Disgusted. How to report...

U.S.A. Florida


Hi. Hopefully someone can help. I am aware and have email documentation to verify that a county paramedic has been having an affair with a married ED doctor while on the clock. They hook up in supply closets and go to her car while on duty. I reported the doctor to the hospital. She is still employed. I reported the paramedic and he is still employed. I can't do anything about the doctor, but I'd like to take my complaint against the paramedic up the chain of command. Yes, the emails are actually between the two individuals discussing their sexual escapades. Disgusting behavior and yet they still have their licenses and jobs. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

OP...you have never worked at a university/teaching hospital have you?

The hospital won't care and neither will the ambulance service.

Unprofessional...hummmm...yeah....okay. I guess so. Do I care? NO! Keep the creepy stuff at home. Firing material? Hummm? NO. If there is a no fraternization policy it won't apply as they don't work for the same company.

My best advice...butt out. Not my monkeys, not my circus.

Specializes in retired LTC.

Seems like another incident of someone who feels its' their self-appointed obligation to the world to be the monitor of all that's NOT right and to set it straight.

Sorry, no badges handed out for membership in the Moral Police.

This reminds me of Capt. Lisa Marie Nowak, the NASA astronaut who the authorities say attacked her rival (Colleen Shipman) for another astronaut's affection at Orlando International Airport on Monday after driving more than 900 miles in a diaper from Houston to meet her flight. When she was arrested, she told the police she had worn diapers on the journey so that she would not have to stop to use the restroom so she could arrive in time to meet Captain Shipman's flight at the airport.

When the police arrested Captain Nowak, they found in her possession a steel mallet, a buck knife with a four-inch blade, a BB gun and a map to Captain Shipman's house.

I'm getting seriously creepy vibes from the OPs passion about other people's sex lives/indiscretions. The OP needs to cool it and focus their attention elsewhere. This is none of the OPs business.

Specializes in Healthcare risk management and liability.

^^^^Eh, it Depends.

Welcome to the ER. Lol. Chill. When I worked on the ambulance we used to take girls back to our station and spend the night. We'd take them home in the morning. They would keep the bed warm when we ran calls in the middle of the night. Good times.

Specializes in ICU.

The OP works in the ED. This ED must not be keeping the OP busy enough. OP your patients are calling and probably falling but, you're too darn distracted running to the parking lot to spy. Sounds like you could use an admission, extra duties, or a unit project. You have way too much time on your hand.

Throwawayacount or the OP Wrote:

"I reported the doctor to the hospital. She is still employed. I reported the paramedic and he is still employed. I can't do anything about the doctor, but I'd like to take my complaint against the paramedic up the chain of command. Yes, the emails are actually between the two individuals discussing their sexual escapades."

Morally, yes it is wrong. But what the F....

Heck, maybe the ER Doc's husband is also having an affair. Regardless, it truly is no one's business.

But it seems like you are "hurting" and this sounds like a retribution more than anything else. Move on! Cause your ER Doc's hitting that pole at this time.

So just because people are engaging in behavior you don't agree with, you are systematically trying to get them both fired?

Come on now, go to work and go home. Why do you care?

Grow up and learn how to keep your mouth shut...both are invaluable life skills. Learn them.

OP....come back and explain yourself! Why is this so important to you?

When the DR is out, does care suffer? Do other Drs pick up the slack or is there a huge delay of care?

As far as worrying about the paramedic, their base would be sending out calls if they needed them back asap? EMS crews work in pairs in my parts, where is the other one while this is happening? If anyone should be concerned, it would be his partner.

Specializes in Cardicac Neuro Telemetry.
Hi. Hopefully someone can help. I am aware and have email documentation to verify that a county paramedic has been having an affair with a married ED doctor while on the clock. They hook up in supply closets and go to her car while on duty. I reported the doctor to the hospital. She is still employed. I reported the paramedic and he is still employed. I can't do anything about the doctor, but I'd like to take my complaint against the paramedic up the chain of command. Yes, the emails are actually between the two individuals discussing their sexual escapades. Disgusting behavior and yet they still have their licenses and jobs. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Why is this your problem?

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