Biden loves nurses...awkward


Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

What does everyone make of President Biden saying " "I had a nurse named Pearl Nelson... She'd come in and do things I don't think you learn in nursing school, She'd whisper and she'd lean down and actually breathe on me to make sure there was a human connection.” 

The context is that he appreciates nurses but.....awkward

Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.

If he is trying to say that he appreciates nurses, there are much better ways to communicate this.

I don't need to whisper and "breathe on" a patient in order to have a human connection.

In nursing school, I learned how to communicate and how to have a human connection. So what does he mean by "things I don't think you learn in nursing school"?

Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.
Kitiger said:

If he is trying to say that he appreciates nurses, there are much better ways to communicate this.

I don't need to whisper and "breathe on" a patient in order to have a human connection.

In nursing school, I learned how to communicate and how to have a human connection. So what does he mean by "things I don't think you learn in nursing school"?

I wish he hadn't given such a weird visual and soundbite

Ewwwwwwwwwww ?

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
Nurse Beth said:

What does everyone make of President Biden saying " "I had a nurse named Pearl Nelson... She'd come in and do things I don't think you learn in nursing school, She'd whisper and she'd lean down and actually breathe on me to make sure there was a human connection.”

The Honorable President  Mr. Biden is on a quest before the next election, to prove that he too, is a human.

Fat chance.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Davey Do said:

The Honorable President  Mr. Biden is on a quest before the next election, to prove that he too, is a human.

Fat chance.


Is it a requirement to prove humanity to become president?  Doesn't seem so...

Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.
Davey Do said:

The Honorable President  Mr. Biden is on a quest before the next election, to prove that he too, is a human.

Fat chance.


He doesn't genuinely love me? 

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Everything about Biden is awkward. I mean, he is worlds of improvement over the last Clown in Chief. But still, we could have done so much better.

Kitiger said:

If he is trying to say that he appreciates nurses, there are much better ways to communicate this.

I don't need to whisper and "breathe on" a patient in order to have a human connection.

In nursing school, I learned how to communicate and how to have a human connection. So what does he mean by "things I don't think you learn in nursing school"?

It almost made it sound sexual. Ew.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

President Biden's 2 brain surgeries was in 1988 to correct  his brain aneurysm.  He's meet hundreds of medical folks over the years, yet this nurses care provided during a major life event stayed with him so that he remembered her name and positive impact on his recovery -- however awkwardly expressed.   We night shift nurses rock.  Too many nurses forget that the therapeutic use of self  can have just as positive an effect on recovery as a pill or surgery, which the Presidents statement reinforces.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
NRSKarenRN said:

President Biden's 2 brain surgeries was in 1988 to correct  his brain aneurysm.  He's meet hundreds of medical folks over the years, yet this nurses care provided during a major life event stayed with him so that he remembered her name and positive impact on his recovery -- however awkwardly expressed.   We night shift nurses rock.  Too many nurses forget that the therapeutic use of self  can have just as positive an effect on recovery as a pill or surgery, which the Presidents statement reinforces.

Thank you. 

Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.
NRSKarenRN said:

President Biden's 2 brain surgeries was in 1988 to correct  his brain aneurysm.  He's meet hundreds of medical folks over the years, yet this nurses care provided during a major life event stayed with him so that he remembered her name and positive impact on his recovery -- however awkwardly expressed.   We night shift nurses rock.  Too many nurses forget that the therapeutic use of self  can have just as positive an effect on recovery as a pill or surgery, which the Presidents statement reinforces.

I appreciate the sentiment. I feel he was genuine- well, at least as genuine as most politicians. It's just that I never want nursing associated with anything even slightly cringeworthy in the public eye.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

I agree that it was awkward.  He also stumbled over his words a little bit during his speech in Kiev.  His gait was noticeably halting as he approached President Zelensky, and he apparently slipped on the Air Force One stairs again.

What bothers me about this is that the more extreme opposition have an ongoing smear campaign which translates these awkward interactions into the "Creepy Joe" narrative to include pedophilia.  When there is an undercurrent about someone I think people will more readily connect it to that particular trait.

Ronald Reagan actually could read. Ford was a skilled athlete. George HW Bush was a war hero, not a wimp, and he could actually form complete sentences.

Sorry if I offended anyone with this post.

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