Ad on Craiglist for ghostwriter for nursing student

Nursing Students General Students


Wow! I knew people cheated, but really??? I was just glancing over health care jobs and found this. Not really what I had in mind for a job. What is wrong with people?

Looking for Medical Student or LPN/RN Student

I'm a nursing student taking nursing courses online. Looking for a Medical Student or RN.

I need a creative writer skilled in research and composition and APA formatting needed to ghostwrite nursing school coursework. This is a regular gig. Each week, writer will be required to research and compose two APA-formatted discussion board answers of approximately 300 -400 words each, as well as four APA-sourced and formatted responses(150 words) to other peer postings. Occasionally, writer will be expected to complete additional written paper assignments 3 pages long. I do not need an editor. Only mature individuals need respond.

i responded to the ad. If the fool is dumb enough to give info about their school/program i will report it. Why? Because someone like this does not deserve to have the honor of an advanced degree. It lowers the bar and deminishes all that people who worked hard for the same degree have done to earn it. I would do the same if i found out a classmate did the same thing.

we need more ppl like you!!

Hahaha I'm going to respond and totally plagiarize and mess up the APA so they get kick out of school for being a moron

Several studies have linked academic dishonesty with unethical clinical practice:

Over 9,000 Google Scholar results can be found for link between unethical classroom behavior and unethical clinical practice. I can only imagine how many more can be found with other key words.

Okay, again, I never said that I condone her actions. Clearly we're going to have to agree to disagree. I see many venomous responses to her actions, and I truly think that y'all believe them to be justified. I guess I don't think negativity solves negativity.

As nurses, we rely on evidence based practice. But I thought we are also taught to reserve judgement within, and treat each person with dignity, no matter their faults? There could be 5,000 cases showing a true correlation between corner cutting with writing papers leading to the same in field, but that doesn't mean that this is going to be one of those cases.

Honestly, the amount vehement negative replies in this thread makes me wonder. As people of the Christian faith believe, there was only one perfect person in this world, and he died almost 2,000 years ago.

Can there really be a justified reason to cheat? Maybe not. But I would save your judgement for someone a little more qualified... i.e., the man upstairs.

"If they want to cheat their way through their program, so be it. As long as it doesn't affect the level of care given to their patients."

Uh. . .can you explain to me the purpose of nursing education, if it's not to affect the level of care given to patients?

The whole point is the level of care!! I guarantee, if this person ends up at your bedside, a naive belief in a misappropriated spiritual element is not going to help you when he/she screws up.

The whole point is the level of care!! I guarantee, if this person ends up at your bedside, a naive belief in a misappropriated spiritual element is not going to help you when he/she screws up.

Writing papers is the whole point in the level care? By that logic, a great writer equals a great nurse.

Because this person is cheating on writing papers, they'll somehow cause me harm if they were at my bedside? Yeah, I'm not seeing it.

Also, I try my best to attack the post, not the poster. If you've an issue with my believing in something greater as a source for my actions, then I would appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.

Edit: If anyone feels like my previous post was attacking anyone, personally, I apologize. That certainly wasn't my intent. I'm merely discussing how I feel about the situation, and trying to explain why I say what I say.

Specializes in General Surgery, NICU.
Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
But I would save your judgement for someone a little more qualified... i.e. the man upstairs.[/quote']

Or, better yet do the right thing and report the person, especially if this falls under moral turpitude per this person's BON.

It's NOT judgement; we are held by higher STANDARDS. Point blank.

You'll understand more once you've been in this business and hear and see ethical and moral dilemmas; standing by or not thinking certain issues are "not a problem" may get you a nice call to the BON as well as the person committing the said act.

Know your BON standards; it will help in many potential hairy situations; just food for thought.

Or, better yet do the right thing and report the person, especially if this falls under moral turpitude per this person's BON.

It's NOT judgement; we are held by higher STANDARDS. Point blank.

My sentiments exactly.

Or, better yet do the right thing and report the person, especially if this falls under moral turpitude per this person's BON.

It's NOT judgement; we are held by higher STANDARDS. Point blank.

Fair enough. I don't disagree with that we are held by higher standards. Not in the least.

Nor do I disagree that this person shouldn't be held accountable for their actions. I think many people misunderstand my posts. If I saw this person (or any person) on the floor, cutting corners, I would surely approach them and assess further.

By all means, report them if need be. My point on judgement were the comments like, "I hope they get thrown out of school." Or something to that degree. Of course, there is nothing wrong with sharing that opinion, but there also shouldn't be an issue with sharing an opinion that isn't of like-mind either.

Edit: Which dealt with the correlation between someone who cheated on writing papers and the level of care they would provide there after.

You'll understand more once you've been in this business and hear and see ethical and moral dilemmas; standing by or not thinking certain issues are "not a problem" may get you a nice call to the BON as well as the person committing the said act.

Know your BON standards; it will help in many potential hairy situations; just food for thought.

Perhaps you're right. Maybe I will change my tune after I've years of experience, however, I don't think that any amount of years will change how I feel about giving someone the benefit of the doubt.

No State regulation, BON, hospital policy, or anyone will ever change my morals.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
Writing papers is the whole point in the level care? By that logic, a great writer equals a great nurse.

Writing papers is a tool to learn what needs to be learned. And I understand that you believe judgement will be rendered by God. However, that judgement does not protect the patients of someone who couldn't be bothered to use the tools required by the program to learn the knowledge before that judgement occurs. Nurses are held to standards: the state's nurse practice act. Cheating is becoming more and more acceptable to students; I find that incredibly sad as they are cheating themselves out of an opportunity to learn and, more importantly, cheating their patients by not learning what needs to be learned to properly perform the job of the nurse.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
Because this person is cheating on writing papers they'll somehow cause me harm if they were at my bedside? Yeah, I'm not seeing it.[/quote'] The evidence is staked against your opinion. Which, ironically, highlights the importance of research classes.

I'm sorry, guys. Please don't misunderstand my point of view here. I do not condone cheating. I do believe that this person should be accountable for their actions. Do not mistake my intent, please, I beg you. I'm repeating myself a lot here :)

I have zero experience in the field, I'm a mere graduate nurse, about to take my NCLEX. Does that make me any less qualified to share my opinion on an ethical dilemma? Again, note my first paragraph.

I'm not of the mind that thinks that cutting corners in writing papers will always equate to cutting corners in the field, research or not. That doesn't mean that I agree that it's okay to cheat with papers. I have never, nor would I ever consider cheating, because that's my personal moral, and beliefs. But I hold to my statement that I do not care if this person is cheating, as long as they are providing safe care to their patients (which was all that I cared about).

With all of that being said: The evidence shows that cheating in school = cheating in the field. If at any point this person is showing similar traits that could cost the safety of patients, then something must be done. I do not disagree with anyone wanting to report them now, as I know you believe that by stopping them now, it could possibly save someone down the road. I get that, I do.

However, I will not sit here, and fall in line with the comments, and just agree that this person is nothing but vile filth, and needs to be thrown out of the program, and their life should be over, because prior evidence has shown that you will be no good at nursing due to cheating on writing papers.

When I said do not judge, I meant we do not know this person. We do not know what they're going through. I never said there was anything that makes cheating justifiable, but perhaps if we knew their situation, we might be less anxious to put them to the guillotine. Doesn't everyone deserve the benefit of the doubt?

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