Concerned - New Grad from Excelsior

Nurses General Nursing

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Specializes in EMT-P, RN.


I'm a little concerned at the moment. I graduated Excelsior's program and finally got my NY license in March. I am already enrolled in my online RN to BSN at Louisville in the fall. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am planning to move from New York to Maryland to be closer to family and friends at the end of this Summer. I have scouted around Virginia's nursing jobs (since Maryland doesn't accept EC's program) and took an interest in some of their RN Residencies. HOWEVER, I am terrified that they won't hire anyone who A) Has no experience or B) Attended Excelsior due to it's lack of clinical elements. I have been a paramedic in NYC for over a decade and can certainly hold my own in emergencies and I'm certainly used to stressful environments, but I have a feeling that won't mean much once I get down there.

What should I do? Just apply to places and pray? And advice is appreciated.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I would apply, apply, apply----everywhere--- til you can't anymore. SOMEthing may just pan out!! (and prayer never hurts).

Good luck!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

You may have some disadvantages due to your background, but since you can't change that now, I agree with SmilingBluEyes that you should apply everywhere you can. Expand your search to LTC facilities, dialysis centers, community health offices, etc. Once you get experience in one area you will become more marketable. Good luck with your search. 

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Wound Care.

I would also make sure you can get your license by endorsement. Virginia is a "compact state".  If you live in Virginia with a Virginia nursing license, you can work in Maryland. You can also see about DC, separate, not compact license.

Specializes in EMT-P, RN.

Yes, I did that. I got my Virginia license last week. I'm hoping that after I get my BSN, I can license in Maryland. I've been told by their BON that I can do that. 

Specializes in EMT-P, RN.

I'm also working on the DC license. It cost more then VA's did but I'm still going to submit it after I get my background fingerprinting done

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I graduated from EC in 2008 and worked in a couple of EDs in Virginia. You will be fine. ? Just keep applying! What part of MD will you be moving to? 

Specializes in EMT-P, RN.

Gaithersburg/Germantown area. 

Specializes in oncology.
5 hours ago, Medic6940 said:

I graduated Excelsior's program and finally got my NY license in March. I am already enrolled in my online RN to BSN at Louisville in the fall.

Be very confident on your resume that you used your innate skills to self direct your learning, develop independence and self-assurance that allowed you to  meet the exacting requirements to your nursing program. Describe why this particular program worked for you. When giving a learning assignment with detailed outcomes, is that when you excel? How do you see the Excelsior curriculum of instruction fostering you to be a life-long learner?

In the late 60's 70s, I went to a highly respected high school that had a unique learning plan. We met maybe 2 to 3 times a week for class (usual math, English, science) and were given substantial learning expectations for our next class.  We had free periods where we went to Learning Resource Rooms (LRC).  There was a LRC for every subject and we had to stay there until the bell rang for the next period. You did NOT have to go to the LRC for the subject you were working on but the teacher present could not help you if they were not teaching the subject you had questions on. Like most teenagers, we choose what  LRC room we liked and settled in to study until a class period was over. This was the BEST learning time of my life. I got specific learning outcomes that I would be tested on, I got to decide where and when I could study. Is this like the Excelsior model? I developed a LOVE of learning for its own sake and gained confidence that, with the proper materials, I could master a subject. 

Specializes in Physiology, CM, consulting, nsg edu, LNC, COB.

As a brief clarification, and someone can correct me if I’m wrong~~

If a state BON (let’s call it State A) will not give you a State A RN license because your degree came from a program they don’t approve, I don’t believe they will license you by endorsement from State B when State B’s BON did approve your program and gave you a State B RN license. This applies to Compact licensure too.

Cautionary tale to those who think the Excelsiors of this world are a guaranteed ticket. Check with multiple BoNs before you shell out the money. 

Specializes in EMT-P, RN.

I had emailed the Maryland board directly and asked them that because I didn't want to take someone's word for it. The exact answer they gave me was as follows: 

"Good Afternoon

If you receive your BSN at ( and Louisville) you would be allowed to take the NCLEX or endorse into MD and be licensed as long as you meet all of the other requirements."

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.
44 minutes ago, Medic6940 said:

I had emailed the Maryland board directly and asked them that because I didn't want to take someone's word for it. The exact answer they gave me was as follows: 

"Good Afternoon

If you receive your BSN at (Drexel and Louisville) you would be allowed to take the NCLEX or endorse into MD and be licensed as long as you meet all of the other requirements."

But (maybe I'm confused here) / Louisville is NOT the degree that qualified you for NCLEX. Excelsior is- and that will not get you the MD license you desire. The BON answer is not addressing your situation. 

It comes down to the original qualifying degree. 

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