I got a DUI

Nurses General Nursing


I was so stupid the other night, I had two drinks, got pulled over and failed the breathalyzer. Will this affect my AL RN liscence when we renew next year

Before that I had a clean record, not even a ticket. I am no alcoholic just did something very stupid that I will never never do again


You know what I find funny? According to the theory "the first sign of an alcoholic is denial", anybody you point your finger at is @$$ed out. You can say 'No, I'm not' or 'Yes, I am' and get the same results with either. What's a guy/gal to do? Just an observation.... :D

This has been one of the most IGNORANT conversations i have ever heard. This is not a flame, but a wake up just like the kind you have all been giving SNOOP.

This is very dangerous thinking and is the basic reason for prejudice and racism in this world. You don't know the reasons of anyone else in this world except for yourself that is why YOU SHOULD NEVER JUDGE ANYONE

what if someone was drinking and had to suddenly make an emergency trip to the hospital for an unexpected emergency and got a DUI, would you judge that person for that? Well it happens, and do you think Police are always fair? do you think they always make the right decisions? they don't.

DUI has a stigma to it, you know why? Lobbying by MADD to Congress. It has been statistically proven that less motor vehicle fatalities occur due to DUI at a BAC of .08-1.2 then by speeding alone with no measurable amt of alcohol involved.

How many of you have speeding tickets? Why on earth would you conciously press your foot to the gas pedal when you are playing with a dangerous weapon? How would you feel if you were judged for that? Maybe you had your child in the car with you when you sped down the highway?

Bottom line , no one condones DRUNKDRIVING, but the extremely low level BAC laws are unconstitutional, and are a direct result of MADD.


Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Originally posted by ILobbyforRN

This has been one of the most IGNORANT conversations i have ever heard. This is not a flame, but a wake up just like the kind you have all been giving SNOOP.

This is very dangerous thinking and is the basic reason for prejudice and racism in this world. You don't know the reasons of anyone else in this world except for yourself that is why YOU SHOULD NEVER JUDGE ANYONE

what if someone was drinking and had to suddenly make an emergency trip to the hospital for an unexpected emergency and got a DUI, would you judge that person for that? Well it happens, and do you think Police are always fair? do you think they always make the right decisions? they don't.

DUI has a stigma to it, you know why? Lobbying by MADD to Congress. It has been statistically proven that less motor vehicle fatalities occur due to DUI at a BAC of .08-1.2 then by speeding alone with no measurable amt of alcohol involved.

How many of you have speeding tickets? Why on earth would you conciously press your foot to the gas pedal when you are playing with a dangerous weapon? How would you feel if you were judged for that? Maybe you had your child in the car with you when you sped down the highway?

Bottom line , no one condones DRUNKDRIVING, but the extremely low level BAC laws are unconstitutional, and are a direct result of MADD.


Sorry, but I don't support what your saying. If I was drunk and got called to an emergency I still wouldn't do it.

The extremely low levels of BAC laws are based on the scientific facts. Evidence has shown that drivers are impaired at this level. They may not think it, may not look it. But take the same person without drinks, test on response time, attention, alertness. Then test them "impaired". Sure there are probably many many of you who aren't impaired with a couple of drinks and drive just fine, I agree with that. But MADD aren't a bunch of idiots with nothing better to to. They've had a tremendous impact on saving countless lives.

Most of the people were judging the act, not the person.

I don't condone speeding either. I didn't support raising the speed limit back to 65 and 70. It kills more people.

Welcome to the boards.

Specializes in Everything except surgery.

NO speeding tickets here, in fact NO traffic tickets at all!:D

I'm glad MADD came about as a result of inadequate laws for Drunk Drivers! I'm just sorry that someone didn't do something sooner!


Never a ticket here too. Not even a paarking ticket. Been driving since I was 14 (legal age way back then in SC).

I support the lower BAC passed in our state.

One thing we do have that is so stupid...is minibottles. One mini gives you the equivalent of 1.7 oz per drink...no more, no less. There is no freepour in this state. Someone not familiar with minis would be over the limit thinking they only had 2 drinks. I don't think any other state has this.

Cautioning people is not ignorance; it is passing on information. What I say, you may not agree with, but I am not ignorant and neither are you.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
Originally posted by ILobbyforRN

This has been one of the most IGNORANT conversations i have ever heard. This is not a flame, but a wake up just like the kind you have all been giving SNOOP.

This is very dangerous thinking and is the basic reason for prejudice and racism in this world. You don't know the reasons of anyone else in this world except for yourself that is why YOU SHOULD NEVER JUDGE ANYONE

what if someone was drinking and had to suddenly make an emergency trip to the hospital for an unexpected emergency and got a DUI, would you judge that person for that? Well it happens, and do you think Police are always fair? do you think they always make the right decisions? they don't.

DUI has a stigma to it, you know why? Lobbying by MADD to Congress. It has been statistically proven that less motor vehicle fatalities occur due to DUI at a BAC of .08-1.2 then by speeding alone with no measurable amt of alcohol involved.

How many of you have speeding tickets? Why on earth would you conciously press your foot to the gas pedal when you are playing with a dangerous weapon? How would you feel if you were judged for that? Maybe you had your child in the car with you when you sped down the highway?

Bottom line , no one condones DRUNKDRIVING, but the extremely low level BAC laws are unconstitutional, and are a direct result of MADD.


without judgement, we just let people run wild then ????? that ok with you???

WAIT TIL YOU HAVE A LOVED ONE OR FRIEND DIE OR ARE PERMENANTLY DISABLED ALL AT THE HANDS OF A DRUNK DRIVER And THEN see how quickly you reverse your "judge not lest ye be judged" attitude. IF any post ever were "ignorant", as you accuse ours of being, this would be the one that takes the CAKE....

there ARE cabs.

There ARE buses

There are subways/trains...

There ARE friends....

There ARE ambulances....

There ARE even cops


I SAY GO, MADD!!!! It's time drunken/drug influenced driving are stopped COLD:zzzzz

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

duplicate post.

The legal alcohol limit of .8 - 1.2 was instituted for safety. A nonalcoholic person , might think "Thank God that cop pulled me over. Didn't know 2 beers made me an unsafe driver. I'll accept the consequences & never drink more than 1 drink & drive again."

At an AA meeting, we'd all have a knowing guffaw over that one...cause most of us (except those too poor for cars) drank & drove...OFTEN.

I am an alcoholic (now recovering) and felt entitled to drink and drive because I was "real careful." I was really lucky I didn't kill anybody.

I'm saying to all of you who drink & drive (regardless of whether you got a DUI or not) welcome to the club of foolish functional alcoholics. Hope you hit bottom without killing anybody. Since 1 in 10 is an alcoholic & only a small fraction are in recovery, I assume that every Tom, Dick, & Mary is a potential drunk.

I'm not judging...alcoholism is an illness not a moral condition.

Maybe those of us in recovery talk tough, but that's because we have seen a lot of heartbreak. In the last year I have had loved ones relapse (in AA/NA) and go to jail for violent crimes, catch Hep C, and yes die. This is an ugly, horrifying, and ultimately fatal disease. If my mom had diabetes, I'd yell and scream and pray that she took her insulin. Why sweep drug and alcohol addiction under the rug? It kills the afflicted but innocent people around them.

How did I get help? Opened the phone book, called Alcoholics Anonymous & got the time and directions of a nearby meeting. It's been 2 years and 8 months since then. I pray I never forget the pain.

Good luck.


Caroline (no longer have nothing to hide!)

P.S. One of the benefits of recovery is I have dozens of friends & I don't even know their last names.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Great post, Caroline, and congratulations on your sobriety!! Don't be surprised if you get flamed, though.......I posted some of my own thoughts on this subject, and a couple of people came down on me like stink on dogsh**. I'm just glad there's another recovering ETOHer on this board who isn't afraid to tell it like it is! Sugarcoating things and making excuses for people who drive after drinking doesn't fly, I don't care who's doing it or how many times they've done it or how much they think it takes to make one impaired. I'm just as guilty of this as the OP, although I never did get caught (my only ETOH-related bust was for disorderly conduct back when I was barely 21). But there is NO EXCUSE for driving under the influence of ANY substance---whether it's booze or drugs or even cold medicines---and if that stance makes me (or anyone else) sound harsh, it's only because we've been there and we know there are always people who think they're the exception to the rules. These are the ones who say things like "I only had two beers" and "I didn't know I was drunk". And we alcoholics know this BS for what it is.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

**standing ovation for Caroline**

way to go.

one day at a time, I admire your strength!

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
Originally posted by ILobbyforRN

This has been one of the most IGNORANT conversations i have ever heard.

Get out more.

Here are my thoughts. Its Friday..I'm slightly tipsy. I've had a few beers....I took a cab home..took a cab there...I planned on drinking. BUT! I have many "stories" of my drunken days. I'm only 23, but I can compare stories with the best of them....unfortunately.

Due to strict drinking and driving laws..even if you don't feel intoxicated, you can fail a breathalizer test. As a larger women, (size 22..or 5'8, 250ish pounds) even if I've had 2 drinks, don't feel the "serious" effects...I can still be pulled over for drunk driving. Body weight and such don't matter..only numbers do. You are the only one who can deny, or realize you have a drinking problem. I realized I was on my way to one. I allow myself to drink on a Friday, provided I don't have to work the next day. Only Friday. no other day of the week. Thats only to protect myself from what I was afraid of becoming.

But you have to look at yourself, and think..how often do I drink? How much do I drink? Anyone can call anyone an alcoholic. But only the person who is an alcoholic can finally say "enough is enough" and check themselves into rehab.

So! Be careful y'all!! I may be tipsy..but I'm not endangering anyone but myself right now.

Good luck with the DUI...hopefully you can prove yourself to the BON. Maybe doing a few classes on your own may help them keep you around! But make sure you aren't in denile...I've been there. And so far so good...I've been able to control myself, and make the right decisions.



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