I exploded at work. Haha miserable. Here's what happened? Should I feel bad, I kinda


i worked 12hr day shift and then stayed over for 4 more hours. so I get off at 11 pm. I made sure I got everything by that time.

Nurses who come relieving you should be there on time are they not? No they come in late around 1115. You give them time to fuss around and let their lazy asses settled so insensitive to others waiting on them to act like a nurse who means business. on top of that i noticed this charge nurse is really whiny instead of fixing the gadamm assignment.

What I did, I rewrote my report sheet made sure everything is in there. And then at 1140 I couldn't take it anymore I handed it to them and told them very clearly it is 1140 it's time for me to go I couldnt keep my ride waiting any longer than 40 mins. And the nerve she told me in a very bossy way that she's done now and I could find the whoever the nurse was and start giving oral report.

In my opinion I followed policy I waited 30 mins. And what gets to me is how others can be so insensitive but oh well .I am a very quiet person, when she told me that I went ballistic iinside i narrowed my eyes at her. And I guess they noticed it cause the other nurses came consoling. The charge nurse even tried to talk to me again, I just couldnt speak to her I was disgusted. So I left the report sheet to consoling nurses.

I was disgusted. What I felt I think is justified. But I guess I'm still second guessing it because I'm a really kind of non-fussy tryna keep everything calm person dont wanna ruffle feathers. But i realized a lot of people are really gonna step all over you. even if you are tinsy bit nice. hhaha now i got it out of my chest thanks

Irritates me to death too. Next shift needs to clock in on time and get themselves together so last shift can get out on time. Personally, I'm ready to take report when I clock in because I get there early.

Specializes in Pedi.

This has happened to me before when working a 16 hr shift and, yes, it's SO aggravating. If the on-coming nurse isn't THERE at 11:15, I'm not waiting any longer because by the time they stroll in at 11:25, they're going to go put their stuff down, check their assignment and spend 20 minutes looking it up on the computer before they're finally ready to start taking report at 11:45. Not happening. I take public transportation and if I don't make it to my second bus by 11:40, I'm not getting home until nearly 1am. I sign out to the charge nurse and say "so and so can call me if she has any questions"... I've already done the floor one favor by staying for an extra 4 hours (and getting nothing but straight time for it, if I'm lucky) and if I stayed an extra hour, that time wouldn't be compensated. Not to mention, it's just considerate to be there to relieve your colleagues on time. We all want to go home at the end of our shifts.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

That's beyond infuriating. I'd be livid.

Now why would you be anxious to get outta there after 16. freaking. hours? Yeah, I'd have been furious.

I wouldn't feel bad. I am one who is always there on time or you call ahead and let them know you are gonna be a few late. If you take time to settle in show up 5-10 min early. Some people are just rude.

If it's any consolation, keep in mind that by being the kind of person you are you're probably driving your co-workers nuts. People like that just can't stand the idea that there are people that are conscientious, considerate, professional & actually like their jobs. How dare they! :madface:

----- Dave

When working in a facility, I always came into the building 20 or so minutes early and sat in the foyer. One of the unappreciated benefits of this practice was that the offgoing nurse could always leave on time. On occasion, they would come find me to give report early because they really needed to get out of there. I didn't mind.

Specializes in Chemo.

i would have put with it for about five minutes. i would have also followed it with a note to my manager. in california after 12 hours it is double time and after 16 it is triple. i sure my manager would be just an angry having to pay me triple time because my coworker was getting, coffee, chit chatting and other things. i have same issue happen to me every morning when i get off. the nurses show up at about 0700 to 0710, chit chat, get coffee, and get his or her assignment. it takes time to give report more so when one has to give report to multiple people. i tend to get out of there by 0745 or latter. most of the night shift shows up at 1830 to1900 but the point is at 1900 he or she is ready. frustrating

Specializes in OR.

Showing up late for your shift and dallying while the other staff are trying to go home is down right disrespectful.

Their behavior shows that they value their own time and have no consideration for others.

I believe what IEDave says in that you are kind, considerate and professional.. keep up the great attitude you

have, unfortunately, we can't always effect change in other peoples inappropriate behavior.

There is no harm in asking your colleagues if they feel their time is more valuable than yours!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery, MS.

I can't believe people can be so inconsiderate. Or that places put up with such tardiness. At our work we are late if we clock in 1 minute late. We have to get report by five minutes after. That sounds like craziness!

Specializes in LTC, Acute Care.

Don't feel bad; I blew my top a few shifts ago and felt better for it...lol. I'm a lot like you; easy going, soft spoken, and generally agreeable. My shift doesn't start until 1900 but I clock in no later than 1830 so I can get report early and "get my ducks in a row". This particular day I waited, waited, and waited to get report. The off going nurse was already at the nurses station when I walked in and SAW me walk in but instead of giving me report so I can go on with my life she goes back down the hall to just hang out in one of the patient's rooms that she needed assistance with a procedure. Mind you, there were 2 other nurses in there taking care of the issue at hand so her presence wasn't needed. By the time she got back to the nurses station it was 1920 and I was fuming. I tried to let it go but then I found out that she also left behind blood that needed to be transfused, a foley that needed to be inserted, and a new patient that arrived somewhere around 1800 and she had not even attempted to initiate the admission process.

The biggest issue with me is that she didn't go ahead and release her team to me so that I could be efficient and at least initiate some of the tasks that she left behind before I started my 2000-2200 med pass. I do understand that nursing is a 24hr job and I know that sometimes tasks can and will be left for the other shift; however don't put me behind just because YOU are behind. Needless to say, since I made my feelings known on the issue she has began to tighten up and attempts to work smarter and harder.

Back on topic; as for me staying over time just so I can give someone who is chronically late report; It just ain't gonna happen!!

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