Published Jun 2, 2010
1,216 Posts
There are many americans as well as citizens from another country travelling overseas to get a medical procedures done (anything from hip replacements to dental work or cosmetic procedures,source International Living magazine).Cost savings can range from 15% to 75%.Not to mention you can also see another country,have a vacation.Also it can help people who dont have a good insurance.Well I would do it without hesitation.Would you?
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
Yes I would but it would depend on the country !
JustEnuff2BDangerous, BSN, RN
137 Posts
Sure would, assuming all the ducks were in a row (hospital had good outcome percentages, was clean, staff was friendly, etc) and it wasn't somewhere crazy like a third world country where they use dinner knives to cut you open and sewing needles to put you back together.
After all, why not? It's not like the United States has the best medical system evar.
54 Posts
I need a tummy tuck.
Argentina, here I come!!!!!!!!
No...seriously. Just gonna pray long and hard before I go.
Anything can happen:confused:
83 Posts
The education overseas is far greater than what we have here in the States. That's why people go overseas for procedures especially celebs
healthstar, BSN, RN
1 Article; 944 Posts
I was raised here in US and I always go to Europe for medical procedures and even for annual checkup; and not because the doctors are better but because it is much cheaper and no insurance is required.They have national health care :)
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
Not so sure. I've seen them come into my hospital (Miami is the gateway to South America) and they are SEPTIC, Super Sick. And SUPER YOUNG.
38,333 Posts
I saw one of the TV newsmagazine pieces on this practice a few years back and was really sold on it. As I recall, there is an excellent facility in Thailand that offers hotel-like service and was planned and staffed with many Americans in the hospital business. Unfortunately, Thailand is undergoing civil unrest lately so people have to be very careful about where they trot off to.
221 Posts
Everyone I have ever met that has gone out of the Country for any medical procedure has come back way so sick, and has had to have to procedure redone or corrected, ended up on countless antibiotics, spent numerous days in hospital. Nope. Not me. If I can't afford it in the US of A, then it ain't gonna be done!
75 Posts
I saw a great presentations (at a church of all places!) where a handful of congregation members traveled down to Mexico and got thousands of dollars worth of dental work at a swanky place in Tijuana for pennies on the dollar. Most of them were elderly, and couldn't afford the dental work here. They were beyond pleased with the results.
Also, there are some services offered in other countries that aren't available alternative oncology treatments in Germany.
I've heard loads of stories of people traveling overseas and being forced to seek medical treatment for various issues: tooth abscess, stomach issues, accidents. The majority of the time I hear the care is great, and the treatment costs next to nothing. My family lives outside the US and my little sister had to have an emergency appendectomy and it was free!
I'd totally be a medical tourist if I felt it was safe & cost-effective.
In some ways, I'm more scared of the hospitals here!
94 Posts
I'd go with the ones with Joint Commission Accreditation plus, the hospital that speaks my language!
How horrible it is to be in a place where you have to guess what the hospital staff is talking about!
Well let me give you a list you can choose from
1.Brazil-tummy tuck,breast augmentations,facelifts,rhinoplasty (3,000-6,500)Beach,sun,margaritas.
2.Costa Rica-mainly cosmetic surgery and dental care.Not to mention the country has a beautiful and rich landscape.
3.Hungary,Europe-dental care (has the more dentist per capita than any other countries)-major dentl care,including cosmetic oral surgerries,full- mouth restoration and implants.Not to mention you can see a beautiful Budapest.
4.India-people travel there for cardiac and orthopedic procedures.India offers top private hospitals.Also beautiful beaches.
4.Malaysia-special burn treatment centers,superb preventive care,low cost physicals and tests,blood work,bone density scan,chest X-ray and treadmill,usually runs just $340 compared to $2.500 in the U.S
5.Mexico-now that is interesting;more than 70% of Mexico's U.S patients reside in California,Texas and Arizona.Patients from San Diego,Los Angeles,Phoenix,Tucson,and Brownsville make the two-to six hours drive across the border to a clinic,stay a couple of nights in a hotel and the return to the Stateside.Many come each year for checkups,dental cleanings,physicals and other treatments that cost much less than in U.S.
6.Singapore-this tiny nation has s health-care system the World Health Organization ranks as the best in Asia and sixth best in the world.Singapore's specialities cover a broad range,including cardiology and cardiac surgery,general surgery,hepatology,neurology,oncology,opthalmology,orthopedics,and stem cell therapy.
7.South Korea-one of the world's most technologically and scientifically advanced nations.South Korea had earn a reputation for spinal surgeries,cancer screening and treatment and cosmetic surgeries.Many South Korean hospitals are fully digitized with electronic health records as the standard.
8.Thailand;an established leader in cosmetic surgery,with an excellent medical infrastructure.
9.Turkey-many turists may be surprised to know that this Eurasian country is home to more JCI-accredited health care facilities than any nation outside the U.S Health care care costs compare extremely well even to those in Asia and the medical system has a plenty of doctors who are Western trained and fluent in English.The turkish goverment enforces strict quality standards in every area of medical technology,facilities and personell.
Speaking from a personal experience,my grandma went to Mexico for vacation (Puerta Vallarta) and she had an MRI done for her head.It was so much cheaper than here in US.