After a 35 year career, today may end it. After 20 years of hospital work, I was recruited by a surgical practice to be their lead nurse. I have now worked with this group for 15 years. I became a grandma in November (an answer to prayer!) and have been looking forward to a little time with this baby. I had asked the group for a two month leave of absence in September. Without getting into specifics, this leave is VERY important to me. This morning, I was told that they were not granting this leave. One doctor actually said to me "I am sorry about this but I can't imagine running this practice without you for 9 weeks" I am crushed. I have worked like an ox for this group and have never asked for anything. I am 58 years old. I feel like they are taking a calculated risk but thinking that I am too old to quit. My husband says we don't need the money and I should give notice tomorrow. I wonder if I even want to give notice. I do not want to work here any longer.
Please, what would you do?