I got a DUI

Nurses General Nursing


I was so stupid the other night, I had two drinks, got pulled over and failed the breathalyzer. Will this affect my AL RN liscence when we renew next year

Before that I had a clean record, not even a ticket. I am no alcoholic just did something very stupid that I will never never do again

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
Originally posted by kvack


Lets see

Your middle aged


Anti alcohol preaching


if not married soon to be one of the unmarried

and a Democrat all rolled into one, fancy that

I bet you even thought Jimmy Carter was a good president

Chiao for now

Get over yourself, that was beyond rude.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Whew! Who pissed in YOUR cornflakes this morning, kvack?:eek:

Specializes in Medical/Surgical.

Kvack, where do you get off judging/attacking someone you don't even know? :nono:

That post spoke volumes.


Does anyone else find it odd that snoop posed this question and never replied again...first and only post..strange.

Specializes in CICu, ICU, med-surg.
Originally posted by MandyInMS


Does anyone else find it odd that snoop posed this question and never replied again...first and only post..strange.

After reading this thread, I don't find it strange at all. The way some of these folks have preached and brow beated, I wouldn't blame him/her for running away.

hi just thought i'd mention that a few weeks ago at an anniversary party a friend brought one of those portable breathelizers (SP?) and we were STUNNED at the readings! we had designated drivers so noone was driving who should'nt have bee, but one girl was 1.6 i was .4 (and felt it by the way) but absolutley everyone who had a drink was over our .08 limit!. one lady had chips and salsa and 1 vodka squirt and was .14 this just proves to me that drinking and driving don't mix at all, but i also realize that there are many MANY people who go to dinner and have 1 glass of wine or a drink and then drive home thinking they are fine, and maybe by the time they drive home they are, however i know seeing that .4 reading will stay with me for a long time because i had 3 drinks over the course of about 4 hours and took the test probably in the 2-3 hour. My life and future are to important to me to risk a dui so i will always use a designated driver. just something to think about.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by kvack


Lets see

Your middle aged


Anti alcohol preaching


if not married soon to be one of the unmarried

and a Democrat all rolled into one, fancy that

I bet you even thought Jimmy Carter was a good president

Chiao for now


Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by twarlik

After reading this thread, I don't find it strange at all. The way some of these folks have preached and brow beated, I wouldn't blame him/her for running away.

Hi. I guess it's a matter of perception. I didn't see a lot of preaching and brow beating. A couple with strong opinions, yes.

I know you're in nursing school and I'm torn between advising you to keep that sensitivity and growing thicker skin. If you feel preached at and brow-beaten, don't run away, standup for yourself. But there is a time to turn the other cheek. Anyway, I'm babbling. :D

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by smkoepke

hi just thought i'd mention that a few weeks ago at an anniversary party a friend brought one of those portable breathelizers (SP?) and we were STUNNED at the readings! we had designated drivers so noone was driving who should'nt have bee, but one girl was 1.6 i was .4 (and felt it by the way) but absolutley everyone who had a drink was over our .08 limit!. one lady had chips and salsa and 1 vodka squirt and was .14 this just proves to me that drinking and driving don't mix at all, but i also realize that there are many MANY people who go to dinner and have 1 glass of wine or a drink and then drive home thinking they are fine, and maybe by the time they drive home they are, however i know seeing that .4 reading will stay with me for a long time because i had 3 drinks over the course of about 4 hours and took the test probably in the 2-3 hour. My life and future are to important to me to risk a dui so i will always use a designated driver. just something to think about.

Glad it opened some peoples eyes. People mistakenly feel, like the original poster, that two drinks isn't much. But the law enforcement agencies just don't arbitrarily pick these numbers. Scientific studies prove at these levels people are impaired in their driving skills. Kudos for having designated drivers!

Specializes in ICU.

Please everyone - just a reminder - if you get flamed - report it and please don't quote it. Makes it hard to edit if it has already been quoted so even if the person decides to try and take back his/her words and apologise they can't.:imbar:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by gwenith

Please everyone - just a reminder - if you get flamed - report it and please don't quote it. Makes it hard to edit if it has already been quoted so even if the person decides to try and take back his/her words and apologise they can't.:imbar:

Gee, the censorship police are out again. Sorry I quoted a flame. Forgive me for living!


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