Concerned...allnurses store product

Nurses General Nursing


Is anyone else a little concerned that is selling candy in pill bottles at their online store? I for one remember that lecture in pediatrics. Don't let kids confuse medications for candy... Kid sees parent eating something colorful out of pill bottle, kid tries the same thing but probably not candy. I see that it's supposed to be a gag gift but it could also lead to something very harmful. I'm not a fan. :down:

frankly, i'd be appalled to think that parents would put the burden on their kid...

that if they see a pill bottle, it'll be up to you (the child) to make a right/wrong decision.

what i'm trying to get across, is that if brian is being irresponsible, it still doesn't compare to the irresponsibility of the parents, who should be monitoring and avoiding such events.

let's keep it in perspective, shall we?


unless you follow your kids around 24/7 all throughout their childhood then at some point it is most definitely up to the child to make a right/wrong decision. that's what parenting is all about. teaching your kids well and hoping they go off and make good decisions for themselves. if all events can be monitored or avoided then the word "accident" simply wouldn't exist in our language. whatever. i fail to see though why this is relevant to the discussion.

it is clear that an objective opinion is not to be had.

I bow to all who were able to keep their toddlers at arms length and foresee every possible danger.

For the record, when my two boys were toddlers I was hyper-vigilant as well. They never got into meds, purses, cleaning chemicals, etc. I never had to call poison control. But boy did the run into walls, tables, fall off beds and get bumped up and bruised from time to time. I had to take my six year old for a couple steri strips and super glue (who knew?) because he was running around, being a boy and hit his forehead on the corner of the coffee table. I was telling him to stop running the very second it happened. It was like slow motion. Wow- I must be a terrible mom for not foreseeing that one. The coffee table did make it's way into the garage as soon as we got home. :/

The point I'm trying to make is sometimes, no matter how vigilant, accidents happen!

Exactly! So you made sure not to have something in the house that was dangerous, i.e., removal the evil coffee table :D....Or if it had been a pill bottle, etc you prob would have made sure to lock it up (hopefully BEFORE your 6 yo took the pills to show you how vigilant and careful you must be in regards to that pill bottle--just like your exp with the coffee table).

Sometimes people have prior knowledge in regards to what kids can get into and how it must be kept out of reach or not introduced into the home, but are still able to to enjoy adult things without trying to force others into obeying what they believe is appropriate (or not) in regards to sales or possession of those items (like a pill bottle filled with candy, sold on a forum specifically for adults that work in the nursing field).

You could always quit coming here if it's a deal breaker. I dispise some of the doctor nurse rhetoric here but acknowledge that I will never see eye to eye with some people. I still keep coming, but could choose to quit coming if it was really a deal breaker.

What's the point of such a passive aggressive comment? Nowhere did I mention leaving yet you see fit to mention this as an option. Sheesh! I feel like I went back in time to those silly schoolyard shenanigans from grade school!

It is clear that an objective opinion is not to be had.

I agree. We all have been very passionate in our opinions regarding whether or not we should have the right to allow or disallow someone to sell an item on a forum that is specifically for adult workers in the nursing field and whether or not it is our responsibility to monitor our children, or force someone else to be responsible. I agree that objectivity is not and probably should not be a part of this discussion. Of course, some sort of compromise could be reached...Maybe like a disclaimer warning people that are going to buy the pill bottles full of candy that it is candy and it is only for a gag gift (but that has already been done). Or maybe we should form some sort of organization like the USDA where we monitor and legislate what Brian is allowed to do on here, through some sort of board/committee. Of course, it would probably take YEARS before Brian could get the approval on the merchandise he wants to sell and all the kids we're currently worried about will be all grown up....

But then the whole new gen of kids will be watching their parents (parents who BTW, will be in an elite group of exorbitantly rich that can actually afford the candy) eat the candy out of those pill bottles, but by then the cost of the licenses, permits, and manufacture of the candy in specially controlled and monitored facilities will be so expensive, Brian will be in the poorhouse and ready to expire/retire so it will be a moot point.........

What's the point of such a passive aggressive comment?

I thought Gila's comment was pretty straight forward and the furthest thing from passive aggressive I could ever imagine.......

What's the point of such a passive aggressive comment? Nowhere did I mention leaving yet you see fit to mention this as an option. Sheesh! I feel like I went back in time to those silly schoolyard shenanigans from grade school!

We discuss numerous topics that may not be suitable for children. Rape, assault, nursing home sexual relationships and abortion to mention a few. Any one of these could be offensive to somebody. That person has the ultimate ability to not participate in said conversation or even stay away from this site. As I stated, I have issues with some of the topics discussed here but understand the TOS and return knowing full well I may or may not like or agree with certain things. Again, you may take offense to something I feel is fine and visa versa. You are correct in that much will be subjective; however, this also means such subjective concepts hold equal weight. Therefore, your opinion is just as subjective. Therefore, we can agree to disagree; however, I'm not so sure continuing to demand Brian yank an ad for a silly gag gift is all that productive in light of all the other opinions, unpopular or otherwise.

OK, I am just going to try to be as objective as possible here....I understand the point of the question, and having children I can honestly say that is a possible scenario, but anything can be a danger to a child ...I mean ANYTHING!! a chair, a blanket, a pillow, a bed, a telephone, a dog, and these are all things we have all around that cant be completely removed from their environment in fear of the child using it unsafely and causing harm... I have 4 kids and even a bean can be a danger!! (one of my kids once stuffed one up his nose) they are very creative and danger is potentially everywhere. So I don't really think these candies are a real cause for concern...just a little humor...

I only care that it's irresponsible advertising. Plain and simple.

But then your care and concern would ultimately lead to a campaign to monitor and legislate what is responsible or irresponsible advertising, if you really cared that much, right?

When I read that comment, all I could think of was all the adverts on our TV's radios, etc that cater to kids and shamelessly flaunt and tell the kids to buy the fast food, the candy, the whatever...Again, it is up to the parent to monitor and allow/disallow those things that are being sold or those things that kids are seeing (whether used by kids, or adults).

This thread probably is a bit of overkill . . . however to say that[b'] all[/b] we need to do is always supervise our kids perfectly and always make sure meds (and other dangerous things) are locked up and that anyone who makes a mistake is an idiot is simply not realistic or fair.

Kids can do the darnedest things. And accidents are quite common with toddlers.

I'm not a perfect mom. I've lost my kids in Macy's between the clothing racks. One son got a paint can from a high cabinet in our garage and decided to hit it with a rock to see if he could open it - fortunately we found him before it exploded. Both of my oldest sons climbed up on our roof to retrieve a ball while I was vacuuming the house. My daughter at 18 months grabbed a box of staples off my desk while I was right here with her and had glanced away for a sec. She was chewing on something when I looked back and I had her open her mouth and it was full of staples. I swept her mouth but one went down her throat. A quick trip to the ER, a call by the doc to consult and we just waited for it to pass the next day in her diaper. Another son grabbed the bottle of cough syrup after I had poured a spoonful for his brother and took a couple of gulps. I could go on and on. Not a perfect parent. But I'm a good parent.

You perfect parents whose kids never ever get into anything . . . . . . care to explain how that happens? ;)


The point is that either you're going to be hyper-vigilant and be perfect in NO accidents, or you're not going to intro the product into your home because you KNOW you can't be prefect or because you know your child well enough. The other part of that point, is that we cannot legislate everything--we cannot rule, or tyrannize whether or not Brian should be allowed to advert a gag gift on a forum that's catering to adults in the nursing profession. I believe it was Gila that reminded us that rape, sexual abuse, etc is on this site....Does that mean we can start telling Brian what he can put on the forum in fear that our kids might see it and decide that rape, sexual abuse is common so therefore, OK?

A little moderation and compromise is in order...As is common sense (not specifically referring to you...)

I'd be shocked as **** if one of my kids ate an earring back. ;)


Lawn darts.. lol Didn't they like, ban those or something?

My brothers had bb guns. I wouldn't dream of giving my boys one of those things. (You'll shoot your eye out, kid) ;)

my hubby always uses this one: "It's all fun and games until someone puts an eye out---then it's just plain hilarious."

"What's pointless is your belief that any sort of true prohibition can possibly exist on the world wide web. Even with regards to membership, how naive to believe that just because one agrees to TOS age requirements means they are being truthful."

It seems you're referring to Leslie as naive, here. I believe she is anything but naive.

But it goes beyond advertising at point of purchase anyway, kids can come across pill bottles anywhere. "Now remember son, pill bottles DO NOT contain candy.. well, er, ummm unless somebody decides to advertise candy that way..." Hypocritical.

You seem however to have a very immature, or underdeveloped sense of morality where things need to be black and white (I mean that in the most respectful way, possible....I am specifically referring to theories of morality and the idea that elementary aged kids see morality as black and white, while teens begin to form an understanding that while some things may not be allowed, or considered moral, they will make unpopular choices if there is good enough reason to do so).

There are many gray areas in morality, as well as decision making, and choices in life. Yes, some pill bottles might come with candy in them and some may be very dangerous and have meds in them. That is why we, as parents, are the ones who get to make the choice and be RESPONSIBLE (not Brian or advertisers) for what comes into our houses....We do not however, have the right to dictate what others are allowed to do on their forums.

So, as Gila said, if it so worrisome and so abhorrent to you, you certainly do have the choice to leave, or deal.

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