Nurses and the 2008 election


A recent study led by professor Peter Buerhaus polled registered nurses about two timely issues -- the state of health care and the importance of the issue in the upcoming election.

With a close election expected, the country's three million registered nurses could make a difference in the election, Buerhaus says.

Most nurses interviewed support some form of universal health care coverage, although opinions vary on just how extensive coverage should be.

Very few approve of the country's health care system as it stands now, the survey shows.

...Slightly more than half, or 51 percent, believe that if all nurses could join together to address one health problem, it would be the number of uninsured Americans.

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Specializes in nearly all.

Some of them did indeed own slaves (not all) but many of those who did admitted even then that it was a flawed institution and wished to find another way to do things, even freed their slaves on their death. Study your history completely before you criticize.

Specializes in ER,ICU,L+D,OR.

Hail to the chief

we love him the best

Hail to the chief

He is dressed the best

Hail to the chief

Good bye to the rest.

Hail to the chief

He will pass the "test"

Hail to the chief

He will not rest

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

One of my staffs 12yo daughter was picked to attend the 09 nauguration this past Spring as part of a middle school Future Leader group.

We helped raise $$$ for her trip (buying candy bars/pizza) for her chance to spend a week in DC, attend swearing-in ceremony and an Inauguration Ball. Mom just found out she gets to go as group escort..... they are ESTATIC!

Specializes in My son...for now..
Some of them did indeed own slaves (not all) but many of those who did admitted even then that it was a flawed institution and wished to find another way to do things, even freed their slaves on their death. Study your history completely before you criticize.

Effie, from your post, I am sure that you will also be familiar with the fact that most of the ideals espoused come from Slave owners. Whether all or some owned slaves, the founders were in agreement that Blacks were not fully human..which is far more offensive than the ownership of slaves...So Stan should continue criticizing those who aspire to the moral code of the founding fathers/founding slave owners/founding bigots..etc.

Specializes in Trauma.

I don't mind taking a group of nurses with me across the country. Actually, it sounds like a lot of fun:) I hope and pray for my schedule, but as a new nurse, I have no pull. Soooo, I'm hoping this works out for me!!

I told my friends that no matter what the weather, I am going to drive with some people on the way over. What a special moment in time:)

Some of them did indeed own slaves (not all) but many of those who did admitted even then that it was a flawed institution and wished to find another way to do things, even freed their slaves on their death. Study your history completely before you criticize.

Freeing yours slaves at your death doesn't absolve you from the fact that you owned slaves.

I don't need to study my history. They CLEARLY did not include African Americans in 'All men are created equal.' Maybe you need to study your history...

They belong in the past...

HillaryPeace - Well said.

On a side note, why is it that the people that usually criticize and attack me are the ones with like 3 posts... I must be catnip for big, hairy, live under a bridge monsters. :D

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.

citykat: we also had the good taste to elect someone who commands respect globally, and projects himself as a family man without dissing himself!

Specializes in Trauma.


I checked out that article. It was great, thank you:)

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
Funny how most soldiers and vets are scorning the republican conservatives.

Funny how you don't mention the fact that Ms. Bush Sr. couldn't raise a son to serve honorably.

Liberals have supported the poor, the working class and the union more than Republicans ever have.

Joe Friday said it best... "We just want the facts. Just the facts m'am."


I have to take issue with your post that "most soldiers and vets are scorning the Republican conservatives". I've had experience with the opposite, wherein my friends who are soldiers felt obliged to follow their CO's recommendation/orders for giving McCain their vote. They said Obama's lack of military experience handicapped his ability to run our country. I disagreed with them, that's just what they said.

Where was the study about what you posted?

How many soldiers were asked about their political leanings in a safe setting?

Stick with Joe Friday! :rolleyes:

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.

Sir I:

Is your heading still reflecting your true thoughts about Palin running in 2012? Obama would have to fail terribly for her to get the nomination then, much less run, I think. She's a laughing stock most places I've been.....

Let "sleeping dogs lie", I say, and allow her to give the time her son with Downs' syndrome and the rest of her family need to overcome their challenges and get the help they seem to need so desperately!

Specializes in Trauma.

I think more people are afraid of her and I seriously DON'T think the republican party wants another embarrassment like they had in this election; their party fell apart. You're right, Obama would have to seriously mess things up in order for him to lose re-election. I doubt that to be the case after what I saw this nation do November 4th:)

I have to take issue with your post that "most soldiers and vets are scorning the Republican conservatives". I've had experience with the opposite, wherein my friends who are soldiers felt obliged to follow their CO's recommendation/orders for giving McCain their vote. They said Obama's lack of military experience handicapped his ability to run our country. I disagreed with them, that's just what they said.

Where was the study about what you posted?

How many soldiers were asked about their political leanings in a safe setting?

Stick with Joe Friday! :rolleyes:

Well as for vets, they were very vocal about their scorn for McCain.

As to current soldiers, well, I don't know about your friends, but I know how it was for me in the military, I know my friends still in. I know all the officers that have family members in my facility, I know the soldiers at Ft. Myer, Ft. Meade, Ft. Belvoir and Ft. McNair had a GOTV day for Obama. I know that while many soldiers will do as their CIC orders, many still are against the war. I know many of them are wanting to come home.

The biggest proof is of course, is the vets. I work in a nursing home only for Vets and their wives. We have quite a few Admirals, Generals, Full Birds all the way down to a couple of Master Sargeants and Gunny Sargeants. The majority of our residents voted Obama and happened to be dancing with me when he was announced the winner. Even both my parents, always die hard Republicans, and both retired officers (20 and 21 years) voted for Obama...

Somewhere near 96% of African Americans voted for Obama as did a large percentage of Latinos. Both are over represented in the military.

The pressure to vote a certain way is minimal. People might 'suggest' a candidate but there is no overt pressure. Even if your friend experienced it, it is not widespread.

Also 'feeling' obliged to vote one way is not the same as being forced.

I don't know why you take issue... The election obviously gives ample proof to my claims... Do you have proof otherwise?

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