Fun: Coke or Pepsi Nurses?


  1. Pepsi or Coke

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231 members have participated

Just for fun. If you have to pick one, which one?

*yes, we know they are both bad for you*


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No Coke... Pepsi!

If it is good enough for the Olympia Restaurant ("Cheeburger, cheeburger, Pepsi, Pepsi!"), then it has to be good. :yes:

Specializes in inerested in school nursing, peds, OR.

Root beer all the way! But coke will do :)

Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi. There is such a minimal difference between the two that it doesn't matter to me.

I will not drink Coke or Pepsi . . .too much sugar!

Specializes in ER, progressive care.

Definitely Coke! Pepsi has a fake taste to me.

Pepsi all the way.

Coke all the way! Pepsi makes me gag and I can immediately tell when I have Pepsi. It has a weird taste.

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Specializes in Acute Mental Health.

Ahhh Coke, the nectar of the gods ;)


drinking a coke right now!! it get"s me through the day!!!

I'm a Pepper...through and through...but because I live in the south, I still SAY "Let's get a Coke" when I mean I want a Dr. Pepper. Does that count?

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Where is the Dr. Pepper option... :(

Coke I only like with Rum or whiskey

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Where is the Dr. Pepper option... :(

Coke I only like with Rum or whiskey

Yeah...I'm a Pepper too...though I thought it was a Coke product...I will default to Coke when Dr. Pepper isn't around.

Cola??? No neither :barf02:

Barq's... it has bite! After that I am a Pepper girl as well. I learned a thing or two living near Waco. LOL

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