I give in, I'm a COB

Nurses General Nursing


Ok, I've had it. I'm tired of whippersnapper nurses, smart alecky new grads who think that their gold plated degrees trump experience.

I'm hungry for young flesh. ;)

I'm officially a Crusty Old Bat, to put it nicely.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
I don't know that there's a specific number, but certainly a whole lot more than one or two. IMO, anyone who has more than 20 years...no brainer.

I think if you have at least ten years of exp., you are well on your way to being a COB. If you've been a nurse more than half your life, then you are in an elite group of COBs. >()

I've been a nurse 2/3 of my life. I wonder what that makes me.

Specializes in Hospice.
I've been a nurse 2/3 of my life. I wonder what that makes me.

Like me, a dinosaur, lol.

Something fierce, but not a T-Rex. Can you imaging putting in a Foley or starting an IV with those arms? 😱

Specializes in ER.
I've been a nurse 2/3 of my life. I wonder what that makes me.

Ruby, you are our guru, the Yoda of the COBs. Guide us please.

How is it I leave for a week and come back to so many people complaining about my shinyness.

I'm going to go cry in a corner now.

Whaaaaaa :roflmao:

Why i read this thread this far is beyond me.......smh.

Why i read this thread this far is beyond me.......smh.

Your username makes me uncomfortable.

BTW, you read this thread because we are an entertaining group of COBs, SCABs, and FCOBs.

Need I say more?

Specializes in Hospital medicine; NP precepting; staff education.

Well shucks, im crusty, then. Just. I "love" it when an ER nurse says "but I e been at this a long time " and their years out of school can be counted on one hand.

Why i read this thread this far is beyond me.......smh.

And then spent even more time complaining about it...smh.

Specializes in Neonatology.


I had several COB teach me a ton as well,

sometimes sugar coating doesn't get the job done, now I can take my place as the next generation of COBs

Well shucks, im crusty, then. Just. I "love" it when an ER nurse says "but I e been at this a long time " and their years out of school can be counted on one hand.

Embrace it.

Just like I embrace my future of becoming one. I'm just browning, but I one day will join the group and be one with the crustys. I aspire to be one heck of a COB :p

Specializes in Hospital medicine; NP precepting; staff education.

Oh! Sorry for the typo above. I'm on my phone and this is so different.

I love me some COB! Honestly, you guys are what I inspire to be! You have help make nursing what it is today! Oh, and Another reason, you being a COB = one more open position when you retire and I graduate! (i say that with nothing but love and respect, I promise!) 😊

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