Published Oct 21, 2018
9 Posts
Although I love my d o n and my administrator where I work I'm seeking possible other job opportunities and I'm just wondering do Healthcare administrators know one another and DONs? Although I know mine love me, i havent told them that i am actively seeking another job. What are the chancesnof them knowing one another and would it hurt to not tell my boss?
Ruas61, BSN, RN
1,368 Posts
Yes, they are usually familiar with each other in most cities of a small to mid-size. A larger area like NYC, LA and such may be less.
1,030 Posts
Based on my personal experience, yes. And, department directors may know each other as well. (That was, ahem, interesting....). Don't expect confidentiality when you interview.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
I interviewed for a job 4 states away. Very hush-hush. It got back to one of the directors at my current hospital (luckily, she gave me a stellar recommendation and kept quiet about it until I announced my departure).
So, yeah. Healthcare is a very small world.
1,753 Posts
I joke with my DON that no new nursing leaders are created they just move about different hospitals!
Davey Do
10,651 Posts
SuziQ63 said:I'm just wondering do Healthcare administrators know one another and DONs? What are the chances of them knowing one another?
Oh, SuziQ- they know one another.
They all belong to a secret social club!
Jedrnurse, BSN, RN
2,776 Posts
Always assume there's six (or less) degrees of separation. I learned this in a bizarre way years ago, going from an Uno's restaurant to a law firm...
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
Assume they do. Make your words sweet and choose only to talk about the positive.
Neats, BSN
682 Posts
Oh, SuziQ- they know one another.They all belong to a secret social club!
I did not know I belong to such a group as this. I do know a lot of Administrators and DON's though. No we do not discuss hiring unless it is for a major position such as department manager, then I wonder why you are leaving. I do not use my connects for that though as I want to save my connections for good, like obtaining furniture, beds, wheelchairs or perhaps a therapeutic bathtub from another facility!!! I can always google your name/facebook/Linkin you are out there somewhere.
Thanks Davey Do for a big belly laugh I sent this picture to more than 10 friends who are administrators and they too had some fun belly laughs. You made my day!!!!!
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
In fact, you'd be surprised at how small the nursing world is, and who knows who and where. It's wise to always watch your tongue and never burn any bridges.
hawaiicarl, BSN, RN
327 Posts
Probably depends too whether they are in a healthcare "system". Nepotism runs deep at some, one CEOs son was an Xray tech, then transferred to another hospital as a VP. So ya be careful.
NurseSpeedy, ADN, LPN, RN
1,599 Posts
I can always google your name/facebook/Linkin you are out there somewhere.
I've always avoided social media like the ones listed above because I don't want an employer to be able to judge me based on what they may or may not find...then I googled my name and there is someone with the same name and lived in the same apartment complex as I did at the same time...and another had a mugshot for drugs....maybe I should create a profile just to help differentiate me from them!