Yale 2015

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I've never posted here before but I am going to be applying to Yale School of Nursing this fall for a 2015 start in the GEPN program, CNM/WHNP cohort. Wondering if there are others out there preparing to do the same? I'm heading down to their info session next week.

On Friday, MP sent out an email encouraging folks to get going on their FAFSAs. I know Yale is strictly a grad program for nursing, but schools like Columbia tell you to do your FAFSA as a 5th year undergrad going for a second bachelor's degree (I'm guessing any program that awards a BSN in addition to the MSN does that approach). Yale's my top choice but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot for aid if I end up getting into Columbia...has anyone else thought about this yet?

That is a great point. I believe you can make tons of edits to your fasfa. So if you got into colombia you could edit your application...I think. I'm interviewing on the 22nd, staying at the Marriott. Very excited and a bit nervous. Anyone else in for the 22nd?

Hello obgardner.

Thank you so much for your very generous offer. I received an interview invite for the FNP program. I created an account on all Nurses a while back, and well... I forgot about it. Thank god I was able to do a search and come across this forum. If your offer still stands; I am very much interested in crashing on your couch. My interview is on the 29th and I fly in from CA on the 28th at about 10:30PM. I am planning on staying till Friday, but would relocate to a hotel/airbnb. I am desperately tying to work on a budget. Due to my late arrival, I would love to avoid paying for a hotel/airbnb for that day, as I would be leaving early in the morning to interviews that last till 4. It would greatly help if I could crash. I would be more than happy to take you out for dinner as a thank you. Also, I can get my personal information (CV) to you so that we may communicate, and you can get a feel for who I am.

I look forward to hearing from you.


P.S I have no idea how to send a personal message. I apologize for posting this to the main forum, and causing a disturbance.

Just popping in to say that I will be interviewing at Yale (PMHNP) on Jan. 29th. I live in New Haven, so I could possibly give people rides to the nursing campus or provide a couch if anyone needs it. Or if anyone has any questions about New Haven, feel free to ask. Obviously I can't accommodate tons of people, but just in case you're in a real bind, thought I'd put it out there.

ETA: For those of you thinking of renting cars, just another option I thought of (besides calling me :-)): the Yale shuttle goes between the main campus and the nursing campus regularly. I'm not a current Yale student, and I have never had trouble just hopping on unnoticed, at least within New Haven. You might want to call and ask about that option. There is also a bus system here that goes up and down Rte. 1, but you'd have to walk a mile or so from the bus stop to the campus. Sorry if I'm repeating info; I didn't read the entire thread.

snoozy, I was wondering about the same thing. I believe the main difference between filing as a graduate or 5th year undergrad is that you may have to include your parents' financial information? Definitely something I will need to get more clarification on, as I applied to Duke's ABSN program, but for now, I'm completing the FAFSA as a graduate student.

I'm just jumping in to inform you guys about the fafsa. I asked about this at the info session. MP said you file for grad school (not 5th year ug). If you have filed as 5th year for schools like Columbia (this was my specific question) you can then email financial aid at Yale and they can change it for you when they get your information. Hope that helps!


Hey! Yeah, you can't send messages until you have posted a certain number of liked posts. I don't have that feature enabled either. You can reach me at [email protected]. It's a temporary forwarding address. :-). All the best!

EDIT: Actually, CC this one just in case too:[email protected]. Forward Cat doesn't always work.

Hi everyone, I know that YSN is planning on shortening the upcoming curriculum and I've scanned the forum somewhat and have not seen any mention of this here.

Does anyone know how YSN is planning on cutting down the GEPN program time?

Has anyone asked Melissa about this?

As anyone spoken to current GEPNs regarding how shortening the curriculum could impact our education if we end up in the specialty year at the same time as the fall 2014 GEPNs?

What will this mean for clinical rotation spots if now almost double the amount of students are vying for the same spot?

Just some thoughts if anyone cares to offer some answers.

wellthen, I've seen it mentioned in passing other places but not without much detail. Do you think they're shortening the GEPN program as a way to get people to DNP programs faster? If no one has any ideas I'll probably just wait to ask about this on my interview day.

They haven't finalized whether the curriculum will be shortened yet. On the website (Graduate Entry Prespecialty in Nursing (GEPN) | Yale School of Nursing at the bottom of the page), it says that the specialty years will be shortened from 2 years to 1 year. So basically, 1 year for the RN portion and the next year for the MSN portion.

I don't think that the curriculum re-design will affect previous classes. I believe the GEPN Class of 2014 will still have to do three years. The Class of 2015 and onwards may only have to do two. I see your point about the clinical rotations, but considering that the 2014 class would still be a year ahead of us, I don't think we will necessarily be on the same schedule.

But the potential re-design is definitely on my list of "Things to Ask" and I'm pretty sure they'll end up discussing it on interview days.

Hi everyone, I know that YSN is planning on shortening the upcoming curriculum and I've scanned the forum somewhat and have not seen any mention of this here.

Does anyone know how YSN is planning on cutting down the GEPN program time?

Has anyone asked MP about this?

As anyone spoken to current GEPNs regarding how shortening the curriculum could impact our education if we end up in the specialty year at the same time as the fall 2014 GEPNs?

What will this mean for clinical rotation spots if now almost double the amount of students are vying for the same spot?

Just some thoughts if anyone cares to offer some answers.

I do think that's an important point though because for some specialties finding preceptors can be difficult. However there is overlap anyway, correct? I mean, there's always going to be two classes doing clinicals regardless of whether they shorten the program. One class is just further along than the other. It will be interesting to see what they say to candidates during the interview days about how they are working this out. I'm not sure how I feel about it being shorter. As long as we leave the program as competent clinicians I don't really see it as a problem.

I imagine they'd go about it the way BC does. BC requires a number of pre-requisite courses and the curriculum must be super intense. Since they haven't started requiring any pre-reqs yet, I doubt they'd shorten the program for our cohort.

@ Obgardeer.

Thanks a lot. I am contacting you right now!! I also received your friend request.



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