Published Mar 15, 2013
231 members have participated
Just for fun. If you have to pick one, which one?
*yes, we know they are both bad for you*
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65 Posts
Um. hmm.. My choice is a pepsi product! Sunkist Orange Soda, oh yeah!! That's what gets me through my day. It's the only orange soda with caffeine in it. Okay, so I am a little different (nothing new) =)
6,011 Posts
Mountain Dew!! Loaded and fully leaded.
TopazLover, BSN, RN
1 Article; 728 Posts
Rare - Diet Pepsi. Less rare - Root Beer. Common - Iced tea
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
It depends....what are the liquors being added??
I rarely drink soda. Much prefer water or iced tea. If I have to drink soda I prefer coke over a ton of ice; if there is no ice my choice is then Pepsi.
1,026 Posts
Coke is the one for me!
Whispera, MSN, RN
3,458 Posts
Pepsi, especially the kind with lime in it. Coke makes me burp (too much information??).
NurseLatteDNP, MSN, DNP, RN
825 Posts
Hook me up to Pepsi please :-)
9 Posts
2,188 Posts
neither, I stopped drinking any form of soda years ago....unless it has rum in it or vodka
496 Posts
Coke :)
I only drink Pepsi when it's on sale lol
244 Posts
Coke for sure! Pepsi is just straight nasty.
67 Posts
Pepsi, over ice...breakfast of champions! Thank you