I never, ever went to ER when I was a kid

Specialties Emergency


We were sitting around talking last night at work. Another barely sick kid was in room 4 and it got us on the subject. I have a lot of kids and, in my many years of parenting only used the ER once, when my son split his sinuses open crashing into a dumpster on his bike, and required emergency surgery.

Then I realized, as a child, I had never been to the ER. When I was six years old I went head first falling off a bike while we were visiting family friends. I was knocked out for several minutes, I was later told. They brought me inside, I was bleeding, I remember waking up in my Mom's friend's arms, they were wiping blood off me. Then, they brought me over to their other friend's doctor husband's office and he stitched me up in the office, 5 stitches in my cheek and my chin too. He did a darned good job of it too, I don't have a scar. No head CT, they didn't have that back in 1964. I wore bandages over half my face for a week, I looked like a mummy.

When did people start going to ERs for totally stupid reasons? My mother would have never thought of bringing us to the ER for the sniffles.

Specializes in Pediatric/Adolescent, Med-Surg.

Yeah as a kid I also went to the ER 1 time, when I needed stitches after getting a laceration. I feel that my future kids will definitely grow up with a "walk it off" mentality as the ER is not for the type of crap being described by others in this thread.

My pet peeve is the parents that bring in the kiddos (not babies) with a fever x several hours, but never give Tylenol or motrin

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

Neither myself or my 2 brothers ever. They both had multiple minor traumas which would get butterflied by mom or stitched at the pedi's office. Imagine my shock when I heard my aunt took her child to the ER for a barely skin broken dog bite; not that I disagree now but back then I figured you needed to be near death for the EMERGENCY room.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I was 22 years old when I visited the ER for the first time in my life. I was a factory worker back then and ended up fainting several hours into the shift. The ER physician ran several tests and determined that my CK-MB level was elevated.

I went for the first time at 15,without an adult. I was really sick.

My grandma thought that 15 wasn't a child,and that I could be seen without a caregiver with me.

I treid to tell the ER staff my situation,but they said I couldn't get treated without a caregiver.

My grandma ws capable of walking,and she wasn't disabled,she just wouldn't go with me.

Well,I did go the PCP a couple of days later and was diagnosed with Mono.

Specializes in LTC.

I think I visited the ER once for a fx thumb. The ER visit took place 24hr+ after the injury, when the thumb was swollen, purple and yeah I couldn't move it! My brother had 2 ER visits.....took the tip of his pinky off trying to open a glass soda bottle and then cut his leg with a chainsaw....so yeah it was all super necessary and not something the local MD could fix. I had to have an ORIF of the thumb and was at the hospital overnight!

As a teenager, I broke my arm 3 times within a 2 year span, so I became well acquainted with the ER!

The only other ER visit I recall as a kid was a nose bleed that simply would not stop (late in the evening after doctor offices closed).

ERs were definitely viewed differently back then...

A big difference is the availability of the PCP, I don't think I ever was in the ED as a kid. the first time I remember was when I flipped a car.....other than that it was off to the family doc. but, you know, I went to school with the son of that doc, and he said he would never be a doc, because he missed out on having a dad.....

I have only taken a child to the ER twice (4 kids).

Once it was a high fever and lethargy in a toddler (nervous first time parents...I wouldn't have done that with subsequent kids. The lethargy resolved with the fever.)

The other time was when my 2nd child was a year old. He had been sick, and when I went to give him a bath, his abdomen was grossly distended (I was thinking obstruction...)

We rushed him to the ER. I took one step into the waiting room, where he proceeded to vomit and vomit and vomit...all over me, all over himself, all over the place.

No more distended abdomen!

Specializes in peds, allergy-asthma, ob/gyn office.

I have to agree... my brother and I each made one ER trip, both accidents where we hit our heads/needed stitches. My own children have each been once. My son, at age four, had the worst GI bug I had ever seen... and I had worked in a children's hospital/seen rotavirus. He spent a day having 9 explosive stools, vomited a couple of times. but by evening he was eating dinner and playing with his sister, so I felt he was on the upswing. He woke at 6 am, very ill out both ends. He was very tachycardic and not even sips of fluids were staying down. By the time we did the two hour wait in the ER, his glucose was 39, and he was a bit acidotic. So he had an admission for that one. He lost 1.5 lbs of his 34 lbs in a day.

My daughter had a bug that went off and on for two weeks... she would be sick... then seem ok for 18 or 24 hours. We made one trip to the pedi office, where we got the usual exam and talk about viruses. Finally one night she woke sick out both ends, and I decided there was nothing more I could do at home. So she got IV fluids and some potassium. Again, this was not your routine self-limiting stomach bug.

Every other thing my kids have had we have handled in the pedi office or urgent care. Who in their right mind wants to wait in ER?

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

I've brought my son to the ER twice- once for nursemaid's elbow. I hauled up on his arm as he was falling- earned the coveted "Mother of the Year" award for that one. I thought I broke his arm. I also brought him this summer after he hit a basketball with a baseball bat and the bat bounced back and hit his head (here's your sign, buddy!!). He had a lac to his eyebrow. Honestly, if I had dermabond at home I would have just glued it there, but I didn't have any so off to the ER we went. I brought my daughter to the ER once when I looked in her throat and her tonsils were touching. That was on a Saturday night, and we have a severe lack of urgent care facilities where I live and I didn't want to wait until Monday for abx from the PCP. I think that's about it.

I always think about all of the germs those parents don't realize they are exposing their barely sick kids to as they crawl all over the waiting room. I am forever telling parents and kids who are old enough not to sit on the floor or let their child crawl around on the floor. :barf02:

The culture is different now. With pt satisfaction, we encourage the behavior.

The other problem is cost. Nobody in their right mind, who has 50+ $ copay's plus % costs for ER visits is going to frequent fly the ed.

So there's nothing making the ER an emergency, but rather a place to get free rx, and free food.

I cringe when the man with bph, abd pain needed a foley placed for retention and he talks to his wife about the $200 copay and how will they pay it. Then next room is a 4'fer for uri with no symptoms and mom wants an std swipe.

I never went to ER as a child. I went at 17 via EMS (my scared friend took me to fire dept lol) the nurse pulled me out of the bed, said I wasn't an emergency and made me sit in waiting room for 4 hours. Pyelonephritis.

Then as adult, 2 ER trips in 2 days. 1st trip, they said I was constipated (um) went to doc who rushed me to another ER, it was my appendix. Surgery.

Specializes in family practice and school nursing.

51 years old... NEVER been to the ER for myself... as child hardly ever even went to the doctor. Once when I was 5 for pneumonia then not again until my college physical.

Out of 3 kids we went to the ER once for my teenage daughter that split her head open at a bonfire at 11:00 pm...

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