Published Sep 16, 2010
1,216 Posts
Like a stimulant and and a stool softener?
highlandlass1592, BSN, RN
647 Posts
Frequently used in cardiology and post cardiac surgery to avoid stress on the heart.
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,434 Posts
Not unusual, especially post op, when using narcotics, or in preparation for a colonoscopy. Another combo would be a fiber/bulk forming laxative with a stimulant.
A lot of ECFs in this area use something called "lax-log", which is a combo of bran, figs, and I think applesauce. Looks horrible but a small daily dose seems effective.
7,098 Posts
Have a homecare patient who uses Milk of Magnesia as directed and an "herb tea" that works great! The herb tea is "senna" tea. Sounds familiar! : Same ingredient as in Senokot, and works very well.
362 Posts
Yes--very frequently.
In Hospice and Long Term Care we gave 2 all of the time...sometimes 3...we would also give MOM with a shot of prune juice in it...and ducolax po...or suppository.
In PICU we also would "do what it takes" for patients who were on heavy doses of narcotics.
In home care also give two.
My 86 year old mother takes Miralax, prune juice and a ducolax on a daily prescribed by her Doctor.
So not unusal at all!
410 Posts
Yes. Anyone who's on long term narcotics, should avoid a vasovagal reaction from straining to have a bowel movement, who's post op and can't rip out stitches, is elderly and has friable perianal tissue, is young and is potty learning and is having difficulty with bowel learning, chemo patients who need to protect their perirectal areas from cuts which could be a great source of infection.
Pretty much any hospitalized patient at some point in time.
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
I work with a lot of seniors.Senekot, colace, mom and cascara will all be given at once.Whatever works.
tewdles, RN
3,156 Posts
standard practice in hospice...
clemmm78, RN
440 Posts
More times than I can recall.
Hospice Nurse LPN, BSN, RN
1,472 Posts
Often. My DH takes 4 to 6 Docusate daily and 2 to 3 Dulcolax weekly r/t opoid related constipation.
50 Posts
gave my patient a shaw's cocktail. nothing happened. the next day she had epson salts and a fleet enema. something happened.....
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
Head over to the LTC forum and check out some posts.
I have alot of people on more than one med..I know a lot of pregnant moms taking bowel meds too.
Think about how each med will soften and one will help them go...not uncommon to see both meds ordered.