Published Mar 15, 2013
231 members have participated
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
Just for fun. If you have to pick one, which one?
*yes, we know they are both bad for you*
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344 Posts
Does diet coke count?? Lol
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I'm mostly a diet cola drinker these days because I don't want the added sugars. There's also a strong history of diabetes on both sides of my family.
When I'm drinking regular cola, I prefer Coke. When I'm drinking diet cola, I prefer Diet Pepsi.
73 Posts
Just for fun. If you have to pick one, which one?*yes, we know they are both bad for you*Login or Register to vote (takes one minute)
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1 Post
I always pick COKE :)
As I am typing this, the poll has been up for approximately ten minutes and it is already appearing as if Coke is going to be the landslide winner/favorite.
Daisy_08, BSN, RN
597 Posts
Coke, is good
Diet is better
Lime is even better
and Rum is best!
NurseKatie08, MSN
754 Posts
I voted for coke is my preference though...don't go a day without one!
408 Posts
Regular Pepsi and Diet Coke. But, I've considerably have cut down on soda during the recent months. I hardly drink it anymore. However, summer is coming up -- so that can change. I don't know yet.
elprup, BSN, RN
1,005 Posts
My baby book says, "age 2, I think she is addicted to Pepsi". No wonder my calcium level is low.
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
brandy1017, ASN, RN
2,905 Posts
I'm hopelessly addicted to pepsi, one time I was able to stop for a month but then I fell off the wagon. lol