Disgusted. How to report...

U.S.A. Florida


Hi. Hopefully someone can help. I am aware and have email documentation to verify that a county paramedic has been having an affair with a married ED doctor while on the clock. They hook up in supply closets and go to her car while on duty. I reported the doctor to the hospital. She is still employed. I reported the paramedic and he is still employed. I can't do anything about the doctor, but I'd like to take my complaint against the paramedic up the chain of command. Yes, the emails are actually between the two individuals discussing their sexual escapades. Disgusting behavior and yet they still have their licenses and jobs. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

where is the other one while this is happening? If anyone should be concerned, it would be his partner.

She's a part of the Tag Team? .. Damn this just turned me on! lol

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