Concerned...allnurses store product

Nurses General Nursing


Is anyone else a little concerned that is selling candy in pill bottles at their online store? I for one remember that lecture in pediatrics. Don't let kids confuse medications for candy... Kid sees parent eating something colorful out of pill bottle, kid tries the same thing but probably not candy. I see that it's supposed to be a gag gift but it could also lead to something very harmful. I'm not a fan. :down:

And just think, Steph, your kids didn't need any prompting from AN pill bottles to induce them to do any of that stuff...:D

I know! :D Isn't that cool?! :up:;)

As I've mentioned - I do think this is a bit of overkill on the concern about the pill bottle with candy in it.

I just wanted to give the OP some credit for being concerned and to come to the aid of the parents who are not perfect and ARE NOT IDIOTS. :coollook:


Wow, some of the comparisons made here are really wild. But here's the bottom line... it's irresponsible advertising. Period.

People are talking about lawn darts and BB guns and putting bleach in sprite bottles... HOLY COW. Not any of the examples cited come as even a close comparison.

Kids from an early age learn to associate pill bottles with medicine. If they see any pill bottle - and it doesn't matter what's actually in it - then if you were even halfway a good parent your kids would know that pill bottles do not contain candy. So by putting candy in these pill bottles, what hypocrites we are since now these pill bottles actually DO contain candy. Therefore, irresponsible advertising. That's my only crow with this issue. I don't care that it's a gag gift for adults, that children have no business watching what their parents do online or that self proclaimed perfect parents post on this site. I only care that it's irresponsible advertising. Plain and simple.

Kids from an early age learn to associate pill bottles with medicine. If they see any pill bottle - and it doesn't matter what's actually in it - then if you were even halfway a good parent your kids would know that pill bottles do not contain candy. So by putting candy in these pill bottles, what hypocrites we are since now these pill bottles actually DO contain candy. Therefore, irresponsible advertising.

kids may associate pill bottles with medicine...

but have also learned that some 'medicine' tastes like candy.

furthermore, since children are prohibited from using this site, there was nothing irresponsible about this ad.

had brian used it on a kid's health or other child-oriented site, i could see your point.

but as it stands, your point is, well...pointless.



furthermore, since children are prohibited from using this site, there was nothing irresponsible about this ad.

had brian used it on a kid's health or other child-oriented site, i could see your point.

but as it stands, your point is, well...pointless.


How are children prohibited from using this site? We have all seen the trolls during school holidays. There is no provide your credentials in nursing as there are on LEO forums where you can only register by providing badge number and supervisors names if you want to post in the restricted areas. We've had all sorts posting here, wannabees galore.

My sons have read it and had a laugh at some of the threads. My 16yo even commented on the pill bottle candy ad "dumbest thing I've ever seen" was roughly what he said.

Specializes in OR, ER, Oncology, CPC.

Oh my!!! It's for adults!!!!!!!!! Keep your kids away from it. They sell that stuff in malls!

Specializes in OR, ER, Oncology, CPC.
OMG...I CANNOT believe that a single nurse on here would agree that the candy in a very realistic looking prescription pill bottle would be acceptable.

Seriously...have those of you that see no problem with it, lost your mind?

Go ahead and order them for your children...and don't shed a single tear if your child goes to grandmas and downs a bottle of nitroglycerin pills because he/she thought they would be candy too.

Unfreaking believable.

They are not for kids. Has anyone heard of a gag gift???? They are not for kids. My medication is locked up and this would be in the closet with my "gag gifts". All Nurses, you are the best. I guess when you work so long in a critical care area, you need to have humor!!!! Separate your humor from your children and life is fun. Wow !!

kids may associate pill bottles with medicine...

but have also learned that some 'medicine' tastes like candy.

furthermore, since children are prohibited from using this site, there was nothing irresponsible about this ad.

had brian used it on a kid's health or other child-oriented site, i could see your point.

but as it stands, your point is, well...pointless.


Anyone who has internet access can read the information on this site. What's pointless is your belief that any sort of true prohibition can possibly exist on the world wide web. Even with regards to membership, how naive to believe that just because one agrees to TOS age requirements means they are being truthful.

But it goes beyond advertising at point of purchase anyway, kids can come across pill bottles anywhere. "Now remember son, pill bottles DO NOT contain candy.. well, er, ummm unless somebody decides to advertise candy that way..." Hypocritical.

anyone who has internet access can read the information on this site. what's pointless is your belief that any sort of true prohibition can possibly exist on the world wide web. even with regards to membership, how naive to believe that just because one agrees to tos age requirements means they are being truthful.

i am naive, but not that naive to believe all are truthful.

still, we are talking about a handful of people that would disrespect or dishonor/ignore the tos.

so...what's the problem again?

but it goes beyond advertising at point of purchase anyway, kids can come across pill bottles anywhere. "now remember son, pill bottles do not contain candy.. well, er, ummm unless somebody decides to advertise candy that way..." hypocritical.

frankly, i'd be appalled to think that parents would put the burden on their kid...

that if they see a pill bottle, it'll be up to you (the child) to make a right/wrong decision.

what i'm trying to get across, is that if brian is being irresponsible, it still doesn't compare to the irresponsibility of the parents, who should be monitoring and avoiding such events.

let's keep it in perspective, shall we?


Anyone who has internet access can read the information on this site. What's pointless is your belief that any sort of true prohibition can possibly exist on the world wide web. Even with regards to membership, how naive to believe that just because one agrees to TOS age requirements means they are being truthful.

But it goes beyond advertising at point of purchase anyway, kids can come across pill bottles anywhere. "Now remember son, pill bottles DO NOT contain candy.. well, er, ummm unless somebody decides to advertise candy that way..." Hypocritical.

You could always quit coming here if it's a deal breaker. I dispise some of the doctor nurse rhetoric here but acknowledge that I will never see eye to eye with some people. I still keep coming, but could choose to quit coming if it was really a deal breaker.

You could always quit coming here if it's a deal breaker. I dispise some of the doctor nurse rhetoric here but acknowledge that I will never see eye to eye with some people. I still keep coming, but could choose to quit coming if it was really a deal breaker.

when did she ever say anything about a deal breaker or imply she didn't like it here?


when did she ever say anything about a deal breaker or imply she didn't like it here?


It was never stated, I was simply stating that if this turns into a deal breaker we all have options. We can choose not to come here and expose our children to any of it.

Specializes in School Nursing.

I don't think any of us were trying to compare lawn darts and bb guns to the candy.. I think it was just a (light hearted at that) morph from the original post.

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