Published Jul 19, 2016
3,726 Posts
Considering the professional, geographic and demographic environments, if you had an opportunity to move anywhere in the US for a short or long while just for the experience of it, where would you want to go?
975 Posts
I would definitely want to go to either Utah or Idaho, someplace with mountains.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
I think I would go to NYC or Hawaii. Mountains sound lovely, too ....but there are too many things that can eat a full grown human out in those states.
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
554 Posts
Someplace in northern CA, where they have nice scenery, so I could work under a union and make big bucks.
145 Posts
Big yes to Alaska, some location that only can be reached by boat or plane--and no cell towers.
1,224 Posts
I would really like to check out Seatle because I like the rain and the all around weather seems phenomenal to me. I guess I'll have to settle for a southern state instead when we run screaming from Illinois before we retire since Seatle is so far away!
948 Posts
Los Angeles, San Diego, Charleston, SC, Gettysburg, PA, or somewhere in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I have visited all of those places and they intrigue me enough to want to try living there for a while.
15,461 Posts
That is how I ended up in AK years ago.
nrsang97, BSN, RN
2,602 Posts
The Michigan UP is nice. I live in MI and that is one of my favorite places. I love driving along route 2 which goes along lake Michigan. Copper Harbor is absolutely beautiful.
If I could pick up and go anywhere there are lots of places I would like to see. I would love to see Alaska, Hawaii, NYC, Colorado, Utah, and Arizona.
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
I did pick up and go.The ideal "professional, geographic and demographic environments"is subjective. For ME, Hawaii was a great experience and Arizona was a nightmare.
Are considering travel nursing?