Would you be a nurse if you knew then, what you know now?

Nurses General Nursing


Good morning! May I ask you all a question?

If you had it to do over again, would you still be a nurse?

Specializes in Psych nursing.
:scrying: NO!!!! I have been a nurse for a year. It is horrid! Run.............................................. I should have stayed a cna . I at least still could be helping people.:twocents::twocents:
What a downer of a thread (for the most part)...I came here for inspiration as a first semester student and should not have read that! With all due respect, I'm wondering why you all congregate on this site if you dislike the field so much? Wouldn't you want to talk about something else?

Few things are black and white. While I may not have chosen to go into nursing (knowing what I know now), it doesn't mean that I don't embrace the path I'm on and make the most of it. We constantly learn more as we work, grow, and experience the world. There are a lot of things I would do differently if given the chance... it's just life. As for being on the website - this is a great place to learn, compare.. and yes, periodically vent. ;)

I will be starting nursing school next year. This will be my second career. I was all excited about it. But reading at all the negative posts on this website and looking at how nurses are paid, I am having second thoughts. Maybe it is not the best career move...

What I recommend to anyone who is interested in nursing is to do a lot of shadowing, of a variety of nurses, as well as interviewing them. There are a lot of nurses that LOVE nursing and it is a perfect fit. I hope you find your perfect fit. :D

Probably not. While it is nice to be in it for those esoteric reasons most of us have in the beginning, it would be nice to be gainfully employed without having to worry how many shifts or hours the employment situation is going to last. There is something to be said for job security and that "always health care jobs around" popular saying is only a myth. There are other reasons but this is a big one.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
What a downer of a thread (for the most part)...I came here for inspiration as a first semester student and should not have read that! With all due respect, I'm wondering why you all congregate on this site if you dislike the field so much? Wouldn't you want to talk about something else?

Sometimes, it's nice to know that others feel the same way you do. Sometimes I feel like a terrible person, because I don't enjoy a career like nursing. It's nice to know that the problems I see, and how difficulty with are experienced by others as well.

And, also, it just takes one patient saying "you are great" to make it better. I may love nursing again after just one shift.

I don't hate nursing and I'm sorry if it seemed that way... but I don't think I can physically do this for another 30 years. Or emotionally.

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.

I love the taking care of patients part, it's the family, administration, hippa, JCAHO, doctors and paperwork that are my disatifiers. I would NEVER do this for a career again, if I knew then what I know now. NEVER.

Specializes in Agency, ortho, tele, med surg, icu, er.

Yes, the thing about nursing is that you have so many different specialties. Get sick of one thing and try another. Im already thinking that in a few years Ill want to try out pediatrics.

I love this field.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Tele, DOU.

Yes and No.

What would I do instead? Park Ranger is definitely a serious thought. Also, agriculture and other outdoorsy activities. A pastry chef and cooking opportunities have also been serious thoughts.

Am I good at what I do? Yes.

Am I a nurse to the core of my bone marrow? Yes.

How do I know the above? Because I do. I can't explain it. I am a nurse (period). I was born this way and will die this way.

This is what God made me to do and be. I will do it to the best of my ability until I no longer can. I am doing and being to the best of my ability what I believe God made me to do and be. Until it is time for me to change professions, I will not budge.

When that time comes however, I will be the "little old lady" somewhere digging around in the dirt, cooking in a kitchen, or out trying to ensure the safety of endangered species or ensuring the safety of people who wander into difficult situations with nature. If I am unable to do the above, I will be in a medical mission somewhere, helping someone else, probably as a nurse.

No. Too much for too many for too little.

Specializes in OB/GYN, Peds, School Nurse, DD.
I would still be a nurse.

I would, however, probably just stick with neonates and kids. I have finally realized that the adult population really, really, really grosses me out.

Yeah, that's pretty much why I became a peds nurse. I worked Med/Surg and ED in a small rural hospital early in my career and I got tired of constantly being propositioned, felt up, and flashed. :no: I don't want to know about anybody's "junk." I like (considerate) men,but I didn't find too many in the hospital. You'd think as sick as they were they wouldn't have their minds in the gutter. But nooo! I guess "that" works until 8 minutes after you call the code.:imbar

I don't hate nursing and I'm sorry if it seemed that way... but I don't think I can physically do this for another 30 years. Or emotionally.

Haha I totally agree unless your back is made out of steel,now I comprehend why there are so many back injuries among nurses!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg Nursing.

Um no. I'm tired of working EVERY single Christmas. I realize that yes, I can't be home for EVERY Christmas morning but why oh why do I have to work EVERY single one of them!

I would've slugged it out and gone to medical school...or dental hygeine school. My cousin the dental hygenist makes AS much money as I do and has less crap to deal with.

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