Topics About 'Job Search'.

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  1. I have been involved in hiring decisions with my employer for about the last year and half. In just that very short time, a lot has changed. When I first took on this role, Turnover was incredibly high Over 50% of the unit staff were ag...
  2. New Grad NP - How I Got Multiple Job Offers

    About me: middle-aged, no RN experience, prior career unrelated to healthcare. I joke that I'm "female, fat, and over forty." My only real "plus" is that I went to a prestigious school. Job Search ResultsSince commencing a serious job search at the b...
  3. Best Remote Nurse Jobs?

    Hi all, I'm really really looking for a position in nursing that I can find fulfilling and not feel like I wasted my time and money on working so hard for a nursing degree. I've been a nurse for 3 years and burn out is not enough to explain how ...
  4. Dear Nurse Beth, I hate my nursing job. Do I have to include jobs in resume/job search that I quit without notice?
  5. Hello Nurse Beth, I've been in the interview process for a certain NP clinic job for approximately 6.5 weeks now. The MD of the clinic proposed the position to me and does not want to interview anyone else and the director has also approved my h...
  6. Hello Nurse Beth, I received my BSN in 2019 and my only job has been in a bone marrow transplant. I use to work as a vascular tech for 10 years and have a masters in health science. My question is what can I do with my BSN and my masters in heal...
  7. Hi Nurse Beth, so I just made over a year working as a Med/Surg acute care RN in a hospital. I know now that I want to move away from the bedside, but have had absolutely no luck getting even interviews for anything away from the bedside for the past...
  8. Which job to take?

    I have been a nurse since 2018, mostly in lower level ERs. I also traveled for a couple years in the ER, spent the last year PRN at a small ER about an hour from home and recently decided to get a permanent position. I have two opportunities. Op...
  9. Dear Nurse Beth, Do I need to get my first nursing job in a hospital if I know that I want to go into community health and work outside of the hospital?
  10. Hello! I am trying to decide between two very different jobs/job offers and interested in any input. I received an offer at a level II NICU in a rural hospital which I was really excited about, but while waiting to hear back I took some other intervi...
  11. Dear Nurse Beth, How can I stand out as a new grad? I'm applying with no offers so far.
  12. Dear Nurse Beth, How to get off a "do not return" list at a facility. I actually didn't do anything to warrant this and I've been trying every year to pick up per diem and they still have me in it! It's crazy.
  13. Dear Nurse Beth, I am a new Grad RN (graduated in September) and have finally had some luck with jobs after months of applying! I just got a verbal offer from a pediatric hospital, but I ALSO just did a video interview for a different hospital that i...
  14. I am a nurse and a chronic carrier of hepatitis b . is it possible for me to work in ireland with my hbsag result. Please answer to my question . I am very much worried about it
  15. Temporary Disability

    Hello all. About 6 weeks ago I dislocated and broke my kneecap among other things and got surgery in the hopes to repair it all. During this time I have been out on short term disability which sucks since it only pays out 60% of my actual pay. My ...
  16. martymoose

    Non-Patient Contact Jobs

    Is anyone noticing that it seems very difficult to find non patient care jobs? Almost every nurse I work with is trying to “get out” and we hear that request everyday from other nurses in the company too. Anyone else having this problem ? Was ho...
  17. Preparing For An RN Job Interview

    You've just heard back from a job you applied for and scheduled an interview. You have no idea how many candidates there are for the position or how many they are interviewing, but you want to make sure you stand out as the best candidate. There are...
  18. Nurse Beth

    How to Land a Job

    Consider Relocating Geographic location can be a barrier to getting hired. The "nursing shortage" is regional. Some areas of the country and some hospitals are not hiring new grad RNs. It is very difficult to find a job in the San Francisco Bay a...
  19. Tired of Being a Nurse

    Hi, I have been a nurse since 2015. I worked a little over one year on Med Surg and realized it wasn’t for me. If it hadn’t been for short staffing and the fact that my job mostly consisted of passing pain meds I may have stayed longer. After Med Sur...
  20. New Grads and Acute Care Hiring

    Hello! I've recently posted about the difficulties of finding employment in NYC. I see multiple commenters mention that being hired is virtually impossible as a new grad. I am not a new grad; however, I find it be ridiculous that new grads are l...
  21. How are employers supposed to evaluate a new candidate if previous employers are not allowed to give out references? I know most employers only verify dates of employment nowadays. But nursing jobs also want full in-depth information. They only...
  22. TheCommuter

    The Pre-Employment Background Check

    First of all, it is an extremely positive sign whenever any prospective employee reaches the point in the hiring process that involves initiation of the pre-employment background check. This is because third party background checks cost money, and em...
  23. Any advice on best work at home/remote jobs that would allow flexibility with a baby? I have a 6 week old and am going to need to get back to work soon. All the day cares in my area are full. I have in laws close by that would help but I do not thin...
  24. Dear Nurse Beth, I'm going to finish my 3rd Nurse Refresher Course in August, so I will start looking in September. I'm turning 61 in July. Last time I worked in Nursing was in 2006 part time at a busy hospital in Behavioral Health. Graduated Nu...
  25. Please help! I am so lost...

    I am completely lost and don’t know what to do! A little bit about me... First of all, I don’t like bedside at all (not for me for sure in any capacity!) I live in Ontario, Canada (which unfortunately doesn’t make things easier as the req...