Mom thinking about going back to nursing school... NEEDS ENCOURAGEMENT!!!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone!

I of course am new here, and so happy to find this forum!

I am a 36 yo, SAHM... who has been a wife and mother for the past 10 years. Now that my two youngest (twins) will be in school full time next year, I am considering going back to school for a nursing degree... something I have wanted to do for years!

I am so scared of going back to school to begin a career! Is anyone else here my age, have a spouse, kids, home to care for? I feel like I am already spread pretty thin, but this is something I really want to do.

Is it doable? Is anyone else in my position or similar, doing it now?

Can it even be done??? :eek:

Thanks for any suggestions or encouragement! Honesty is much appreciated! :lol2:

:yeah:Best wishes! I'm also a 32 year old SAHM of 2 boys (4 and 1) and I decided to quit my job in corporate america because I wasn't happy. It took me a year to figure out what I wanted to do with myself once my boys are older and I totally believe nursing is for me. I recently got accepted as a pre-nursing student starting next semester. (Working towards my 2nd B.S. degree) and I think it's worth the work if it's something you really want to do. I wish you good luck! Kudos to all of the Moms who are in school!

hi darl

well, so far i think i must top the lot!!!! i am 46 years old with a 7 year old daughter and recently separated. i've almost completed my first year of nursing! i have heard there is a lady who is 53 doing the same thing! it certainly isn't easy (far from it) but the acheivement you feel when you get a good result from an assignment can't be matched. i'm in queensland (australia) and have become great friends with a 33 year old mother of 6 (and expecting her 7th) who gets great marks in everything and has just finished a term of clinical placement with me working 2 shifts a week! she is a superwoman, but i gave you the example to let you know that you can do this!!! one thing though, you partner will have to be supportive, because if he isn't, the last thing you will need is negativity!!!

go ahead and do it, you won't regret trying but you will regret it if you don't!

best wishes and good luck!:yeah:

Specializes in Nursing Home / Prison / Hospital.

DON'T DO IT! Wish someone had told me this before I went through with it. You will hate it. Become a CNA, HHA or tech first and do that for 6-8 months @40hrs a week. Observe the nurses you work with. They look happy? After the 6-8 month trial run are you happy? Hope this message doesn't fall on deaf ears.


My mother finished teaching degree while getting a messy divorce and raising seven kids. It was rough times were lean but they got better. Make sure you set aside quality time for kids spouse and as important yourself. You can do it.

I'm 45, in my 3rd semester of nursing school, and work a part time job. My daughter is a senior in high school, so I'm not quite in the same position you're in. Most of my classmates are in your position. A couple of us have grown kids, a couple don't have kids yet, but the rest have small children. You can do it!

I won't lie and say it's easy, but it'll NEVER be easy. Teach the family early that Mom's study time is sacred, get them to help you (housework, studying, whatever you need them to do) any and every way you can, and don't forget to spend a little time with them too. Most importantly, delegate, delegate, DELEGATE! I've found that the kids are more supportive and helpful than husbands are, but that's another thread. :-)

Specializes in med/surg and adult critical care.

This is the problem I have with older ladies wanting to go back to nursing school...they don't have a concept of reality...Nursing school is not reality...where are the posts about the stay at home moms who went back to school, passed boards, became licensed and now work...The reality is this...nursing is alot of common sense...just because you get into nursing school does not mean you will be a good nurse when you are done...another thing I am seeing is that women who start a nursing career when they are older may not be physically accustomed or physically able to actually do the work....I am founding doctors not liking these "brand new nurses" who are just starting out and some of them are in their 50' is annoying to them and actually to be honest it is annoying to me at times...I'm annoyed because many show poor judgement and still at an older or stay at home moms lack critical thinking skills...I'm not trying to be negative about you wanting to be a nurse...I am not so sure you are realistic about nursing as a profession...If you are going to do need to get your Bachelor's because if you look at the slim job market for nurses ...that is the minimum required....Good Luck...think really hard about the money and time you are going to spend and decide if this is what you really want to do....for many of us nurses our profession is our passion...and we feel that people who do no have that passion for nursing our slighting us and the profession.....

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I didn't read the 5 pages before me, but I just wanted to say that you are absolutely not alone. I am also a sahm and when my youngest was 2 I started taking one pre-req night class per semester. Now here I am with 2 semesters left before I apply for nursing school. Still home with the kids, but the plan is to be start ns when youngest is in school full day. You can do it, just make sure your priorities are straight. Remember, you'll be a nurse for many many years but your kids are only kids for a short while.

This is the problem I have with older ladies wanting to go back to nursing school...they don't have a concept of reality...Nursing school is not reality...where are the posts about the stay at home moms who went back to school, passed boards, became licensed and now work...The reality is this...nursing is alot of common sense...just because you get into nursing school does not mean you will be a good nurse when you are done...another thing I am seeing is that women who start a nursing career when they are older may not be physically accustomed or physically able to actually do the work....I am founding doctors not liking these "brand new nurses" who are just starting out and some of them are in their 50' is annoying to them and actually to be honest it is annoying to me at times...I'm annoyed because many show poor judgement and still at an older or stay at home moms lack critical thinking skills...I'm not trying to be negative about you wanting to be a nurse...I am not so sure you are realistic about nursing as a profession...If you are going to do need to get your Bachelor's because if you look at the slim job market for nurses ...that is the minimum required....Good Luck...think really hard about the money and time you are going to spend and decide if this is what you really want to do....for many of us nurses our profession is our passion...and we feel that people who do no have that passion for nursing our slighting us and the profession.....

Well then, I indeed fall into the category of "older ladies wanting to go back to nursing school" that you so eloquently stated. I would consider anyone who pursues their dream of becoming a nurse (or whatever field they may choose) as passionate, regardless of age. (The older the better- that's reality! that shows passion.)

Your post is riddled with fallacious reasoning from not having a concept of reality to "stay at home moms lack critical thinking skills". I sense a bit of competition and after 18 years I would think you'd be ready for retirement....

I'm new here, but once I saw Ittibittietittie nurse's reply, I knew I had to say something.

First of all, "older ladies" have done and seen it all. Vomit-no problem. Poop all over yourself - no problem. Blood squirting all over the place- no problem. Snot, urine, unidentifiable slime - Seen it, Done it, Over it.

So when you say that older ladies might not be physically adept at handling a tough career like nursing (which it is), you make it clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Its almost 3:00 where I live, do you know how many 20 somethings are taking a nap right now? Who cares? But I can assure you that us "older ladies" have way passed that stage where we need to sleep. We haven't had that luxury in a long time. In fact, I haven't slept since 2001! Why? Because I need to get sh*t done, that's why!

So, get out of my way, ittibittititti, because big mama is about to speed right past you!

*And to Firmly Anchored, I say, "go ahead and do it. It will be hard and it will be an adjustment, but there's nothing you can't do!"

also here are some good pages on nursing courses, forums, etc. - nurse mentors

Enjoy your new career!

Ya know...once in a while (as a nursing student or new grad) you'll run into nurses who are blunt, say it like it is, chew you up and spit you out. In nursing school we call it "old nurses eating their young". While I respect the fact that "Itty" is protecting her field and trying to be part of the movement of nurses nationwide to be more respected and more educated.....I think she came across a little too gruff.

As for the whole degree thing.....yes, hospitals are STRONGLY encouraging nurses to obtain their BSN, but they still hire for ADN. And jobs? I don't know where she lives, but in my area (which is experiencing a HUGE downturn in jobs) - I always see nursing jobs pop up for all levels of nursing......may not be your ideal career choice, but it's a good start. Don't let this nurse's post scare you away......but do know that this attitude does rear its ugly head quite a bit in the "real" world of nursing. Old nurses eat their young.

This is the problem I have with older ladies wanting to go back to nursing school...they don't have a concept of reality...Nursing school is not reality...where are the posts about the stay at home moms who went back to school, passed boards, became licensed and now work...The reality is this...nursing is alot of common sense...just because you get into nursing school does not mean you will be a good nurse when you are done...another thing I am seeing is that women who start a nursing career when they are older may not be physically accustomed or physically able to actually do the work....I am founding doctors not liking these "brand new nurses" who are just starting out and some of them are in their 50' is annoying to them and actually to be honest it is annoying to me at times...I'm annoyed because many show poor judgement and still at an older or stay at home moms lack critical thinking skills...I'm not trying to be negative about you wanting to be a nurse...I am not so sure you are realistic about nursing as a profession...If you are going to do need to get your Bachelor's because if you look at the slim job market for nurses ...that is the minimum required....Good Luck...think really hard about the money and time you are going to spend and decide if this is what you really want to do....for many of us nurses our profession is our passion...and we feel that people who do no have that passion for nursing our slighting us and the profession.....

As an "older lady", certainly your reality may be much different than mine. I'm guessing that most people, older or younger, would find that nursing school is much different than living the profession! I'm sure this applies to most professions! College is certainly different than the real world...

Just because a younger person goes to nursing school doesn't mean that they are going to be a good nurse either... does it? What makes you think that just because someone younger than me is a nurse, means that they are going to be a better nurse? And have you considered that there are many opinions out there? My next door neighbor, who has been a cardiac intensive care nurse for many years was thrilled when I told her I might go back to school for nursing finally! She actually told me that it is so hard to find good nurses, because so many of them are so young right out of school - who lack the exact common sense and critical thinking skills that you are talking about!... (or as my neighbor puts it "they don't know their a$$ from their elbow!" :lol2: Of course, this doesn't apply to all young nurses, but my point is that I'm there are many ages out there that probably apply to what you are trying to say.

I know plenty of "younger" people who physically cannot do what I can do either. Trust me, being in my 30's doesn't make me old and decrepit quite yet... I still have a few good years left in this "older" body of mine. ;)

What makes you think that I have no passion for nursing? Is it simply because I'm doing it later than you did? What makes you think that I'm then less passionate about something?

We "older ladies" are not going back to school to slight you and the profession of nursing as you've so eloquently stated. Trust me, when you've got to put the time and money into school (any school or profession), take time away from your spouse, children, home, church, life, etc... ) because you want to go back to school, it most certainly is a passion. When I'm willing to take the very hard earned money that my husband works to make, to put myself back through school, it most certainly is a passion.

I can almost understand what you are trying to say - at least some of the points you are trying to make... but the way you've presented yourself is less than desirable here. There are so many ways to get a point (or opinion) across to people, in so that they might be willing to hear and understand. If you have something you are passionate about, that you want people to listen to... it's so much easier to do it in a manner that will make people want to hear you.

Thanks to everyone for all of your input! I'm searching out 3 different schools in my area now, and am really getting excited about moving forward in something I've wanted for a long time! Love these forums, what a great resource!

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