How old were you when you started nursing school?

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The wonderful thing about nursing is that it is open to everyone of all ages. Please give a cheer to all the people who believe that age is not a factor in learning. And, to all the people who strive for knowledge regardless of age. How old were you when you started nursing school?

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I was 22 when I started my ADN program....will be 24 when I'm done and hopefully I'll be 26 with my bachelor's : )

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Started my LPN program at 21 (1976!)

Started my AAS at 23 (1978)

Started my BSN at 25 ---- but didn't finish it until 55!

Started my MSN at 56- finished at 57.

And yes, I do want my DNP but I currently have two kids in college....

I was in my late 40's when I decided to go to nursing school. I could not finish and had to wait for about five more years. I will be finishing my LPN in about another year and I am proud to say that I will be 58 years old when I graduate and become a nurse. Its never to late folks, no matter what age you are. I love it.

charjoe56 said:
I was in my late 40's when I decided to go to nursing school. I could not finish and had to wait for about five more years. I will be finishing my LPN in about another year and I am proud to say that I will be 58 years old when I graduate and become a nurse. Its never to late folks, no matter what age you are. I love it.

I not longer feel "to old". Thank you for this post ?

So I'll be starting nursing school at 27 I n ill be 29 when I finish with my ADN.

God I do feel old!! ?

Im 42 and in my first semester of nursing school...terrified yes, worth it absolutely...been my dream for way too long an its bout time it became a reality...:yes:

Specializes in pediatrics; PICU; NICU.

I started my pre-reqs at 16 and I'll be in a clinical program at 18

Specializes in kids.
Esme12 said:
I was 17.

Me too! Finished at 22 took the 5 year plan in order to have my son at the beginning of what wuould have been my senior year! Ack!! Was in a BSN program. that was very supportive of me

30 years later here I am!

Did not get my Masters Degree until I was 50!

I start next fall! I am SO excited! I will be 19 when I start and 21 when I graduate with my ADN. Then I will be getting my BSN and will be graduating with that when I am 22!

I'm 41 in my first semester of ADN. I have a daughter in college, high school and middle school and a son in 1st grade. It's never too late!

Specializes in Emergency.

40...About the average in my class...with plans to keep going as far as I can!

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