C'Mon Now!

Specialties School

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Had a kid bring his wet, bloody tooth and plop it right on my desk.

C'mon now!

Or the kid that did running knee slide into my office.

C'mon now!

The ones old enough to cover their mouths but choose to cough right in your face instead.

All together: C'mon now!!

Some things just make me shake my head.

Specializes in School Nursing, Ambulatory Care, etc..
kidzcare said:
Deep breaths.

My direct supervisor cannot admit when she is wrong. I think she is physically incapable of it. A few months ago I said something about immunization requirements and when a certain one was made mandatory and she said that I was mistaken on the year that it was made mandatory. I looked into it and found that I had been correct. The next time she was in my office, I pulled up the Dept of Health website to show her (not in an "I told you so" way, but I wanted her to know why I was not pursuing it any further). She continued to tell me that it was incorrect and that I must have found the wrong page. While we are both looking at it she is insisting that she was correct. Later that day she called me from her office to let me know she had researched it herself and conceded. She supposed she could have been thinking of something else.

Today I am fuming because she was subbing in my office while I was out on Friday and moved all my paperwork. I emailed her to ask where something was and she said that she never saw it. I ended up finding it in the paperwork she had moved and she is insistent that I had to have put it there Thursday before I left. Ug.

Um...do we work for the same school board?

kidzcare said:
My throat hurts.... C'mon now! I can't get sick!! I've got sh*t to do!

UPDATE: I posted this on December 7. Like a good nurse, I waited until yesterday (Dec 21) to see a doctor... now I"m on a Z pack for bronchitis.

I left the building for exactly 7 minutes today(forgot to pack my lunch and those chicken nuggets looked suspect) to run to Subway. When I returned I had a one potty accident, one vomiting kid, one too tired to function, and one head injury. C'Mon Now!

Specializes in School nursing.
BeckyESRN said:
I left the building for exactly 7 minutes today(forgot to pack my lunch and those chicken nuggets looked suspect) to run to Subway. When I returned I had a one potty accident, one vomiting kid, one too tired to function, and one head injury. C'Mon Now!

This. I don't get the potty accidents, but if I want to leave my office to go to the copier for 3 minutes (it is up one short flight of stairs), I reach the bottom of the stairs to run into a student with a pass to see me nearly 99% of the time.

Specializes in School nurse.
BeckyESRN said:

2.)Poked in the closed eye with a breadstick is not a medical emergency and does not require friends to transport you to the clinic.

LOL!!!!! :woot:

Specializes in kids.
BeckyESRN said:
A few notes before the holidays:

1.)Parents, please do not take your child to get their ears pierced in the morning and then drop them off at school.

2.)Poked in the closed eye with a breadstick is not a medical emergency and does not require friends to transport you to the clinic.

3.)200+ kids spraying the principal with silly string will result in sheer joy and also lots of headaches and dizziness from the fumes!

4.)Mud on the pant leg of your jeans is NOT, I repeat NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!, you will live, promise!

Thank you and C'Mon now!

But they all meet the requirements to call the whaaambulance!!

3rd grader "My stomach feels weird, like soap"

What? why? how? I don't understand!

Specializes in School Nurse.

All bubbly...of course :roflmao:

If I leave you a detailed message with my direct phone number, why must you text your kid and tell him to tell me to call you back AND, when I do - let it go to voice mail?????????????

Then, you text him again to have him tell me to call AGAIN, and it goes to voice mail AGAIN!!!

C'mon Now!!!

Specializes in Certified School Nurse.

Ugh. My current admin is like that too. Never wrong, and always correcting you just for the sake of correcting you! Even when she is completely wrong!!!

Specializes in School Nurse.

Student comes in - "I was running in PE and sweated, now my skin is itchy."

I can't, I just can't.

(got wet paper towel and he wiped himself down)

Specializes in school nursing.

2nd grader at her second visit of the morning "I forgot to tell you I threw up this morning too, not just yesterday. But no one saw. And I'm dizzy. And my throat hurts."

Ok, so I do my thing...no fever, drank a whole water bottle and waited 10 minutes...still no throw up, so back to class she goes. I tell her I'm going to walk her there because of the dizziness to see how she does...SHE STARTS LIMPING....ok kid, now I know for sure this is the case of the fibs.

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