.


CityKat just responded and said she'd love to go to the inauguration with others from I think she's driving from the "Bay Area", which means SanFrancisco to me. Wouldn't it be great if she picks up more nurses along the way, renting a van like the one churches use (the cost of which could be shared by those using it) to accomodate everyone. More than one could be necessary to cover the southern and northern routes.

Usually I'd be in that western region, but for now I'm in Williamsburg, VA (so my vote would mean more), and because I have a daughter here who has MS).

If anyone feels they'd be slighted if AllNurses coordinated the trip, please let your wishes and thoughts be known with a post here. :up:


no one can stop you from coordinating a trip...

actually it sounds like a lot of fun.:)

but if you're considering holding an allnurses sign, you would definitely need permission from its owner, brian.



Specializes in nearly all.
wow! all i can say is "wooo hooo, i'm proud, ecstatic, joyful, hopeful, laughing, crying and just down right, speechless" after watching the most historic moment in my lifetime, last night on tv! i am taking a

trip to the inauguration of the 44th president of the united states, barack obama!!!

today is such a beautiful day:) there are really no words to define how i feel.

:yeah:i feel more hopeful than i have since i graduated from nursing school 32 years ago! by electing obama, i believe we have truly showed the world that we (americans) are who we say we are and that our country is all it is supposed to be. we have lived up to the true ideals of our founding fathers, overcoming race and class distinctions to elect someone who looks different than many of us and so is like all of us.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB. does not endorse any political party, candidate, etc.

We do hope members can attend the inauguration if possible for it truly would be an historic event, but w/o the endorsement of

Thank you for your understanding.

We are hearing a lot about the founding fathers.

They owned slaves. Their 'ideals' weren't all that great.

I really just think we have evolved as a society. We have grown up and matured to the point were petty differences don't drive our every thought and choice.

I think America today is a totally different creature than that envisioned by the founding slave owners.

It's time to look to the future and leave the past where it belongs.

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