Published Oct 31, 2017
701 Posts
And I just arrived and about 1/2 of the students showed up in costumes anyway. Letters were sent home a few weeks ago reminding parents to please not send them in costumes. Parents never read anything, and those that do think the rules do not apply to them. I personally have nothing against Halloween, but our school has a policy and I think people need to respect that. Of course, admin now has to decide if they are really going to call 200 families to bring in a change of clothes for these kids...
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
BWHAHAHH!! We were told YESTERDAY we could dress up (within dress code rules).
So here I sit in my Harry Potter onesie from Target, waiting to screen for hearing, vision, and scoliosis....
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
People read? Surely you jest.
Does you school do email, though? We have found the parents will read that much more consistently and I'm trying to integrate that into my letters home as well.
Side note:
We don't allow costumes, per say. The middle school students can't dress in costume, but instead we have a huge classroom door decoration contest that students and teachers have been working on for days.
At the high school level, homerooms come up with a costume theme and the students and teachers dress to that theme (within dress code - i.e. no leggings as pants, but shorts can be worn over leggings) and is also part of a contest. My favorite last year was one biology teacher's homeroom - they did the Magic School Bus, complete with a student assigned to Liz the lizard and a giant yellow school bus made out of cardboard.
1,250 Posts
We do Halloween here, but it was celebrated Friday in conjunction with our end of the 1st quarter rewards party, had movies, class parties, kids got to dress up in costumes (staff too - our floor were tree's from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom). So today, on the actual day, no costumes are allowed. I'm waiting to see how many come dressed up. Probably not 1/2, but like you said, I'm sure there are some that don't read the notes, emails and facebook posts letting paretns know whats going on.
OyWithThePoodles, RN
1,338 Posts
We had a pj day instead. I did get a one call and an email from the middle school reminding parents that students are NOT allowed to dress-up, because you are right, no one reads anything. If there had been a "sign here to attest you read" they would've signed it.
64 Posts
I like how are school handles it...we have 'Literacy Character Dress Up Day" on Halloween. The kids must still follow dress code, cannot be scary or inappropriate, must be a book character and the student must bring the book with them to carry in our Character Parade.
If they choose not to dress up then they get to sit or stand in the hallway to watch the parade go by.
It's fun and a lot of the staff members join in on dressing up as well.
1 Article; 4,787 Posts
We have our Character Book Parade going on now. This is #4's birthday. I liked it when he thought all the costumes and celebration of Halloween was because of his birthday; he's 15 today:nailbiting:
0 Posts
Happy Birthday to #4! Mine just tuned 10 yesterday!
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
so i work in a pk-8 school that's really 2 schools. I belong to the middle school as far as meetings, supervisor etc and the middle schoolers are not allowed to dress up, nor are the middle school teachers. So, I don't dress.
124 Posts
We are having a Halloween Parade here now at the school as we speak.
1,109 Posts
I wish we did a parade. Everyone changes into costumes this afternoon but most of the staff is dressed up now.
I had a hard time this year, but I am sitting here as a scarecrow
tining, BSN, RN
1,071 Posts
I don't always ch ch ch, but when I do I ah ah ah