Published Mar 1, 2016
Keepstanding, ASN, RN
1,600 Posts
Do any of you SN folks let your coworkers know that you are on AllNurses ?
If so, do you disclose your username ?
Are you comfortable with this ?
Just curious. I do not want anyone I work with to know or identify me on here.
Thanks !
3,393 Posts
I haven't. No specific reason but this is so public.
12,646 Posts
Oh HELL no.
SnowyJ, RN
844 Posts
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Though I have shared it with a couple other nurse friends.
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
What co workers?? You guys ARE my nurse co workers...
MrNurse(x2), ADN
2,558 Posts
Nope. My coworkers in the hospital don't like the "real" AN, too nasty for their tastes. I wouldn't have stayed if that's all I saw, but this group has helped me immensely in making this SN thing work. I definitely wouldn't tell the teachers.
216 Posts
No way. I wont even friend any coworkers on fb.
Cattz, ADN
1,082 Posts
Me neither. No. Not. Ever. Do I friend them on FB. And, definitely not parents.
fawnmarie, ASN
284 Posts
I like AN and have suggested that several of my co-workers become members. This forum has greatly influenced how I practice as a nurse. I love hearing other nurses' stories and challenges, and how they react to them. To my disappointment, only one of my colleagues liked AN enough to join, and she lost interest after just a few weeks. It's not everyone's cup of tea. No one knows my username, and it's a good thing, because I've shared in great detail about one facility where I worked for 12 years. I know we're not supposed to share too much information here, but I feel like this is the only place I can get honest (sometimes brutally honest) feedback when nursing issues occur.
You have Eeyore as your avatar, you must be awesome. I am a deep judge of character like that.
BABY Eeyore, at that.
410 Posts
I like my fellow nurses a lot and I don't care if they went on AN or were facebook friends. Although on facebook I am wary about adding teachers.