Moochers who want to copy your homework or cheat off you......

Nurses General Nursing


  1. Do moochers try to copy or cheat off you?

110 members have participated

what do you do with moochers? ;)

haha thats funny

Specializes in ER. stare them straight in the eye? God, I feel like I'm demeaning them like a dog if I do that. I know they HATE handing out those flyers, and I feel like they would appreciate it more if I just keep walking. Never thought of it that way...hmmm...?

I don't stare but I look at them when I say no. The flyer guys, the homeless folks, the guy going "Hash, hash, hash" in the village, whatever. I look at them when I say it.

Seriously, read your last post. If you let it overwhelm you and then you say stuff that you regret, you let yourself get overwhelmed. Don't do that to yourself! Draw the line early and often then you won't freak out on people. :heartbeat:heartbeat

lol I have enjoyed reading your replies!

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Better yet, if there are failing grades for any of the tests, start telling them that you failed the previous test or quiz or homework assignment. As long as they can't figure out that you are telling a lie, that should get the heat off you.

Well then they will think the teacher is favoring you when you still come back next semester. There is one girl that always asks me my grade and acts so snotty, I was tempted to start telling her I failed regardless, but she would for sure think that the teacher was giving me special treatment when I moved on the next semester, and spread that around since she is already convinced the teacher hates her.

In nursing school we all helped each other, as long as we all contributed. OMG we never would have cheated because there was such a strict rule that we would be thrown out!

When I was getting my prerequisites at local college~ that was another story. So many younger students were copying off of each other it was disgusting! Even during the tests they were bold enough to do it in front of the teachers. I could not believe it. What really got me was that one teacher was awesome and bent over backwards to teach I had to tell her what was going on...anonymously. Plus, as single mom, I worked really hard for my B in that class!

It's really a shame when things like this happen because the people who cheat are wasting everybodies time because they will never make it through nursing school if they cannot make it through the prereqs! :angryfire

Well then they will think the teacher is favoring you when you still come back next semester. There is one girl that always asks me my grade and acts so snotty, I was tempted to start telling her I failed regardless, but she would for sure think that the teacher was giving me special treatment when I moved on the next semester, and spread that around since she is already convinced the teacher hates her.

Yes, this is also a definite dilemma. I think I'm going to start saying that I'm "barely making it". lol.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Yes, this is also a definite dilemma. I think I'm going to start saying that I'm "barely making it". lol.

I feel your pain, I do a lot better at standing up for others then I do myself. I am naturally an assertive independent person and if someone is being rude or snotty to me I have no problem defending myself, but when someone is being nice I have a hard time saying no. It's been a real problem for me. You are not alone though, it's a very common problem in especially woman. Their is a really good book called The gift of fear that talks about it. IT goes into it on a much deeper level but the same concept. For example, a woman is carrying her bags of groceries into her apartment building when a stranger comes up and offers to help, she gets a bad feeling about him but in fear of hurting his feelings or coming of rude allows him to anyway, next thing you know he knows where she lives and breaks in later to attack her.

Like I said it's a lot deeper level, but the inability to stand our ground and not want to be rude and stuff when people are being nice is a common problem for a LOT of people. I would wager, majority of woman at least.

It's easy to say, I would do this and I would do that, it's a lot different to be in that situation. For those that can do it, bravo, it's a skill I hope to one day be able to master.

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.
See, this is where you went wrong. You ASSUMED that I made up stereotypical qualities. NO- these were STATED by classmates in DIRECT REFERENCE TO MY RACE.

Actually, no, I did not assume that you made up what you were saying. I understood that this stereotype came from your classmates. My point was that by allowing your classmates to pigeonhole you this way for fear of creating friction, you are playing into the stereotype.

Perhaps YOU should ask for clarification before YOU jump to conclusions.

At any rate, I would have no problem telling a classmate that they should do their own homework. What are they going to do, kill me?

I actually had another student ask me to tank on an exam so the rest of the class would do better (instructor was curving the grade). If you think for one second that I was worried about that person's feelings when I made my reply, then you are mistaken.

When I was in NS my first semester I noticed that several people wanted to have study groups, I did it one time only and realized that the parasites and sociopaths made it difficult to study as whole. After that first time I was frank and informed the group I do better on my own. Yes I did get sneers , no one got to latch on to me. Soon after the first semester most of these "study group" types dropped out . By the time the last semester came up the study group parasites that did survive were far and few. the only thing you did not want was to have these students in your group projects. I had a few in my group, but I made it a point to followup all work on email and copy the instructor so they were aware of the slackers. I had one member of a group project wait to send in his portion of the project at the 11:59 pm , since he wanted to be passive aggressive about it , as he mentioned to me.

Specializes in pulm/cardiology pcu, surgical onc.
LOL I LIKE THIS! That is HILARIOUS. That's me.

See this is the thing. I have an overly aggressive attitude. While some think that's a good can be trouble.

I am trying, SO HARD, to work on balancing that! I wish you people could hear some of the things that have come out of my mouth. They SURPASS "NO". I'm trying to take it breezy while I think of more constructive ways of speaking to people...because I have been known for sounding like I am talking down to people, when they do something stupid. My family , friends, and bf have told me this. The person I do it to usually deserves it..but surprisingly, it's not my intent to talk down to them..just to stand up for myself. I have a problem with overdoing NYC, it's considered "ok" I suppose..I personally think it makes me look like I was raised improperly and I have more pride and class than that.

I really appreciate all of the replies so far! Can't say it's the way I would deal with it..but it's really interesting to see all of the approaches people say they use.

NOW is really the time to learn assertiveness and keep your mouth shut instead of talking down and demeaning people. If you can't handle this friction in nursing school you will be in for one heck of a surprise in the real nursing 'world'. Have you ever considered medications to help control yourself.... Yep just my opinion.

NOW is really the time to learn assertiveness and keep your mouth shut instead of talking down and demeaning people. If you can't handle this friction in nursing school you will be in for one heck of a surprise in the real nursing 'world'. Have you ever considered medications to help control yourself.... Yep just my opinion.

Medications? Really? Not even one medication, but plural medications? Maybe the oddest recommendation I've ever seen (just my opinion you understand).

Learning communication skills is part of nursing school. Not sure what lead you down the medication path....what medical condition do you feel that "snarky communication style" is part of the differential diagnosis for? Whatever it is, the majority of the NY Metro area must need to be diagnosed. :D

This sounds to me like a communication style issue (different geographical areas of the US have very different social expectations of communication style).....not sure why anyone would want to medicate for this or what medication would be appropriate?

"Not sure what lead you down the medication path....what medical condition do you feel that "snarky communication style" is part of the differential diagnosis for? Whatever it is, the majority of the NY Metro area must need to be diagnosed. :D"

Dammit, that was funny.

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