Jealous Friends...

Nursing Students School Programs


Have you guys experienced any jealousy or changes in your friends because you're now a nurse?

I'm in the pre nursing phase, and now 2 of my close friends (who dropped out first year of college) are going back because of me. I'm not sure weather to feel flattered or insulted.

Specializes in Telemetry.
Me and my sister are 11 years apart. I'm the oldest.

My point: Some people just need a little guidance and motivation to get to a certain place in their life. Eventually they will find their own way. I didn't think she was "copying" me. I felt honored that I can be some inspiration and motivation for her.

Hooray for big sisters doing all of the hard work and research for us! Until you posted this, I hadn't realized I am actually a copycat, too! My sister is 6 years older than me, and had been an LPN for 8ish years now. I ended up loving all of the stories she told me about her job, and decided I wanted to be a nurse, too. True story: I moved back to Florida (from Boston) just to go to the same school my sister went to all those years ago because it is a great school. I know it is super hard to believe, but she is over the freaking moon excited for me. She is also very happy to have inspired me. The best part is that my return to school has inspired her to go back for her ADN, so she can be an RN, too. We are thrilled for each other. I can't imagine coming to a forum to smack talk my sister for choosing to further her education. The idea is so foreign to me.

Hooray for big sisters doing all of the hard work and research for us!

HAHAHA.... I'm a guy though so I would be the big brother, but I get what you mean ;)

Specializes in Telemetry.

Foot, meet mouth!

Well...I'm sure you would make a great big sister!

My apologies, sir :sorry:

Specializes in ICU.

I can't even think of an appropriate response. I shake my head at the several "friend" threads recently. I apparently have a different definition of friend.

My roommate was already in nursing school when I decided to go back to school for nursing. She has been an ED nurse for over a year and I just got a new grad resident job on an ED floor. Note to self--ask her if she thinks I'm "copying" her.

My mom and my cousin are nurses.

Do they secretly resent me?

Let me explain more.

I think I feel this way because they have never helped me with anything, and after I did all the research and work, I told them what my plan was and now their copying it but without any hard work.

Does that help explaining why I feel this way?

And lastly, this isn't the first time they have done things like that. I would do one thing this week, and next week so would they.

Do you have any siblings?

When I was little, I "copied" everything my older brother did. Even down ordering the same food that he did. Every time. It irritated him. I did it because he was older and apparently knew more about the world than I did. I wanted what he had in terms of knowledge and experience.

Sounds like this may be similar with your friends. I'm assuming everyone is pretty young. They may not know what they want out of life. Maybe your friends are inspired by your path and have given it thought and decided that that's what they want in life.

Research isn't the hard part. If I knew someone was interested in nursing, I'd be more than happy to share with them what I've found out through my research, and then they can feel free to do what they want with it.

The hard part is actual nursing school, and that's not something that they can get through because of you. It'll require them to work hard as well.

When you're a nurse, there's a lot of patient teaching going on. If your patient is inspired by your teachings or just by the care you provided, would you consider that jealousy?

They may truly have been inspired. If they are just "copying" just to copy you and be like you like they always do as you've said, then let them be. It's not likely they'll get very far if their heart truly isn't in it and it's not something they really want. It's not hurting you. It's on them.

Specializes in critical care.

I was using ellipses before they were cool.

Mainly because I'm creepy...

I was using ellipses before they were cool.


Mainly because I'm creepy...

The fact that we think they are cool is creepy, boobalicious statue with glasses notwithstanding.


I still have a higher degree than you.

I look forward to the day I'm your (or likes if you) superior

The fact that we think they are cool is creepy, boobalicious statue with glasses notwithstanding.

Because your super old. Aren't you a 100?

I'll be way younger than you when I finish my degree :)

Hooray for big sisters doing all of the hard work and research for us! Until you posted this, I hadn't realized I am actually a copycat, too! My sister is 6 years older than me, and had been an LPN for 8ish years now. I ended up loving all of the stories she told me about her job, and decided I wanted to be a nurse, too. True story: I moved back to Florida (from Boston) just to go to the same school my sister went to all those years ago because it is a great school. I know it is super hard to believe, but she is over the freaking moon excited for me. She is also very happy to have inspired me. The best part is that my return to school has inspired her to go back for her ADN, so she can be an RN, too. We are thrilled for each other. I can't imagine coming to a forum to smack talk my sister for choosing to further her education. The idea is so foreign to me.

A lot of things are FOREIGN to you, but you continue to comment and JUDGE

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