Anyone here drink a can of soda a day?

Nurses General Nursing


Hear about the study about the ill-effects reported in the news, even if it's diet?

There were cyclamates, then saccharine now aspartame. I figure I'm about 37% artifical sweetener.

I couldn't get my hands on my recent PPD result so my new boss apologetically told me I would need to have another one done, then she joked about injecting more toxins in my body.

"I'm a nurse.......I'm a toxic dump on legs!"

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

I too drink WAY too much caffine. If I did give it up I would be laid up with Migraines. So I choose the caffine. I am trying to drink less though.

I can give it up. I usually drink soda a lot. I have cut back. I have drink once or twice a week. I will drink regular soda but not diet because of aspartame. When I was young I used to drink diet dr.pepper, but i get headache and dizzy. When I heard the news about the aspartame in diet soda. I stopped drinking it and then didn't have any headache and dizzy. I don't drink coffee. yuck!


I don't buy into the latest food scares.

When you're number is up your number is up. I'll eat bacon and drink coke and enjoy one of the last pleasures I have in life. Everyone wants to cling to the hope of living forever but you will die whether you drink soda or not. What a miserable existence to deny yourself things you want (within reason) because you hope it will buy you a few more miserable years on this mortal plane (which it most likely won't, BTW).

Look at Tammy Faye for a recent example. Went through all that chemotherapy that made her so sick and what good did it do? Did the little bit of time it might have bought her on this earth make it worth it? I don't think so.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Private Duty Peds.


getting rid of all the good stuff doesn't make you live longer.

it just seems that way...

:monkeydance:no way i am giving up my soda! i already have to eat low fat, low calorie, low cholesterol, enough is enough!!

i still partake in the good ole coke-a-cola thanks you very much!

taking away my coke is like taking the sunshine away, gota have my coke.

Specializes in CMSRN.


Ever seen the movie "Big Fat Greek Wedding", where the dad thinks Windex can be used to fix anything. Well that's what I think of coke.

Tired? Drink a coke.

Headache? Drink a coke.

Stomach hurts? Drink a coke.

Stressed? How about a coke?

Coke anyone?

(If you say coke too many times, it starts to sound funny)

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

i drink more than a soda a day and intend to keep it that way...not to long ago chochlate and wine were bad for you now it's ok to have in moderation...thats my outlook on moderation, but i guess one does need to take into consideration what moderation means. :devil: that is just like my dad who told his doctor that he drank whiskey. so the doctor said well that ain't gonna hurt you as long as you do it in moderation... but what my dad failed to tell him was that his moderation was a 5th of whiskey a day....everyday!!!!!!!

i think ill keep with my diet dr pepper and when i'm feeling real frisky ill get a big boy dp or a coke... and let me mention here i am a coke addict (the drink people) ...i truly believe that death for me will come at the hands of my children not a drink ...

I drink a couple of diet sodas a day and also Sugar free Red Bull.

I'm not giving it up, i love it.

Specializes in Volunteered in an ER.

All things in moderation...I don't know who said that but I like it. It's a great compromise.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele.

there is a coke with splenda, too, if you scared of the aspartame. It's called Coca Cola Zero and if you like Pepsi, it's Pepsi One

You are so right!.When it is your time I believe we are predestined from birth to go when it is our time.Chemo is such a horrible shock to our system.

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