Did Hillary really say nurses are glorified sitters ?..... No fact to support

Nurses Activism


OK, there are a lot of people at work saying that at some time Hillary Clinton said that nurses pay is way too high and that they are just glorified baby sitters. Has any one else heard this. I've looked at may sights on her and can't find it. If she did say that, it needs to be made known. Nurses are a large voting population. I hope for her sake she didn't say that. Is that part of her medical reform plan ? :bugeyes::idea::o:angryfire :pumpiron:

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

not to mention, wouldn't the ANA withdraw their endorsement if she had said something?


We all pay for for everyone's abuse of their bodies, anyway- Medicare/Medicaide.

Maybe if regular doc visits are covered, we will pay for far fewer ER visits, and maybe people with sore throats and such will make a doc appt, instead of going to the ER, where they can't be turned away.

This could save money in the long run.

Do you all honestly believe, that if she'd actually said this, that it would be this difficult to find the source? The actual source would be published everywhere. Trust me, you wouldn't miss it.

even snopes.com couldn't find it.

fixed: hillary cinton: "nurses are overpaid and undereducated" - snopes.com

and once again, our trusty media just thrives on the art of distortion and sensationalism.


eta- link not working.

if you type in the above link (rather than click on it), it will bring you to a google page with only this link.

then, you can click on that and read the message from the snopes administrator.

This quote simply doesn't exist. This question has been asked again and again on this site and it has never once been verified. If it was accurate you can be sure that her opponents would be using it in full force and we would have seen it on the news 8 trillion times by now.

I also think everyone needs to be careful when people make claims about what politicians have said versus what actually was said. If a doctor is saying nurses will make minimum wage under Hillary they could be a huge Republican supporter, a huge Obama supporter, etc. They could be preying on your lack of knowledge in this area to sway you against a candidate.

I first heard this claim about Hillary's alleged remark around 1995. I've never been able to find a source. I've found plenty of people who are convinced she made the remark, though. They can't point me to a source, either.

actually, commuter, those foes have found making unsubstantiated claims such as this to be much more effective than dealing with reality.

this new thing "well i heard so and so say (blah blah) and on it goes through the internet and the watercooler until the,um, let's call it ignorant, people just take it as fact and continue the telephone game.

it's actually a fairly effective tactic based on how many people fall for this type of thing. it's also dirty politics. the real shame is it only works because so many americans are ill informed themselves and won't do the work necessary to become informed.

nah, much easier to believe obama is a muslim or mccain fathered that illigitimate black child instead

what really annoys me is when people throw this kind of stuff out as just another "innocent" question.......

uh huh.....

and 10 thousand more people get to read it who hadn't heard it before.......yup, effective...just tacky.....


man, i can't belive the paranoia that's going on on this site. all i did was ask a question. as far as i know we are still in america. once again, i like hillary. i like other candidates too. i just wanted to know if she said this or not. i don't think this web site is going to impair her election efforts in any way. man people get over it. some nice people on this site have given me what i asked, for . youtube of her giving speeches on health care. i watched them and i'm pleased with what she said. so , lay off or go take some meds. why is something so important to nurses being questioned so much. all you have to say is no, no statement has ever been made. that would be fine. " it was a simple question , it was answered i'm happy ! i'll remember next time, that i'm in a communist country that we can't ask questions or research difficut subjects. oh , wait, that's right,after reading these harsh posts i did forget .... i'm in america we can ask questions ! god bless america !

actually, according to snopes, the quote is:

"Nurses are overpaid and undereducated".

see how (easily) things get lost in translation???


Excuse me ! Rediculous smear campaign. Wow, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I think you need to be a little less judgemental. Just to let you know I like Hillary, but if she said this I as an American who happens to be a nurse, want to be informed. If she did say this , I may or may not change my mind about her. But none the less I've got some ideas through this site about research on the subject. I will never lay my trust in any organization. I do my own search. If you trust any organization to tell you the way to vote or think ,than look back in history. It's not such a smart idea.

Just to let you know, I don't support Sen. Clinton, and I don't vote based on ANA endorsements. My only point in making the reference was that I doubt the ANA would be endorsing someone who made any negative public statements about nursing -- and they (like every other national organization) have people on the payroll whose job it is to do their homework before the organization settles on a candidate.

And, although I am a died-in-the-wool Dem, I would not believe anything as foolish as this rumor even about a GOP candidate -- as other posters and I have already said, it's just too improbable on its face.

Specializes in mostly in the basement.

Man, I can't belive the paranoia that's going on on this site. All I did was ask a question. As far as I know we are still in America. Once again, I like Hillary. I like other candidates too. I just wanted to know if she said this or not. I don't think this web site is going to impair her election efforts in any way. Man people get over it.

So , lay off or go take some meds.

Why is something so important to nurses being questioned so much.

God bless America !

Hi Time4me,

Sorry you chose to display my post as a sample of paranoia. (?)As an avid reader, observer and participant in our great democracy, I've sort of acquired a fairly keen eye to various political tactics and games that tend to come out during elections.

Sometimes people unwittingly become part of that foul play for whatever reason. Like I said before, it is a VERY effective tactic. I'm happy to hear you have no agenda in asking a question that has been bandied about here so many times before.

Perhaps I mistook your original OP:

"OK, there are a lot of people at work saying that at some time Hillary Clinton said that nurses pay is way too high and that they are just glorified baby sitters. Has any one else heard this. I've looked at may sights on her and can't find it. If she did say that, it needs to be made known. Nurses are a large voting population. I hope for her sake she didn't say that. Is that part of her medical reform plan ? :bugeyes::idea::o:angryfire pump%20iron.GIF"

Perhaps it was the icons? But obviously, from the above, you also understand the importance of such a misconception possibly being given credibility on a site such as AllNurses.

If, as you say, nurses are a very large voting bloc(what are we, anyway, 2.6 million strong now) then yeah, I do think possibly lending credence to a falsehood like this just might have the potential to 'impair her election efforts' in one kind of way.

Great discourse here..:cheers:

One thing I've learned being a nurse is that nurses love to talk ?X!T. Hillary is not a stupid woman. A comment like that could only be made by an idiot. It is common knowledge that there is a global Nursing shortage and I am sure she nor any other candiate would think or say that. There is a problem with the cost of healt care, it sure isn't nurses pay!!!!! I was just in hospital for 4 days-had a PTCA with bare metal stent. My bill-$80,000

I'm not interested enough in this type of ridiculous smear campaign to do any research, but it does seem highly unlikely that the American Nurses' Association would have endorsed her for President, which they have done, if she had actually said anything of the sort ...

I am trying to learn more about her health care plan. So far I am getting it will decrease nursing wages. If this is true than her actions speak louder then any rumors. Does anyone no if Hillary wants to decrease nursing wages?

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