missing clonazepam set up please help asap


Specializes in Director of Nursing.

Missing clonazepam from narc box.. I was set up by ADON

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Missing clonazepam from narc box.. I was set up by ADON

How do you know for certain as that is a serious allegation? What response are you looking for? Contact your professional liability carrier and/or an attorney for legal advice.

Missing clonazepam from narc box.. I was set up by ADON


Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

Some more details are needed, OP. What happened and what makes you think the ADON set you up? Isn't ONE nurse in control of keys while working? How do you feel it came about?

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

38 off-topic posts removed.

These posts were unnecessary.

This is a new member who is obviously having problems at work and the removed posts were very unwelcoming and actually rude/disrespectful to a new member.

Hopefully OP will return.

If you cannot help the OP, do not post to this thread.

Specializes in Medical Oncology, ER.

OP, do you have someone to cosign when you pull meds from the narc box?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.
38 off-topic posts removed.

These posts were unnecessary.

This is a new member who is obviously having problems at work and the removed posts were very unwelcoming and actually rude/disrespectful to a new member.

Hopefully OP will return.

If you cannot help the OP, do not post to this thread.

What help could any of us possibly give to OP? He/she won't be back. Sorry to offend BuckyBadger.

There wasn't even a question asked, more of a vague statement. If OP doesn't return soon I would just close the thread.

Specializes in Heme Onc.
38 off-topic posts removed.

These posts were unnecessary.

This is a new member who is obviously having problems at work and the removed posts were very unwelcoming and actually rude/disrespectful to a new member.

Hopefully OP will return.

If you cannot help the OP, do not post to this thread.

Can't help the op because nobody knows what they're talking about. Still posting in this thread.

Please note:

1: OP was given the only advise possible early in the thread.

2: Nobody was mean to OP despite the ridiculous nature of the post.

3: OP didn't complain about the direction the thread took.

4: Are the mods sure the OP didn't intend for the post to be the start of a story?


*reports Acute for spelling of advise*

As a nurse, an intelligent professional, I think OP should have known better than to put that as her post. Less of a post and more so a declammation of "somebody wronged me!" and end of his/her rant.

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