At least 74 people test positive for Covid after Barack Obama's superspreader event


Nobody was wearing masks at Former President Obama's superspreader event.  Not surprising considering his lack of respect for life.  The man known best for his racial division, genocide of Libyans, and murder of the Dallas 5 still hasn't found his moral compass.  He could take a page out of Former President Trump's playbook and encourage people to get vaccinated/wear masks.


EXCLUSIVE: At least 74 people on Martha's Vineyard have tested positive for Covid-19 since Barack Obama's maskless 60th birthday bash - the most cases on the island since April

A total of 74 people on Martha's Vineyard have tested positive for Covid-19 since former President Barack Obama's 60th birthday on Saturday

The spike in cases is more than any week since April on Martha's Vineyard

Health officials note it's still too early to know whether the hundreds of guests and workers at the maskless parties have contributed to the surge in cases

'At this time we're not aware of any cases connected to the Obama party,' a Tisbury health agent and boards of health spokesperson told 

'It's a little too early and the only way we're going to know is through comprehensive contact tracing,' they added 

Hundreds of people attended the party, flying in from around the country and congregating under tents where partiers danced, ate and drank the night away

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
27 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

Of course it was from Obamas party. Everyone else is not allowed/supposed to have large gatherings like that but Obama is somehow special, just like all the other special Dem Politicians (Gov Newsom, his Aunt Pelosi, Gov Whitmore, Mayor Lightfoot etc) who also did things they outlawed for us lowly people. And of course there is never "evidence" because no one goes looking for evidence (or at least hard enough to find it).


More of that deep suspicion of liberal corruption that leaves no trace of fraud or cheating...kind of like that widespread voter fraud in 2020, eh?  Massive fraud that deprived Trump of his rightful position as IMPOTUS that leaves no trace of evidence.  All of those republicans and Trumpers looking for evidence that they just can't quite ever find, that must really be disappointing for you.  

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:


More of that deep suspicion of liberal corruption that leaves no trace of fraud or cheating...kind of like that widespread voter fraud in 2020, eh?  Massive fraud that deprived Trump of his rightful position as IMPOTUS that leaves no trace of evidence.  All of those republicans and Trumpers looking for evidence that they just can't quite ever find, that must really be disappointing for you.  

Since you don't seem to understand me allow me to clarify.

Do you really think that anyone will truly investigate to find out whether Obama's party was a super spreader event, of course not. Only when these elitist's hypocrisy slips out do we find out the truth, as in the case of those I mentioned. Nobody was investigating them, someone just happen to catch them in the act.

 For example Gov Newsom of Calif (ie Pelosi's nephew)

And btw in case anyone is interested hopefully the corrupt incompetent Gov will be repealed soon.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
42 minutes ago, Daisy4RN said:

Since you don't seem to understand me allow me to clarify.

Do you really think that anyone will truly investigate to find out whether Obama's party was a super spreader event, of course not. Only when these elitist's hypocrisy slips out do we find out the truth, as in the case of those I mentioned. Nobody was investigating them, someone just happen to catch them in the act.

 For example Gov Newsom of Calif (ie Pelosi's nephew)

And btw in case anyone is interested hopefully the corrupt incompetent Gov will be repealed soon.


You don't trust public health officials to conduct contact tracing because of some political affiliations? Your paranoia is noted. 


Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Martha's Vinneyard Edgartown Health Dept has been very open regarding their contact tracing posting COVID infection sources --from the previous article posting.    Their next scheduled Health Dept meeting is August 25th, in case anyone interested in attending their ZOOM meeting for COVID update.



She did share clusters being traced link back to stores, hotels, restaurants, a wedding and more this year. They include:

  • October Wedding – 8 cases
  • Cronig’s Market, Vineyard Haven – 19 cases
  • Bible Study – 11 cases
  • MV Hospital – 5 cases
  • Project Headway preschool – 4 cases
  • King’s Barbershop, Vineyard Haven – 8 cases (2 staff, 2 customers, 4 family members)
  • Shirley’s Hardware, Vineyard Haven – 6 cases (all staff)
  • Barn Bowl and Bistro, Oak Bluffs – 9 cases (6 staff, 3 family members)
  • Cardboard Box, Oak Bluffs – 3 cases (all staff)
  • Alchemy, Edgartown – 15 cases (all staff)
  • Port Hunter, Edgartown – 5 cases – 4 confirmed (PCR+) & 1 probable (OTC+) (all staff)
  • Harborview/Kelley House, Edgartown – 10 cases – 6 confirmed (PCR+) & 4 probable (OTC+) (all staff)....


Upon further sleuting, their Health Department did have an emergency meeting 8/17/21 and reimplimented an Indoor mask mandate due to CDC recommendation and rising COVID rates in area. 

They appear to be on top of COVID infection prevention efforts.


Specializes in Physiology, CM, consulting, nsg edu, LNC, COB.

The guest list was pared down drastically from “hundreds” to dozens at most. Yes, it was originally planned to be much larger. As you know, it takes a lot of advance planning to pull off a big party like that, especially in an island (even the Vineyard). When the delta variant began circulating, they  did what all responsible people do, cut it way back. There have been Z-E-R-O cases traced back to attendees at this gathering. 

Cape Cod and the Islands are presently being flooded by tourists from all over the country. We have a much higher vaccination rate than most places, due to our population that skews older and better educated. There are very few new cases of COVID here now. Appreciate the list of identified cases and their origins. We’re a tourist area here in MA; we can’t close our border to FL, TX, and all those real superspreaders. Come fall most of them will leave, though I hear a lot of our snowbirds will not be returning to their Winter nests in FL, etc. 

PS: Our governor is a Republican, but he’s not stupid. 

As to the other calumny about President Obama, the less said the better.

No pillows were harmed in the making of this post. 

Specializes in Physiology, CM, consulting, nsg edu, LNC, COB.
On 8/14/2021 at 10:08 AM, GordonGekko said:

'At this time we're not aware of any cases connected to the Obama party,' a Tisbury health agent and boards of health spokesperson told 

Hey, way to bury the lede. 
The Daily Mail? Why not cite the NY Post while you’re at it? At least they have a good sports section. 

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
On 8/21/2021 at 3:31 PM, Daisy4RN said:

Of course it was from Obamas party. Everyone else is not allowed/supposed to have large gatherings like that but Obama is somehow special, just like all the other special Dem Politicians (Gov Newsom, his Aunt Pelosi, Gov Whitmore, Mayor Lightfoot etc) who also did things they outlawed for us lowly people. And of course there is never "evidence" because no one goes looking for evidence (or at least hard enough to find it).

Infections traced to restaurant worker. not Obama's stupid party.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
On 8/26/2021 at 10:04 AM, subee said:

Infections traced to restaurant worker. not Obama's stupid party.

I was a little confused because there didn't seem to be a link people could find to Obama's party.  Did people that attend the party turn up covid positive?  

I know republicans like to throw the "hypocrite card" at democrats face when they aren't wearing a mask, or going on with life like they themselves are doing.  Tucker Carlson was calling out people at Nancy Pelosi's fundraising party for not wearing a mask, being catty while at it calling her "Empress Pelosi".   I suppose this is fair since she is a mask advocate.

I personally would feel better at a Pelosi fundraiser and an Obama party than I would at say a Trump rally or Marjorie Taylor Green event.  But can understand why Republicans even though they do the same thing call out democrats.


Specializes in Med-Surg.
On 8/21/2021 at 3:31 PM, Daisy4RN said:

Everyone else is not allowed/supposed to have large gatherings like that but Obama is somehow special, just like all the other special Dem Politicians (Gov Newsom, his Aunt Pelosi, Gov Whitmore, Mayor Lightfoot etc) who also did things they outlawed for us lowly people. 

I'm calling BS on this.  They are not having large gatherings that are outlawed for other people, unless you're talking in the past tense and if you are they didn't hold large gatherings then either.

Maybe because I live in restriction free Florida where large gatherings have been going on since about September of last year, that I'm not understanding that they are "outlawed" for everyone but Democrat politicians.  

Almost all states are in a "fully reopened" status.

I support this idea.  Life must go on and we must learn to live with covid with some common sense.  

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
On 8/21/2021 at 12:31 PM, Daisy4RN said:

Of course it was from Obamas party. Everyone else is not allowed/supposed to have large gatherings like that but Obama is somehow special, just like all the other special Dem Politicians (Gov Newsom, his Aunt Pelosi, Gov Whitmore, Mayor Lightfoot etc) who also did things they outlawed for us lowly people. And of course there is never "evidence" because no one goes looking for evidence (or at least hard enough to find it).

How bout that rally in Sturgis? Mostly conservative gathering. 100s of 1000s. Next.

Oh before I forget, COVID cases have spiked in its wake.

South Dakota Covid cases quintuple after Sturgis motorcycle rally

Meade County, home to Sturgis, has had a more than 1,500 percent increase in cases in the past 14 days.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
4 hours ago, SmilingBluEyes said:

How bout that rally in Sturgis? Mostly conservative gathering. 100s of 1000s. Next.

Oh before I forget, COVID cases have spiked in its wake.

South Dakota Covid cases quintuple after Sturgis motorcycle rally

Meade County, home to Sturgis, has had a more than 1,500 percent increase in cases in the past 14 days.

It's okay when conservatives do it because they don't want anyone telling them what to do.  But since Democrat leaders and liberals in general tend to promote masks, social distancing, and vaccinations, it's not okay when Democrats do the exact same thing they are doing because it makes us hypocrites.


Specializes in LPN/Pallative Hospice.

Does anyone remember Biden, Haris, Pelosi and other democrats adamantly declaring that if Trump orders vaccines they wouldn't get them? 

Hummm. Is that vaccine hesitancy? Or misinformation? The hypocrisy is deafening.  

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