Concerned...allnurses store product

Nurses General Nursing


Is anyone else a little concerned that is selling candy in pill bottles at their online store? I for one remember that lecture in pediatrics. Don't let kids confuse medications for candy... Kid sees parent eating something colorful out of pill bottle, kid tries the same thing but probably not candy. I see that it's supposed to be a gag gift but it could also lead to something very harmful. I'm not a fan. :down:

It's relevant because to be on this site between the age of 13-18, you are required to have adult supervision. People under 13 are not allowed. This is clearly spelled out in the TOS. So, the only people buying these evil, kid killing pills are adults. So, yes my analogy applies because adults buy alcohol, cigarettes and nudie toys and the expectation is that a responsible adult would keep these things away from kids, so I fail to appreciate the difference here. Again, I ask, do you really think it is up to allnurses to parent other peoples children?

Once again I don't find this relevant. I don't know how to state things any clearer.

Awaywego, again, that's just the point.

This website is not yours. It is a profitable business for Brian.

Awaywego, again, that's just the point.

This website is not yours. It is a profitable business for Brian.

Which I clearly told Brian.

I have stated my opinion and expressed my concerns on this topic. Thank you allnurses for your input. Happy Holidays! :)

You realise many kids die in motor vehicle related incidents (even more than poisoning), yet nobody is loosing the plot over kids crashing their Tonka trucks. After all, crashing toy cars may give kids the wrong idea.

That doesn't even make sense as an analogy- do you see a lot of toddlers borrowing the car when their parents are not around to try out a real life crash?

Please, people, get a grip. I wouldn't buy these candies because I have small kids in my home and I don't want them to get confused as to why we're eating candy out of a pill bottle. But ultimately it is MY responsibility to decide what to bring into my home. Personal responsibility is a good thing, and if more people exercised it, the world would be a better place. Just because many people act like they have no more sense than God gave a slug doesn't mean we all have to suffer to keep those folks 'safe'. So I won't be buying it, but I won't demand that no one else buy it, either.

...because many people act like they have no more sense than God gave a slug doesn't mean we all have to suffer to keep those folks 'safe'...

Yes!! The "slug analogy" very useful in many a situation. tencat, you should have been the first responder on this thread.

That doesn't even make sense as an analogy- do you see a lot of toddlers borrowing the car when their parents are not around to try out a real life crash?

um, yeah I've seen a few......but it was only because they weren't supervised................

Please, people, get a grip. I wouldn't buy these candies because I have small kids in my home and I don't want them to get confused as to why we're eating candy out of a pill bottle. But ultimately it is MY responsibility to decide what to bring into my home. Personal responsibility is a good thing, and if more people exercised it, the world would be a better place. Just because many people act like they have no more sense than God gave a slug doesn't mean we all have to suffer to keep those folks 'safe'. So I won't be buying it, but I won't demand that no one else buy it, either.

But I will be buying more salt, now that you've reminded me........:D

But I will be buying more salt, now that you've reminded me........:D

LOL! Made me spew coffee! :yeah:

It's relevant because to be on this site between the age of 13-18, you are required to have adult supervision. People under 13 are not allowed. This is clearly spelled out in the TOS. So, the only people buying these evil, kid killing pills are adults. So, yes my analogy applies because adults buy alcohol, cigarettes and nudie toys and the expectation is that a responsible adult would keep these things away from kids, so I fail to appreciate the difference here. Again, I ask, do you really think it is up to allnurses to parent other peoples children?

So your kids drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and have nudie toys? Yikes.

That's the only way your analogy would be relevant. Kids see pill bottles all the time, in fact, they see mommy and daddy taking out a pill and giving it to them when they're sick so they, rightfully, associate pill bottles with medicine. Irregardless of whether it's kept away from them. Pill bottles = medicine = don't touch it's not candy. Clear as mud?

...sending the wrong message?

That's just it. Messages are for marketing, that's all. Brian gets to decide what he wants to do with his money/company. All this "sending the right/wrong message" confusion is just that. Brian markets to an adult audience. Guess what everybody, my first career was in marketing.

So irresponsible advertising is okay because someone is making money off it? Wow, I'm glad I don't subscribe to such corruption.

.As a nurse I don't send any "messages". I don't micromanage my patient's lives. I am not a stalker.

I have absolutely no idea what this means.

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