Anyone here drink a can of soda a day?

Nurses General Nursing


Hear about the study about the ill-effects reported in the news, even if it's diet?

Specializes in LTAC.

I saw that on the news the other night. Notice, they're always discovering things are bad for us? I just roll my eyes and pour another

You can eat nothing but raw vegetables for the rest of your life and get hit by a bus walking to the store - or die of e. coli from the spinach. This wasn't a study meant to determine causation or control for confounding variables, so it could be that more people who drink some soda tend to have it with their bacon cheeseburgers and french fries, while those who swear if off completely tend to be health nuts. Personally, I prefer my coffee black with no sweetener - and don't function without a pot a day - and if I want a Coke I have a regular, although it's only a couple a week.

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

when i die i want to be buried in my black scrubs with a coke in one hand and bottle of coconut rum in the other.......:cheers::biere::beer:

if i am ever npo, i want my diet pepsi iv.

run it in.


Specializes in midwifery, NICU.
when i die i want to be buried in my black scrubs with a coke in one hand and bottle of coconut rum in the other.......:cheers::biere::beer:

:lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2:..took the words right out of my mouth!:lol2::lol2:

LOL - I am ever NPO, I just want my caffiene somehow so I don't end up with a headache!

My grandma always said that if she could not have her coffee, her cigarettes, and her sugar, she wanted to die. Poor gramma got her wish after her open heart surgery.....

Just be careful what you wish for....

Specializes in Med-Surg, , Home health, Education.
I don't buy into the latest food scares.

When you're number is up your number is up. I'll eat bacon and drink coke and enjoy one of the last pleasures I have in life. Everyone wants to cling to the hope of living forever but you will die whether you drink soda or not. What a miserable existence to deny yourself things you want (within reason) because you hope it will buy you a few more miserable years on this mortal plane (which it most likely won't, BTW).

Look at Tammy Faye for a recent example. Went through all that chemotherapy that made her so sick and what good did it do? Did the little bit of time it might have bought her on this earth make it worth it? I don't think so.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

Specializes in icu, er, transplant, case management, ps.

I would love to drink a can of pepsi a day. Unfortunately, being a Type 2 doesn't allow me to.


Specializes in Tele, Home Health, MICU, CTICU, LTC.

Not only do I drink a can a day but usually much more than that. I love my Coke and I can't imagine life without it. Oh yeah, my dentist really loves that I drink Coke too. He likes that I can continue to fund his childrens education.

Specializes in URGENT CARE AND GERIATRIC, Med/Surg, Ped.

a cup of coffee and coke zero are my only vices in life!!! i don't see myself giving them up, ever!!! we all need at least one bad habit in life, in balances us out

Specializes in Med-Surg/Oncology/Telemetry/ICU.

At LEAST a can a day!:lol2:

I love my Coke. Can't do aspartame--- migraines and terrible edema. I figure when I die, I die. At least I'm going to enjoy the life I do have left.

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