Concerned...allnurses store product

Nurses General Nursing


Is anyone else a little concerned that is selling candy in pill bottles at their online store? I for one remember that lecture in pediatrics. Don't let kids confuse medications for candy... Kid sees parent eating something colorful out of pill bottle, kid tries the same thing but probably not candy. I see that it's supposed to be a gag gift but it could also lead to something very harmful. I'm not a fan. :down:

Specializes in MSP, Informatics.

Those kind of things are gag gifts--for adults. And like any gag gift would not be left where a child could find it. One of my dog sites sells something called ***** pills and Stud Drops... in the same packaging as the actual breeding aids they are named for, but the dosing and instructions are all adult humor, and they have candy in them. I never once thought that maybe my dog would confuse them for the real thing.

Supervise your own kids and your own self. Don't expect others to do so.

Ahhh, isn't it really simple?

Kids aren't the ones driving vehicles and crashing them so that is a lame comparison.

Kids aren't (shouldn't) be exposed to vibrators or memberes period so that is a lame comparison.

Kids do have mommy and daddy telling them that pills in a bottle are not candy and to never take anything without mommy or daddy's approval first.

Comparing nurses to the Average Joe is a moot point anyway, we are supposed to be held to higher standards anyway, so you bet those pill-bottled candies send the wrong message.

And Wax Fangs wow i love those. I'm keeping this site thank you so much. I'm a big kid at heart so i can bench press over 400lbs who cares i love this stuff ty so much. These are my thoughts use them as you wish. :yeah::yeah:

and the wax coke bottles...remember those? Will those cause our kids to drink too much soda, or will we, as parents, keep them from doing so??

Kids aren't the ones driving vehicles and crashing them so that is a lame comparison.

Kids aren't (shouldn't) be exposed to vibrators or memberes period so that is a lame comparison.

Kids do have mommy and daddy telling them that pills in a bottle are not candy and to never take anything without mommy or daddy's approval first.

Comparing nurses to the Average Joe is a moot point anyway, we are supposed to be held to higher standards anyway, so you bet those pill-bottled candies send the wrong message.

um, you threw in sex toys and average Joe's...I'm not getting your point, at all.....Maybe it's just too early in the morning....

...sending the wrong message?

That's just it. Messages are for marketing, that's all. Brian gets to decide what he wants to do with his money/company. All this "sending the right/wrong message" confusion is just that. Brian markets to an adult audience. Guess what everybody, my first career was in marketing.

As a nurse I don't send any "messages". I don't micromanage my patient's lives. I am not a stalker.

Just an F.Y.I. Did anyone bother to read the product description? "PLEASE NOTE: This is a gag gift intended for adults, please keep all pill bottles away from children. Theses bottles clearly state: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Please use responsibly." Sounds to me that the folks that are marketing this are very aware of the potential misuse of their product, and state this clearly in their disclaimer. Just my two cents, but that sounds like fairly responsible marketing to me. It's up to us as responsible adults to ensure our children's safety and educate them accordingly.

Thanks for bringing this topic up.

These are intended for a gag gift, adult nurses, who would use nursing skills and know not to use these infront of kids. FYI: We do have, Keep out of Reach of Children on the bottle.

These were handed out at nursing conventions as a gag give away and out of of out 3000 handed out, almost every nurse laughed and chuckled, many enjoyed the gourmet snack and came back the next day to get more.

However, we did have one nurse complain with the OPs concerns. I agree, there may be some validity to the message with candy in a pill bottle with small children. But with some common sense and nursing knowledge, I don't see this being a problem.

I will ad some wording to the product description to remind people that these are a gag gift and are not intended for children in anyway, and please use responsibly.

Thanks for all your comments/concerns whether for or against, please feel free to continue the conversation :)

Brian, you are entitled to your opinion and products. Yes, the label on the product clearly reads keep out of reach of children. It's not just that this product is marketed toward nurses its the fact that this type of product is all over. Not just to nurses but to many other consumers. There are many responsible parents and consumers out there but people make mistakes. Attracting small children to pill bottles is flat out dangerous. Children may be associating pill bottles with tasty treats if they get there hands on it. There are NO GUARANTEES a child will not find this product and those that are like it. There are a lot of stupid products out there but I don't have to be an advocate of these products. Poor taste for this product to be on a nursing forum. :down:

Kids aren't the ones driving vehicles and crashing them so that is a lame comparison.

Kids aren't (shouldn't) be exposed to vibrators or memberes period so that is a lame comparison.

Kids do have mommy and daddy telling them that pills in a bottle are not candy and to never take anything without mommy or daddy's approval first.

Comparing nurses to the Average Joe is a moot point anyway, we are supposed to be held to higher standards anyway, so you bet those pill-bottled candies send the wrong message.

Really? So, where do we draw the line on these high standards? Should we mandate that nurses not smoke, drink alcohol, skydive, listen to gangster rap, browse nudie websites, buy adult toys, or have any sort of alternative lifestyle? We had better make sure all nurses are certified Christians while we are at it.

Or, could it be nurses are the average Joe?

Brian, you are entitled to your opinion and products. Yes, the label on the product clearly reads keep out of reach of children. It's not just that this product is marketed toward nurses its the fact that this type of product is all over. Not just to nurses but to many other consumers. There are many responsible parents and consumers out there but people make mistakes. Attracting small children to pill bottles is flat out dangerous. Children may be associating pill bottles with tasty treats if they get there hands on it. There are NO GUARANTEES a child will not find this product and those that are like it. There are a lot of stupid products out there but I don't have to be an advocate of these products. Poor taste for this product to be on a nursing forum. :down:

And I guess the next crusade should be don't sell kid's medicines, vitamins etc that taste like candy or fruit, because kids could be attracted to those, as well and end up overdosing on them (victim of Flinstone's back in the 70's here....Black icky stuff, pumped stomach, etc). How about we just be responsible parents or children's advocates so that big kids (i.e., adults) can enjoy the world, as well? That should be the next crusade......

Really? So, where do we draw the line on these high standards? Should we mandate that nurses not smoke, drink alcohol, skydive, listen to gangster rap, browse nudie websites, buy adult toys, or have any sort of alternative lifestyle? We had better make sure all nurses are certified Christians while we are at it.

Or, could it be nurses are the average Joe?

I don't see how this is relevant. I hope I wouldn't see a toddler lighting a cigarette, putting on a CD, using the computer, shopping, or pouring a glass of whiskey. The point of this post is children don't know any better when they see colorful candy looking objects! They cannot read! Small children love candy...not so much nudie websites. Geesh.

It's relevant because to be on this site between the age of 13-18, you are required to have adult supervision. People under 13 are not allowed. This is clearly spelled out in the TOS. So, the only people buying these evil, kid killing pills are adults. So, yes my analogy applies because adults buy alcohol, cigarettes and nudie toys and the expectation is that a responsible adult would keep these things away from kids, so I fail to appreciate the difference here. Again, I ask, do you really think it is up to allnurses to parent other peoples children?

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