Mom thinking about going back to nursing school... NEEDS ENCOURAGEMENT!!!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone!

I of course am new here, and so happy to find this forum!

I am a 36 yo, SAHM... who has been a wife and mother for the past 10 years. Now that my two youngest (twins) will be in school full time next year, I am considering going back to school for a nursing degree... something I have wanted to do for years!

I am so scared of going back to school to begin a career! Is anyone else here my age, have a spouse, kids, home to care for? I feel like I am already spread pretty thin, but this is something I really want to do.

Is it doable? Is anyone else in my position or similar, doing it now?

Can it even be done??? :eek:

Thanks for any suggestions or encouragement! Honesty is much appreciated! :lol2:

Yep. Totally doable. I am semester 4 out of 5 and I am living proof it can be done. I am 35 with 2 kids ages 6 and 8 who are very busy and very demanding. It's taken ALOT of husband has a flexible career thankfully. YOu've got to put nursing school first alot.....often my weekends are spent studying or at clinical sites, I am up and out of the house some mornings before 5 am to go to clinical and sometimes do not get home until after 6 at night. It is a lot of sacrifice. I missed Kindergarten graduation, field trips, and fun weekend stuff...for nursing school. My house is a wreck most of the time, we eat meals on the fly or eat whatever I have the time and energy to pull together. But, I know in the end, I will have a career with so many possibilities, I can work and travel when we retire, I can better take care of my family and my own parents as the age. My mind has been bent in ways I never knew could happen. It's been an amazing journey and I think I am teaching my kids the value placed on education and how to be a responsible student.

Nursing school is not for the faint of heart. You've got to be willing and able to put pretty much everything else aside and you've got to give it 100%. Good luck. You can do it if you put your mind to it and your family is willing to support you 100%.

You can do it!

I am a 38 year old SAHM. My kids are 10, 7 and 2, and my hubby is about to leave for an 18 month military deployment. I started spring 2009 with pre-reqs and am now in my first semester of nursing school.

I suggest starting part-time (one or two classes at the most) and build up from there. You'll find you actually have an advantage over many of your classmates because you are more mature. Set your priorities and goals and work to make them happen.

Hi! I'm 35, no kids, but 4 pets (2 dogs, 2 cats) and a husband. I plan to start pre-reqs in January (gulp).

Yes, it CAN be done. I'm 22 with a 7 year old boy and an 18 month old baby girl. The 7 year old isn't biologically mine but his mom is MIA so I am raising him just like he is mine. I work as a CNA, take care of both children, do all the housework/bills, and am going to school for my bachelors in nursing. I work the 2-10 shift and during the day I take care of my 18 month old. The only time I have to study is from 11pm-2am .. so I run on about 5 hours of sleep everyday. It's tough but in about three to four years I KNOW my hard work will be so worth it.. I picture myself walking across the stage getting my diploma.. makes me want to cry (happy tears!) thinking about it! You can do it.. especially because your a SAHM and your children are in school. That makes a HUGE difference!!!!

Specializes in no experience yet.

OH gosh, heck yes! Great time to go to school as you have all day to go to class and study! I wish I had that much time! I have 3 kids. 1st grade, 4 and 2. I went back last year when my oldest was in K and it has def been a challenge. I feel like I can see a light more next year when my middle child is in K. But I do go part time as I could not handle full. I also have a friend who goes full time with 4 young kids and gets good grades. It can be done, but I'm not gonna lie-it's hard. You have to be very disciplined and be good at time management. Or at least learn how.

I'm 37 and will graduate in May "11. I agree with the others that it is definitely possible!! = ) I have absolutely no regrets. My one thought is that my first year of clinicals I did in an evening part-time program. The teachers were awesome and the whole program was designed to work with you and help you succeed. Now I am finishing up in a full time program. The full time program is much more demanding and really taking it's toll on our family but I know i can do it ....just as you can do it!! = ) Good luck....follow your dreams!

Specializes in Cardiology.

It is definitely doable, and YOU can do it.

I was a SAHM w/a PT evening lab job when my husband lost his job two years ago. About 1.5 years ago, I had to go back to work to supplement his PT job. One year ago, in the middle of August, I decided I was going back to nursing school. The next day, I made a list of non-nursing classes required by the five local RN programs, compared them, and signed up for the 3 classes that were required by every program. I found the classes at a semi-local community college that was part of the state university system so that they would be transferable, and found online classes so that I could do them when I had time. Since then, I have taken all but one of my non-nursing classes (meaning all the other stuff that doesn't include clinicals- A&P, Micro, my psychs, sociology, electives, etc.) and I took them all online with in-class labs or by purchasing a lab kit and doing and documenting all my experiments at home. I have maintained a 4.0 the entire time. Did I mention that I am 35, in charge of the a staff of 20 at work (full-time) and I homeschool my daughter? I also commute two hours each day.

I got into nursing school and started about a month ago. Because of all the really hard work I put in last year (I took classes all year- fall, winter session, spring, and summer with no more than a week break) I only have one class per semester left, so it will be easier to manage the job, the kid, and the classes.

I won't pretend it is easy. You need to be highly organized. But you know what? I'm such a disorganized person, if I can manage it, anyone can manage it. Truly.

When I started this, I found a quote I found inspiring and posted it as my screensaver on my computer. I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I found this so apt that I had to "have" it: Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try." Don't TRY to do it, DO it.

YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!! I wish you the very best of luck.

Of course you can. I did the same thing when my youngest started kindergarten and I had never been to school. I did the Associate degree program at my community college and just finish in May of this year and in July I passed the NCLEX. Although I've been applying like a mad woman I haven't gotten a job yet, but some of my classmates have. These are difficult times but with patience you will get through school and be on your way!

This thread is encouraging I too am a 28 yr old mom of 2 girls 1 and 2 1/2 and am appling to nursing school and hoping to get in the may 11 semester you all are letting me know it is possible i have always wanted to become a nurse and I will thank you all ;-)

Specializes in Infusion.

I've got more than 10 years on you but was in the same situation 2 years ago, when my youngest began kindergarten. I have a BS in business admin and had a few useful classes on my transcripts like writing, history, PE. I was thankful that my college has a math placement test and I studied algebra for about a month before taking that test. Scored high enough that I didn't have to take the math or buy a graphing calculator.

I started by taking one class - cell biology, a prerequisite for A&P. That went really well so the next quarter I took 2 classes. That went great so I took 3 classes the next quarter. I had to figure out childcare for the few hours that I had afternoon classes (daughter had morning kindergarten). The first year of finding time to study was difficult because I would have a lot of interruptions with my daughter being home in the afternoon. I did my studies after the kids' bedtime but still had to give my husband some decent time. Needless to say, it is much easier to study and write in a quiet house during the day. I'm thankful that I don't have to work at this time and have a great admiration for those who do. You'll see plenty of moms and a few dads in class.

Go for it I say. I think that most people decide if they really want to work hard to pursue nursing while they are taking the pre-requisite classes. If you can make good grades and are still motivated when it comes time to apply to the actual program then you'll be golden. :up:

I'm a 33 year old mama of 4 boys (11, 9, almost 7, and 4 next week!) doing pre-req's now for an accelerated BSN, so I'm encouraged reading all these posts! I've been a SAHM since my first was born; though I've been running my own business (I'm a knitwear designer) from home for that entire time, so I've gotten quite good at juggling the schedule. My youngest will start kindergarten next year, and I'll be (hopefully!) starting the nursing program when he's in first grade.

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