Hot dogs and ramen,summer budget

Specialties School


This is my first summer off as a school nurse. Any tips on budgeting for the summer? Think I'll have to hide most of that money from my husband because he will think he needs to spend it! If there is x amount in the bank, he thinks that is x amount to spend. Doesn't think about bills, groceries, etc.

Husbands can be such a pain in the burro. Just ask Sweep Petunia.

Well, what are you making her Sweep?

If you are married to a financial idiot, you must take over the finances and keep YOUR money separate. You knew there would be no paychecks during the summer. Past time to budget. Next fiscal year, set aside 25% of your take home pay, put it where financial idiot can't get his hands on it.

this suggestion is for the husband, right?

I did not read OP's post all the way through my bad:bag:

Specializes in PACU, pre/postoperative, ortho.

Hmmm, I've got one of those husbands. First few yrs of our marriage was really rough financially because he was the same way. Never occurred to him that checks needed to be recorded in the register or that when he used that bright new debit card, I needed to know (pre-internet banking)!

Gradually kept making changes until now (23 yrs later), we have 2 checking accts in my name with him as an authorized user & beneficiary. One acct is primarily for his use but I routinely transfer excess out of "his" acct to mine to limit his spending. It been this way for prob about 10 yrs now & works well, even by hubs admission.

I also have about $1000 cash in my jewelry box 😊

Find a summer job? Per diem at an agency, or something outside of nursing maybe?

Unless there childcare expenses figure in, earning something is better than nothing. I run across my sons' former kindergarten teacher at the hardware store sometimes when she is working her summer job.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

School nurses are perfect candidates for home care peds. If you work PRN, you have complete control over schedule and clients- and it's a handy PRN gig once school re-starts.

Specializes in NICU, Trauma, Oncology.

Peanut butter jelly time. [emoji23] still a student. With a toddler and my husbands meager income. PBJ, hot dogs, and Kraft mac n cheese is a staple

Specializes in School nurse.

Set up a veggie garden and look for pick your own fruit farms. Also, check out your library for free deals (ours offers free entrance to different museums, free movies, free classes, free beach passes etc). We also do a weekly pot luck at church.

Come September, every time you go grocery shopping, pick yourself up a gift card and save it for next summer.

Set up a veggie garden and look for pick your own fruit farms. Also, check out your library for free deals (ours offers free entrance to different museums, free movies, free classes, free beach passes etc). We also do a weekly pot luck at church.

Come September, every time you go grocery shopping, pick yourself up a gift card and save it for next summer.

I like your ideas. I do have my own small garden but my mom-in-law and sis-in-law have a huge . . . and I mean huge . . . garden on the ranch. Also there are apple trees there. Plus, there are local farms with produce for sale and we have two farmer's markets in neighboring small towns.

Personally, when I worked as a school nurse I wanted to have my summers off to be with my kid.

These are all things that should be discussed before getting married by the way. If you'd prefer the husband be the main breadwinner so you get to stay home with the kids, then make sure he agrees. And also, talk about budgeting, etc. The recommendation is 6 months of premarital counseling to see if you are compatible in all your life choices.

Marriage ain't just about the hormones folks. That can't sustain a marriage. :yawn:

I'm more of a tequila drinker myself....I don't mess around!

Wow...thanks for the few helpful ideas and I will not be responding to the comments about my marriage, thanks:no:

Marriages go through stages. I had the same issue with Mr. Spend-O-Rama for a long time. We have evolved out of necessity. :geek:

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