I got a DUI

Nurses General Nursing


I was so stupid the other night, I had two drinks, got pulled over and failed the breathalyzer. Will this affect my AL RN liscence when we renew next year

Before that I had a clean record, not even a ticket. I am no alcoholic just did something very stupid that I will never never do again

Drinking and driving is NEVER a good idea people joke about it all the time when there drunk. That's to bad it happend to you but mjlrn97 is right:

"it might be the best thing that ever happened to you. You haven't killed anyone yet. You haven't ruined any lives (including your own) yet. You haven't even harmed yourself beyond repair yet. Count yourself very fortunate to have been caught before anything truly terrible happens, and then resolve to never, EVER drive again if you've had so much as one beer."

That's how my sisters bestfriend died, why my cousin can't walk, and how my cousin got ran and his arm broken. All by drunk drivers.----Any MANY more people who lost there lives.

Maybe I'm a little overly suspicious, but why did you divulge this in your FIRST post on this board? It seems a little odd. Since we don't really know you, we can only guess as to whether it's true that you "only" had 2 drinks, that you've never gotten a ticket, and that you don't have a problem with drinking. How are we to know whether you just made a "mistake" or whether you really have a problem and are in denial? There's no way for us to know.

I'm sorry you made such a bad choice, but I'm NOT sorry that you got caught.

This message is specifically for MLJRN97,

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Aren't you being a little hard on Snoop.

One thing I have learned over the last 20 yrs is that anybody who is in any one of the AA programs believes that everyone is an Alcoholic, I guess misery loves company.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by kvack

One thing I have learned over the last 20 yrs is that anybody who is in any one of the AA programs believes that everyone is an Alcoholic, I guess misery loves company.

Dead wrong. In my not so humble opinion. Sober alcoholics are not miserable people. They have come from the brink of death and live lives of graditude and joy. They have insight into the denial of others, so they can spot an alcoholic immediately.

You will of course find people as you describe. Perhaps I have rose colored glasses on and yours are dark.

This is borderline flame I know it and acknowledge it.


Avante' guard

I am totally against drinking and driving, but in our state, you almost cannot go to a party and have anything to drink as the blood alcohol (illegal) is so low. I'm scared stiff to have ANYTHING then get in the car even after 1-2 hrs. I can't afford to lose my license. I disagree with the harshness of our profession towards anyone having problems. We totally overpunish offenders, I feel. People need help, and why does the board of nursing get so involved. You are already in trouble with the law.....

To all who replyed to my post

I am by no means saying that drinking and driving is OK

I have had experience with friends of mine who have gotten busted for doing it. Big fines etc etc

What I was responding to was MLJRN97 comments.

She sounds like a recovering alcoholic in the AA 12 step program.

People who tend toward alcoholism traditionally have very addictive and controling personalities so once they get off the sauce, they need to find something else to substitute for it.

Be it golf, shrink sessions,sports, religion or telling everybody else how wrong they are for having a drink, because they themselves cannot handle their own drinking problem.

Yes I know many of you will find this a very ignorant post and for that I am sorry these have been my experiences through the years

" Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it"

Jim Jones Peoples temple leader

"Lead follow or get out of the way" Ted Turner

" Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it"

That quote is from philosopher George Santayana, not that mass-murderer. I know that sounded picky, but I don't want to see Jim Jones getting credit for those wise words.

I believe you are refering to the quote "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Jones Quote taken directly from above his "throne was "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it"

Different quotes, different meaning.

Well, my mistake. I double checked and the site I used (from Penn State) has the same info.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Wow, kvack.......I don't know whether I should be angry, or just amused. Being the "miserable person" that I am according to you, I probably should tell you that I'm one of those reformed alkies in a 12-step program who's bent on making Prohibition the law again and is suffering from the Puritan fear that somebody, somewhere, is having a good time.

I wish I could give you that satisfaction since you have so stridently stereotyped me, but in all honesty I can't......mainly because I am so much the opposite of what you have described. I'm a reasonably happy, thinking human being who stays sober because I happen to like being sane and in control. I live with people who can drink without problems, and there is liquor in my home. (Oooo, a real Carrie Nation type, aren't I?) I can even be around people who enjoy alcoholic beverages without preaching at them or calling them alcoholics.

However, MOST of the people I have come into contact with over my four-and-a-half decades on this planet who get into their vehicles and drive while impaired---and that includes myself---have alcohol problems. And denial is the first mechanism they use to defend themselves. I never stated that this particular person IS an alcoholic---I can't make that diagnosis for anyone but myself---but I did ask him/her to consider that it *might* be an issue. And if trying to help someone who *might* have a problem makes me a miserable person, then I'm guilty as charged.


Lets see

Your middle aged


Anti alcohol preaching


if not married soon to be one of the unmarried

and a Democrat all rolled into one, fancy that

I bet you even thought Jimmy Carter was a good president

Chiao for now

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