I exploded at work. Haha miserable. Here's what happened? Should I feel bad, I kinda


i worked 12hr day shift and then stayed over for 4 more hours. so I get off at 11 pm. I made sure I got everything by that time.

Nurses who come relieving you should be there on time are they not? No they come in late around 1115. You give them time to fuss around and let their lazy asses settled so insensitive to others waiting on them to act like a nurse who means business. on top of that i noticed this charge nurse is really whiny instead of fixing the gadamm assignment.

What I did, I rewrote my report sheet made sure everything is in there. And then at 1140 I couldn't take it anymore I handed it to them and told them very clearly it is 1140 it's time for me to go I couldnt keep my ride waiting any longer than 40 mins. And the nerve she told me in a very bossy way that she's done now and I could find the whoever the nurse was and start giving oral report.

In my opinion I followed policy I waited 30 mins. And what gets to me is how others can be so insensitive but oh well .I am a very quiet person, when she told me that I went ballistic iinside i narrowed my eyes at her. And I guess they noticed it cause the other nurses came consoling. The charge nurse even tried to talk to me again, I just couldnt speak to her I was disgusted. So I left the report sheet to consoling nurses.

I was disgusted. What I felt I think is justified. But I guess I'm still second guessing it because I'm a really kind of non-fussy tryna keep everything calm person dont wanna ruffle feathers. But i realized a lot of people are really gonna step all over you. even if you are tinsy bit nice. hhaha now i got it out of my chest thanks

You have every right to be annoyed. I am also a kind of quiet person, who would rather not ruffle feathers. But I learned pretty quickly that if you don't stand up for yourself, people will walk all over you.

Specializes in ED/ICU/TELEMETRY/LTC.

I can't say it often enough. What you need is policy.

The policy should be if the nurse taking report isn't ready for report by 7, report should be given to the charge nurse and let her/him handle it. That stops it in a hurry.

You were more than gracious... leave a written report.. walk out at the end of your shift with your head held high!

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I was a CNA before I was an LPN at the same nursing home many years ago. When I would come in the nurses would take forever to give me report so that I could start my shift. They would talk to each other, joke around, finish their charting and 15-30mins later want to give me report!!!! Oh, that use to make me HOT and not in the good way! Of course I didn't mind waiting if something happened and they needed the time to finish up, but just to take your time because you didn't care about me, no respect. So, what I started to do was let them know that I was there and then go off and do something else. Well, now they found themselves waiting on me!!! Yep, broke those nurses out of that disrespectful behavior.

I had that same problem with going home when I first started working...nurses needing to take their meds, or eat something, or fill out their assignment sheet, before taking the report and the keys. So, I started letting them know, that when you come to work and it is your time to take over, then you need to come count this cart and get these keys. I work hard so that I can be finished with the cart for you as not to hold you up, so you need to come to work ready to take over. Many times I would stand at the cart with the narc drawer open, so the on coming nurse came right over and counted, took report, and her keys.

But, you really need to just let your co-workers know, so that they will stop doing that to you. I mean you can still be nice about it and still be liked and have your co-worker's respect. If they can't respect you, then maybe you should think twice about staying over 4 hours in addition to the 12 hours that you have already put in. TEAM WORK!!! Good Luck!!!

Specializes in Geriatrics.
I can't say it often enough. What you need is policy.

The policy should be if the nurse taking report isn't ready for report by 7, report should be given to the charge nurse and let her/him handle it. That stops it in a hurry.

However, dixieredhead, there is not always a charge nurse to give report to. This has happened to me & it's just 2 of us. You can put the policy in place, but nurse supervisor can't enforce if she/he isn't there. Also, we are adult professional nurses and should be able to at least handle shift change without beining supervised...LOL

This kind of thing starts at the top. My NM, whom we all admired and respected, would NEVER have allowed this behavior.

Specializes in ER, ICU.

Most managers are (or should be) very cost aware. Next time, tell your boss that because so-and-so was late you ended up incurring X amount of overtime because you stayed late. If you boss isn't aware, over a year this can be a large amount of money if multiple nurses are often late. Let's say on a unit of 16 nurses, half of them are 15 minutes late each week because of late report. Assuming $45 per hour (OT rate) this is 8 occurrences of $11.25 or $90 per week which is over $2,000 per year. I can't imagine any manager simply not caring. This is outside the issue of professional behavior of not showing up on time.

Specializes in LTC.

I'm not nearly as nice as you, OP.

My method is more of a "HEY! HEY! Nope, don't bother putting your jacket down, here's your report, let's count. Show up on time next time please."

I work 16s as well. I don't take any nonsense at the end of my shift.

Specializes in vascular, med surg, home health , rehab,.

thats crap. You are completely justified.

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